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The living being is in this case as if in the changing picture, formed by its consciousness like the character of a computer game, but with that difference that it self "produces" this "game" by means of sense organs and the centers processing information. In other words, the current irreversible present time emerges for each living being – its "now".

Thus, information arriving discretely (by means of single consciousness) is converted automatically for each person into things, images, meanings, sensations which are also quite material components for each individual consciousness, which entails the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness.

On the basis of this changed information, together with personal and genetic memory and already in many respects consciously produced thoughts (process of knowledge), as well as experiences, aspirations, perception of separate objects and imagination, the person every moment of his present time interacts with environment which as beingness in general is formed by single consciousness whereas through available set of sense organs of each living being is formed its personal surroundings and, partly, the being with the hidden help of single consciousness.

In this regard "worlds", for example, of a birch, an earthworm, a cuttlefish and the person are absolutely various both in thingness, and in temporary manifestation, but they have as the general basis – beingness, which is formed by single consciousness.

All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this thru process only on condition of inflow in its consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed, putting in certain duration ("now"), making a number of consecutive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.

So, eternal, but discrete update and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings who are not only owners of sense organs, but also – owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and timeless, infinite Uniform in the face respectively of the active (consciousness) and the passive from Uniform. At this, information is the bridge which co

The active in the form of living beings is essence of beingness and all Creation.

2.3. Two types of manifestation of the active in beingness.

However the active has, at least, two faces.

One of them – the lowest – is all beings, living their lives, not understanding ourselves. They live by sensations, instincts, reflexes and they don't go beyond their limits. The main property of the lowest form of the active in the living being consists in aspiration to individual survival.

Activity in a living being is expressed in adequate response to all influences of a surrounding medium for a survival, preservation and improvement. The last pursues the aim of increase of probability of the same survival in the offspring.

Adequacy of reaction is evolved by each form of the living being by long adaptation to the environment, inasmuch each disastrous deviation is postponed in patrimonial memory and becomes taboo, and each positive interaction is also fixed, remembered and used by this form of the living being taking into account all changes of the environment in time.

The formed algorithms of actions are stabilized and used by these or those local centers of the living being (the person has several such centers and the main center is considered the brain) for processing of the entering information in the form of standard programs.

According to these programs the living being acts in process which is called life. Any essential deviation from a sphere of these programs leads the living beings either to gradual correction and addition of the programs (evolution), or to disappearance of this form of the living beings.

Thus, each living being receives from own sensors (sense organs) only understandable (the useful to survival) to the organism in the grouping, as a result, data about the surroundings in the form of the phenomena. These data are clear to an organism not on sense, and upon their usefulness and need: they are acceptable for competitive functioning of an organism in its ecological niche.

These data in the form of the phenomena, if they are necessary for full functioning of the living being, more precisely, if they are selected by it, can be qualify as information after their processing in the relevant centers of an organism by the available programs.

In this regard, the living being reminds the computer, however, differing from it in the fact that programs on the basis, which is determined by single consciousness, are not put in it by some programmer, but sometimes they are formed millions of years gradually by corresponding modification of already available genome, covering all sphere of interaction of this type of the living being with surroundings and being transferred thanks to gradual modification of a genome to the offspring and by that being improved continuously up to the greatest possible limit.

Therefore each living being is bound genetically to all chain of ancestors. Its programs take into account all mistakes of ancestors, as well as they use all their achievements in the respective sphere of stay which is determined by a set of sense organs. In relation to this sphere each living being is almost ideal and any essential changes of the software having in it lead to loss of its viability in this sphere, being the actual failures of the main programs. Dogs perish or run wild without owners, i.e. they correct the algorithms of actions towards the return to previous programs.

In particular, in this regard any artificial (simulated) programs, changing this or that organism, for example, gene modification (engineering) lead to loss of operational stability of an organism in the sphere of its natural functioning and, therefore, to loss of ability to compete efficiently in it, i.e. loss of viability, which is determined by impossibility of single-step coordination of changes made and indigenous programs.

Therefore, as a rule, the gene-modified living being rather quickly perishes; it is also either not capable to have offspring, or its offspring becomes unviable.

Taking part in informational process, all living beings, everyone in own way, "weave" their own worlds as well as all Creation in their set whereas things are only material and tools (the same computer) for this eternal process.

If living beings, though not comprehending the process, but perceiving it by each cell, create the own worlds and the common world for all in which they live and develop, then all of them, certainly, participate in informational process.

Really, definition of information as procedures of obtaining data on state of the material objects, which living beings are capable to identify by means of sense organs and the centers processing these data for "immersion" into the environment which is acceptable for life, allows dividing all known objects on two parts.

Some objects are not capable to receive data, which are acceptable for the organization of own existence, i.e. information, inasmuch they do not have the necessary means for this purpose – sense organs and the centers processing information, operating, at least, for providing own survival.

These objects thereby, in principle, can have no life or personality, which is characteristic of the person.

Therefore, so to speak, lifeless objects are manifested only to provide life and subjectivity to other objects – to beings which are capable to allocate themselves and surroundings, suitable for the existence, by means of informational process during which all set of the living beings converts entering informational packages into the current "common" time, and each living being – in its own time, forming thereby beingness.