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70. A. du Laurens. Discours de la conservation de la vie etc. Paris, 1597.

71. J. Smith. King Solomon's pourtract of old age. London, 1665. Роллестон дал сводку современного научного толкования псалмов Экклезиаста. Его заметки опубликованы в кн.: Medical aspects of old age. London, 1932.

72. F. Bacon. Historia vitae et mortis. London, 1623. Cf. L. C. Strong, Observations on gerontology in the seventeenth century. - J. Gerontol., 7, 618–619, 1952.

73. S. Santorio. Commentaria in primam fen primi libris Canonis Avicenae. Venice, 1625. Cf. M. D. Grmek. Santorio Santorio. Zagreb, 1952.

74. B. Rush. An account of the states of the body and mind in old age. In: Medical Inquiries and Observations, vol. II. Philadelphia, 1805.

75. E. g. W. Shakespeare, As you like it, vol. II, 7. Cf. W. E. Vest. William Shakespeare Gerontologist. - Geriatrics, 9, 80–82, 1954.

76. J. B. Fischer. De senio ejusque gradibus et morbis necnon de ejusdem acquisitione tractatus. Erfurt, 1754. Cf. J. Steudel. Zur Geschichte der Lehre von der Greisenkraokheiten. - Sudhoffs Arch. Gesch. Med., 35, 1-27, 1942.

77. B. W. Seiler. Anatomiae corporis humani senilis specimen. Erlangen, 1799.

78. F. Bibes. Observations sur plusieurs alterations qu'eprouve de, tissu des animaux par le progres de l'age. - Bulk Soc. Fac. Paris, 6, 1820.

79. Cf. L. Aschoff. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Greisenalters. Berlin — Wien, 1938.

80. J. Wagner-Jauregg. Ueber die menschliche Lebensdauer, I

81. Genesis, V, 5, 8 and 27. Comments on the legendary age of biblical patriarchs in: W. Ebstein. Die Medizin im alten Testament. Stuttgart, 1901; F. D. Zebman. Life's later years. The ancient Hebrews. - J. Mt. Sinai Hosp. II: 97-104, 1944; J. J. Griffin. Bible and old age. J. Gerontol., 1, 464–471, 1946 and 2, 71, 1947.

82. Psalm XC, 10.

82a. Cf. G. Schlomka. Uber Ziele und Wege klinischer Alternsforschung. Festschrift M. Burger. Leipzig, 1955, 3-29.

83. Cf. H. V. Vallois. La duree de la vie chez l'homme fossile. - C. r. Acad. sci. Paris, 204, 60–62, 1937; F. We i de nr e icli. The duration of life of fossil man in China and the pathological lesions found in his skeleton. - Chin. Med. J., 55; 34–44, 1939; F. D. Zeman. Life's later years. - J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 11, 46, 1944.

84. Cf. L. I. Dublin. Longevity in retrospect and in prospect. In:. Cowdry's Problems of ageing. 3d ed. Baltimore, 1952; W. R. Macdo

85. J. L. Angel. The length of life in ancient Greece. J. Gerontol., 2, 18–24, 1947; Increase of length of life in ancient Greese. - Amer. J. Pliys. Anthropol., 5, 231, 1947.

86. M. T. Boccassini. Confronto della durata mediae di vita tra le zone costiere ed interne dell Italia e della Gallia Narbonense, quali risultano dalle iscrizioni latine del I e del II secolo d. Cr., Tesi di Laurea. Bari, 1956.

87. На основе коллекций древних латинских надписей T. Mommsen. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol. V. Berlin, 1875 (with the Supplement.) и новые находки истрийских надписей: Inscriptions Italiae, vol. X, regio X. Roma, 1934–1947.

88. Cf. W. F. Willcox. The length of life in the early Roman Empire. - Actes Congr. inteinat. population. Paris, 1937.

89. T. W. Todd. Skeletal records of mortality. Sci. Monthly, 24, 481-96, 1927.

90. Cf. L. I. Dublin. Op. cit.; II. E. Sigerist. Civilization and disease, Ithaca, N. Y., 1945.

91. B. Skerlj. Prispevek k srednjeveski demografiji (A contribution to the study of mediaeval demography). - Arheol. vestnik, 3, 250-6, 1952; M. D. Grmek. Iz hrvatske medicinske proslosti (From the Croat medical history). Zagreb, 1954.

