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2.5. The person in dream and in waking.

Every day of human life is divided on day and night during which the body has to have a rest – a body, but not multilayered consciousness.

Each individual consciousness and in human dreams reflects own activity, manifested in daily human activities: you'll never see dreams in which you are in dormant. In dreams you as if continue to live in action: you are flying, ru

Besides, the individual consciousness in dreams tries not only to remember what had happened in life, it models various situations on the basis of information obtained during a day, viewing obtained results of night virtual actions, like the computer working according to appropriate programs, which is configured on allocate of these or those problem situations.

For example, any person had dreams in which he very much tries to find a toilet. Having woken up, he finds the strong desire to visit this place. In the same way in a dream the person can receive the strong boost to contacts with an opposite sex if such need ripened. Need of a trip worries the person in a dream by visions of airplanes, stations, trains, etc.

Often internal computer – the lowest consciousness – notes when processing during sleep of the arrived information in comparison it with the available information these or those problem situations, offering a choice from the available options. Anyway, out of some dreams the person can receive at least a hint on the solution of the urgent problem,

In waking (in reality), that is already in case of action of self-consciousness, the person either ignores the memorable dreams, having considered them by confused and doubtful, or takes them into account, having corrected as appropriate.

The lowest consciousness of the person, which always is set up on survival of an organism, is especially sensitive to disastrous consequences of actions of the person in reality.

During sleep and even during wakefulness it in such cases as if gives signals of danger, which was manifested at information processing.

These signals are, as a rule, the ordinary person rarely notices, unless only he senses some anxiety. However people of dangerous professions (soldiers, firemen, pilots, police officers), as well as people of risky activities (athletes, businessmen, criminals) perfectly know about the sudden feeling of danger arising as if from nowhere. They call it by the sixth sense.

Dreams in this respect are undervalued by science which researches them mainly from the standpoint of psychology and physiology as a product of activities of a brain.

Science believes that daily impressions are combined in dreams as bizarre and chaotic. These impressions after awakening people often can't remember or understand. Consequently, attempts to interpret dreams do not make sense.

Really, the person in full consciousness isn't capable to penetrate into work of own individual consciousness which is becoming more active at night, to understand its sense, to determine mechanisms, i.e. – as if to fit into this process of dreams.

This impossibility of co

This practically computer processing of information corresponds to the standard programs which are available in consciousness at the level of the lowest consciousness (ordinary living beings) owing to what similar processing bears loading of ensuring normal functioning of an organism. Preliminary preparation (modeling) of consciousness for the subsequent actions of a body is carried out on this basis.

Therefore interpreters of dreams, who even have managed to systematize of them according to their contents, aren't so false. They, of course, have provided only the list of some interpretations of dreams which are very limited and primitive. Nevertheless, the models appearing during sleep in consciousness as well as flashing images, can unconsciously, and in certain cases and consciously to be reflected in active life, and not without success though in a basis of this success are pledged day works.

Whatever it was, but consciousness, in addition to receiving external (current) information mainly through eyes, which give more than 80% of all information, has also to systematize, to archive, to analyze information volume accumulated during the day. Only on the basis of this process consciousness automatically (outside target programs of self-consciousness) may to model the subsequent standard actions of the person.

Self-consciousness, which often borders on stupidity, prejudices, exaggerations and self-conceit, i.e. by significant distortion of the arriving and available information, ca

Thus, in sleep consciousness excludes distortions which are shown in the person through his self-consciousness – let this remarkable being is aware himself after awakening in the course of fight and development in which mistakes can only spur the ingenuity.

Substantially for this reason, and not just because of fatigue, the person "transfers" himself to the "sleeping" mode, i.e. to the mode at which information arriving through his sense organs is minimized, in particular, organs of vision are disco

In other words, each individual consciousness limits itself in sensations and reflections for the sake of transition to the mode of processing of the accumulated information, and in this regard, i.e., eliminating self-consciousness, works at the level of "considerations" of the computer or a dog, a monkey in period of sleep according to standard programs.

Therefore the preliminary behavior models developed in dreams by the bigger part are co

Relationship of the highest consciousness and lowest consciousness in the person is quite complex and confusing. However, it is represented that the lowest consciousness which is responsible generally for adequate functioning of an organism, having the corresponding intellect, promotes also routine activity of the person, which precisely owing to the inertia is close to instinctive and reflex work of a body. The similar repeating activity causes accustoming to it that is fixed in so-called habits, i.e. – everyday actions without special thought (reflections) – and close therefore to automatism.