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Goring J. Codly Exercises or the Devils Dance? Puritanism and Popular Culture in Pre-Civil War England. — London, 1983. — P. 24; Idem. The Reformation of the Ministry in Elizabethan Sussex // JEH. — 1983. — Vol. XXXIV — P. 345–366.


Laslett P. Ooslerveen K. Long-Term Trends in Bastardy in England // Population Studies. — 1973. — Vol. XXVII. — P. 259.


Goring J. Godly Exercises or the Devil's Dance? Puritanism and Popular Culture in Pre-Civil War England. — London, 1983. — P. 13–16.


Visitation Articles and Injunctions Alcuin Club Collections / Ed. by W.P.M. Ke


Goring J. Godly Exercises or the Devils Dance? Puritanism and Popular Culture in Pre-Civil War England. — London, 1983. — P. 19.


Morgan J. Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes towards Reason, Learning and Education, 1560-1640. — Cambridge, 1986. — P. 44.


Исаенко А.В. Пуританское движение в Англии в XVI — начале XVII вв. Дис… канд. ист. наук. — М., 1975.


Исаенко А.В. Пуританское движение в Англии в XVI — начале XVII вв. Дис… канд. ист. наук. — М., 1975. — С. 164; Walzer M. The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1965; Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939.


Neal D. The History of the Puritans, or, Protestant Nonconformists from the Reformation in 1517 to the Revolution in 1688. — London, 1822. — Vol. 1–5; Hopkins S. The Puritans and Church, Court and Parliament of England during the Reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. — London, 1860. — Vol. 1–3; Marsden /. The History of the Early Puritans from the Reformation to the Opening of the Civil War in 1642. — London, 1860.


Brigden S. London and the Reformation. — Oxford, 1989; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979; Idem. English Puritanism. — London, 1984; Daniell D. William Tyndale: A Biography. — New Haven, 1994; Davies C.S.L. Peace, Print and Protestantism, 1450–1558. — London, 1976; Dickens A.G. The English Reformation. — London, 1973; Garrett Ch.H. The Marian Exiles. A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism. — Cambridge, 1938; Grell O.P. Calvinist Exiles in Tudor and Stuart England. — Aldershot, 1996.


O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London — New York, 1986. — P. 7.


Knappen M.M. William Tyndale — First English Puritan // Church History. — 1936. — № 5; Mozley J.F. William Tyndale. — London, 1937; Daniell D. William Tyndale: A Biography. — New Haven, 1994.


Kendall R.T. Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649. — Oxford, 1979.


Powkke EM. The Reformation in England. — London and New York, 1941. — P. 53.


Pollard A.F. Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation (1489–1556). — London, 1926. — P. 224.


Woodward G.W.O. Reformation and Resurgence England in the 16th Century, 1485–1603. — New York, 1968. — P. 89.


Collinson P. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988. — P. 38–40.




O'Day R. the Debate on the English Reformation. — London-New York, 1986. — P. 1,2.


Brigden S. London and the Reformation.. — Oxford, 1989; Chadwick O. The Reformation. — London, 1964; Dickens A.G. Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation. — New York, 1969; Elton G.R. Reform and Reformation: England, 1509–1558. — Cambridge, 1977; Lehmberg S.E. The Reformation Parliament, 1529–1536. — Cambridge, 1970; Parker T.M. The English Reformation to 1558. — London, 1950; Pill D.H. The English Reformation, 1529–1558. — London, 1973; Scarisbrick J.J. The Reformation and the English People. — Oxford, 1984; Youings I. The Dissolution of the Monasteries. — London-New York, 1971.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 40, 51.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 69.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 10; Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 54.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — Berkley-Los Angeles, 1967; Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History ofldealism. — Chicago, 1939; NewJ.F.H. Anglican and Puritan. The Basis of their Opposition, 1558–1640. — Stanford, 1964.


Smithson R.J. The Anabaptists. Their Contribution to Our Protestant Heritage. — London, 1935; Horst J.B. The Radical Brethren. Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558. — Nieuwkoop, 1972.


Smithson R.J. The Anabaptists. Their Contribution to Our Protestant Heritage. — London, 1935. — P. 216.


Dickens A.G. The English Reformation. — London, 1967. — P. 325.


Ильин В.Н. Анабаптизм в Англии XVI в. Дисс… канд. ист. наук. — М., 1987.


Hall В. The Early Rise and Gradual Decline of Lutheranism in England (1520–1660) // Reform and the Reformation: England and the Continent, 1500–1750 / Ed. by D. Baker. — London, 1979. — P. 103–131.


Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge-New York, 1975; Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 12; Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 11; Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. -London, 1968. — P. 38.