92. L. I. Dublin. Op. cit.; S. Pellez. Studies on mortality since the Renaissance. - Bull. Hist. Med., 21, 50-101, 1947; R. H. Shryock. The development of Modern Medicine. N. Y., 1947.

93. L. I. Dublin. Op. cit.; S. Pellez. Op. cit.; H. F. Dorn. The increase in average length of life. Publie Health Rept. Wash., 52, 1753-77, 1937; A. Kreutzer. Ueber die Entwicklung der mittleren Lebensdauer von 1875–1950. Med. Monatsschr., 9, 361-4, 1955.

94. Cf. L. I. Dublin. The span of life has not increased. Current History, 34, 355–360, 1931.

95. Plinius. Natur. History, vol. VII, 155.

96. J. Easton. Human longevity; recording the name, age, place of residence and year of the decease of 1712 persons who attained a century and upwards, from A. D. 66-1799. Salisbury, 1799.

97. A. Lindheim. Saluti senectutis. Wien, 1909, Cf. also M. A. Legrand. La longevite a travers les ages. Paris, 1911, and T. E. Young. On centenarians. London, 1905.

98. Cf. A. Lindheim. Op. cit.; W. F. Gray. A group of famous centenarians. London, 1931.

99. Ch. W. Hufeland. Die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlangern, Berlin, 1796.

100. W. Harvey. Anatomia Thomae Parr. 1635. Опубликовано как приложение к книге J. Betts. De natura et ortu sanguinis. London, 1669; W. Harvey. The anatomical examination of the body of Thomas Parr. Transl. by R. Willis. London, 1847. Cf. Ch. W. Hufeland. Op. cit.; R. Pearl. Harvey's postmortem examination of Thomas Parr. - Human Biol. 3, 138-42, 1931; F. D. Zeman. Thomas Parr, the old, very old man. J. Gerontol, 4, 160-1, 1949; W. J. Ford. Old Parr. - Bull. Hist. Med., 24, 219–226, 1950.

101. Cf. L. I. Dublin, A. J. Lotka, A. M. Spiegelman. Length of life. N. Y., 1949.

102. J. Keill. An anatomical account of old Bayles, supposed to have been 130 years old. - Philos. Trans., 5, 344–348, 1731; J. B. Fisсher. De senio etc. Erfurt, 1854.

103. I. Schukru-Aksel. Ueber das Gehirn des "altesten Ma

104. По вопросу о пределах продолжительности жизни, помимо указанных сочинений, см.:

     P. Flourens. De la longevite humaine et de la quantite de vie sur le globe. Paris, 1855;

     E. R. Lankoster. On comparative longevity in man and the lower animals. London, 1870;

    A. Putter. Zur Physiologic tier Lebensdauer. - Naturwissenschaften, 8, 201–205, 1920;

    R. Pearl. Span of life and average duration of life. Natur. History. N. Y., 26, 26–30, 1926;

    R. Pearl. The rate of living. N. Y., 1928;

    R. Kafema

    W. M. Malisoff. The span of life. Philadelphia, 1937;

    W. M. Cobb. Human Longevity in fancy and fact. - J. Nat. Med. Assoc., 46, 107–112, 1954.

105. V. Korenchevsky. The longest span of life based on the records of centenarians in England and Wales. - Brit. Med. J., 193, 14–16, 1947.

106. D. Kotsovsky. Ka

107. Cf. L. I. Dublin. Op. cit., W. M. Cobb. Op. cit.

108. А. В. Нагорный. СССР — страна долголетия. Наука и жизнь, № 10, 27–28, 1951 и В. Н. Никитин. Долголетие. Наука и жизнь, № 8, 27–28, 1954.

109. R. Pearl. The ancestry of longlived. Baltimore, 1934.

110. Cf. A. H. Vogt. Die senile Determination des Keimplasmas, beobachtet an eineiigen Zwillingen des 55–81 Jahres. - Schweiz, med. Wochenschr., 65, 576–579, 1935.

111. E. Jalavisto. Inheritance of longevity according to Fi

112. Cf. A. L. Viseller. Menschen mit braunen Augen werden nicht alt? Munch, med. Wochenschr., 84, 381, 1937; S. Sefic. Boja oka i dulijna zivota (Цвет глаз и долголетие). - Lij. Vjes, 71, 97-102, 1949.