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Brachlow S. The Communion of Saints: Radical Puritan and Separatist Ecclesiology, 1570–1625. — Oxford University Press, 1988. — P. 246, 253–254.


Ibid. — P. 270–272.


Хилл К. Английская Библия и революция XVII века. — М., 1998. — С. 51, 181, 209, 266.


Там же. — С. 436, 439, 440, 452–453, 456.


Там же. — С. 462–464.


Туаске N. Puritanism, Arminianism and Counter-Revolution // The Origins of the English Civil War/ Ed. by C. Russell. — London, 1973; Idem. Anti-Calvinists. The Rise of English Arminianism с 1590–1640. — Oxford, 1987; Idem. The Fortunes of English Puritanism, 1603–1640. — London, 1990; Russell С. Parliaments and English Politics, 1621–1629. Oxford, 1979.


Fletcher A.J. The Outbreak of the English Civil War. — London, 1981. — P. 409–419; Finlayson M.G. Historians, Puritanism and the English Revolution. — Toronto, 1983; Morrill J.S. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // TRHS 5th Series. — 1984. — Vol. 34.; Idem. The Attack on the Church of England in the Long Parliament, 1640–42 // History, Society and the Churches / Ed. by D. Beales, G. Best. — London, 1985; Russell C. The Causes of the English Civil War. — Oxford, 1990. — P. 109–130, 220–226; Idem. The Fall of the British Monarchies. — Oxford, 1991. — P. 525–532.


Sharpe K. The Personal Rule of Charles I. — Yale, 1992; White P. Predestination, Policy and Polemic. — Cambridge, 1992; Sommerville J.P. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603–1640. — London, 1986. — P. 221–224; Green I.M. “England's Wars of Religion?” Religious Conflict and the English Civil Wars // Church, Change and Revolution / Ed. by J. van den Berg, P.G. Hoftijzer. — Leiden, 1991; Davies J. The Caroline Captivity of the English Church. — Oxford, 1992.


Dent C.M. Protestant Reformers in Elizabethan Oxford. — Oxford, 1983. — P. 150–151; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 12.


Fincham K. Prelacy and Politics: Archbishop Abbot's Defence of Protestant Orthodoxy// Historical Research. — 1988. — Vol. 61.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 35–36; Lake P. The Significance of the Elizabethan Identification of the Pope as Antichrist // JEH. — 1980. — Vol. 31. — P. 171–175.


Green I. “For Children in Years and Children in Understanding”: the Emergence of the English Catechism under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts // JEH. — 1986. — Vol. 37.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 37–38.


Eales J. Puritans and Roundheads: The Harleys of Brampton Bryan and the Outbreak of the English Civil War. — Cambridge, 1990.


Underdown D. Fire from Heaven: Life in an English Town in the Seventeenth Century. — New Haven, 1992.


Ball B.W. The Seventh-Day Men: Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600–1800. — Oxford, 1994.


Knight J. Orthodoxies in Massachusetts: Rereading American Puritanism. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1994.


Webster T. Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England: The Caroline Puritan Movement с 1620—1643. — Cambridge, 1997.


Bossy J. The English Catholic Community, 1570–1850. — London, 1975. — P. 7.


См. подробнее — http: //www.catholic-history.org.uk /crs /index.htm.


The Archpriest Controversy / Ed. by T.G. Law — Camden Society, 1896, 1898. — Vol. 1–2.


Greenslade M. Sources for Post-Reformation Staffordshire Catholic History // Staffordshire Catholic History. — 1961. — Vol. I; Williams J.A. Sources for Recusant History (1559–1791) in English Official Archives // Recusant History. — 1983. — Vol. XVI. — № 4; Shorney D. Protestant Nonconformity and Roman Catholicism: A Guide to Sources in the Public Record Office. PRO Readers Guide 13. — London: PRO Publications, 1996.


Gillow J. A Literary and Biographical Dictionary of English Catholics. — London, 1885. — Vol. I–V.


Allison A.F., Rogers D.M. A Catalogue of Catholic Books in England Printed Abroad or Secretly in England 1558–1640. — Arundel Pres.s, Bognor, 1956. — Vol. 1–2.


Anstruther G. The Seminary Priests: Elizabeth I 1558–1603. — St Edmunds College, Ware; Urshaw College, Durham, 1968. — Vol. I; Idem. The Seminary Priests. Early Stuarts 1603–1659. — Mayhew-McCrimmon, 1975. — Vol. II.


Ryan P. Diocesan Returns of Recusants for England and Wales, 1577 // Catholic Record Society. — 1921. — Vol. XXII; Wingfield W.M. Religious Statistics of the Stuart Period // Theology. — 1940. — Vol. XLI; Davidson A. Sources for Recusant History // Local Historian. — 1970–1971. — Vol. IX.


Stephens W.B. Sources for English Local History. — Chichester (Sussex), 1994. — P. 172.


Calthrop M.M. Recusant Roll № 1 (1592–1593) // CRS. — 1916. — Vol. XVIII; Recusant Roll № 2 (1593–1594) / Ed. by H. Bowler // CRS. — 1965. — Vol. LVII; Recusant Records / Ed. by С Talbot // CRS. — 1961. — Vol. LIII; Recusant Rolls № 3 (1594–1595) and № 5 (1595–1596) / Ed. by H. Bowler // CRS. — 1969. Vol. LX1.


Stephens W.B. Sources for English Local History. — Chichester (Sussex), 1994. — P. 193.


Ibid. — P. 195.


Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus / Ed.by H. Foley. — London, 1877–1883. — Vol. 1–8.


Stephens W.B. Sources for English Local History. — Chichester (Sussex), 1994. — P. 196.


Martyrs of England and Wales 1535–1680 / Ed. Ph. Caraman and J. Walsh. — Catholic Truth Society, 1960; Challoner R. Memoirs of Missionary Priests 1577–1584 / Ed. J.H. Pollen. — London, 1924; Morris J. The Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers. — London, 1872–1877. — Vol. I–III; Crosby Records / Ed. by T.F. Gibson. — Chetham Society, 1887; An Elizabethan Recusant Household / Ed. by A.C. Southern. — Glasgow, 1954; Caraman P. The Other Face: Catholic Life under Elizabeth I. — London, 1960.