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Such target programs of self-consciousness are available for eternal single consciousness (the active of a holographic projection of Uniform) which has everything that it can receive from Uniform according to the form-building abilities, and these programs of self-consciousness can be applied by it, at least, in two cases.

First, it can occur at the peak of evolutionary process, when appear the beings, which are most advanced concerning potential abilities to recognition and processing of large and various volumes of information, potentially capable, besides, to purposeful information exchange among themselves and to target change of the environment (labor activity with use of the corresponding tools), for example, primates.

It is sufficient to complement existing programs by the program, which allows them to recognize themselves (additional form-building abilities) for gradual transfer these beings into self-conscious beings, separating and contrasting thereby themselves to surroundings, and, so, acquiring the ability not only to adapt to the environment, but also relatively quickly, effectively to change it in own interests and goals in accordance with beforehand constituted projects, learning on the go, but, losing largely own nature and setting themselves the unattainable goals.

Similar aspirations within the environment, which rejects them, lead the human community rather fast to crash due to the fact that the flows of information, the exponential growth which we are witnessing firsthand, all with great difficulty give in to adequate regulation.

This process is completed with emergence of chaos in the point of singularity (at confluence of an exponential curve with a vertical that means the informational collapse of own time of a civilization as finite formation.

Nevertheless, new abilities in the form of finding by the living being of self-consciousness to some extent compensate loss of purely native naturalness by it.

Secondly, on condition of existence on these or those planets of the environment, suitable for existence of the beings, similar to people, including flora and primitive fauna, the prototype of the person with the corresponding genome and programs can be copied and placed in this environment for gradual development in the designated framework.

The possibility of similar procedure finds confirmation in existence, in particular, on Earth of tens if not hundreds appearing and disappearing advanced civilizations, similar present civilization both during an era of dinosaurs and up to it, and after it, locally for hundreds of millions of years outside evolutionary development. Quite numerous artifacts, which remained from them, do not fit in the theory of Darwin and therefore are ignored [6, chapter 6].

The person – the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing beings) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.

If to recognize that the person is the hologram in his base, he, as well as any other part of the hologram, comprises everything, what is in this multiple infinite updating picture which consists from the finite changing formations.

At this combination (merge), each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, – there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway the person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness which in its single expression "holds" all beingness in state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of removal from nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.

The active (consciousness) in the person provides for itself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.

Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.

Actions of the person, promoting restoration of frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow to each individual consciousness to be by eternal. Therefore, consciousness ca

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If on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, transformed from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. – into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.

The main task of each individual consciousness in the person consists in that by means of short human lives to be in a condition of infinite development, i.e. – not only in reflections, emotional experiences – this or that type of dormant, – but in behavior, actions, work among people. Exactly it provides food for thought, knowing (identification of things in a new combination and new manifestation), as well as experiences.

The base of this process in the person is self-consciousness which is manifested in separation of the person in own consciousness from the world, creating his subjectness which in turn gives the chance consciously to accumulate and systematize information, combining it with the current information, that broadens horizon, i.e. provides process of knowledge both for the subject, and for all community of human individuals, developing individual consciousness in this regard.

Such is the true reason of emergence in the living beings of self-consciousness which is the most complete expression of single consciousness.

2.4. Harmony, light and sound.

Aspiration of the living being in its lowest consciousness to survive does not give to this being of eternal life as the finite.

Similarly, aspiration of the living being in its highest consciousness to harmony ends with the full breakdown for the same reason – its finite expression.

And in merger in the person of both forms of consciousness at least the local harmony in his social existence is not being achieved.

The reason for it, apparently, is the opposite of aspirations of these forms of consciousness.

But nevertheless development is achieved in struggle of the lowest form consciousness with the highest as opposites.

Situation concerning achievement of harmonious existence of the person in life seems desperate.

Nevertheless, are it possible at least short-term situations, in the case of occurrence of which the human consciousness is able to penetrate partly into the region of true harmony – into own holographic basis, or as if in through the looking glass of beingness, where the part and the whole coincide?