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Morrill J. The Church in England, 1642–1649 // Reactions to the English Civil War 1642–1649 / Ed. by J. Morrill. — London, 1982. — P. 89–114; Idem. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // TRHS 5th Series. — 1984. — Vol. 34. — P. 155–178.


Haigh С. The Church of England, the Catholics and the People // The Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. by С Haigh. — London, 1984. — P. 195–219.


Trevor-Roper H.R. King James I and his Bishops // History Today. — 1955. — Vol. 5. — P. 571–581.


Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cust and A. Hughes. — London and New York, 1989. — P. 194.


Ibid. — P. 205–207, 212.


Everilt A. The Community of Kent and the Great Rebellion. — Leicester, 1966; Idem. Change in the Provinces: the Seventeenth Century. — Leicester, 1972; Idem. Kent and its Gentry 1640-1660: A Political Study. — University of London Ph. D., 1957.


Laslett P. The Gentry of Kent in 1640 // Cambridge Historical Journal. — 1947–1949. — Vol. IX. — P. 148–164.


Lasletl P. The World We Have Lost Further Explored. 3rd ed. — New York, 1984. — P. 216–226.


Collinson P. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988. — P. 8–10; Religion and National Identity: Studies in Church History / Ed. by S. Mews. — Vol. XVIII. — Oxford, 1982.


Hutton R. The Royalist War Effort. — London, 1982; Morrill J. Revolt of the Provinces // Reactions to the English Civil War / Ed. by J. Morrill. — London, 1982.


Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cust and A. Hughes. — London and New York, 1989. — P. 228.


Everitt A. the Community of Kent and the Great Rebellion 1640–1660. — Leicester, 1966; Morrill J.S. The Revolt of the Provinces. — London, 1976.


Russell C. Parliamentary History in Perspective 1604–1629 // History. — 1976. — Vol. 61. — № 1. — P. 20; Sharpe K. Parliamentary History 1603–1629: In or out of Perspective? // Faction and Parliament / Ed. by K. Sharpe. — Oxford, 1978; Kenyon J.P. Stuart England. — London, 1978. — P. 32–36.


Hirst D. The Representative of the People? Voters and Voting in England under the Early Stuarts. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 4,157–58, 176–79,188; Idem. Court, Country and Politics // Faction and Parliament: Essays on Early Stuart History / Ed. by K. Sharpe. — Oxford, 1978. — P. 105–137.


Репина Л.П. «Новая историческая наука» и социальная история. — М., 1998. — С. 98.


Laslett P. The World We Have Lost Further Explored. 3rd ed. — New York, 1984. — P. 229.


Cressy D. Literacy and Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. — Cambridge, 1980. — P. 73.


Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by Richard Gust and A


Seaver P. Wellington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth Century. — London-Stanford, 1985.


Curtis M. The Alienated Intellectuals of Early Stuart England // Past and Present. — № 23. — 1962. — P. 25–43.


Laslett P. The World We Have Lost Further Explored. 3rd ed. — New York, 1984. — P. 231–237.


Underdown D. Fire from Heaven: Life in an English Town in the Seventeenth Century. — New Haven (Co


Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cust and A. Hughes. — London and New York, 1989. — P. 232–240.


Davies J. the Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625–1641. — Oxford, 1992. — P. 49.


Ibid. — P. 1–2.


Ibid. — Р. 2.


Bernard G. The Church of England с. 1529–1642 // History. — 1990. Vol. 75. — P. 183–206; White P. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered // Past & Present. — 1983. — № 101. — P. 34–54.


Collinson P. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982; Parker K.L. The English Sabbath. A Study of Doctrine and Discipline from the Reformation to the Civil War. — Cambridge University Press, 1988; Tyacke N.R.N. Puritanism, Arminianism and Counter-Revolution // The Origins of the English Civil War / Ed. by C.S.R. Russell. — London, 1973. — P. 119–143; Fincham K. Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. 24. — P. 169–201; Fincham K. Prelate as Pastor: the Episcopate of James I. — Oxford, 1990; Lake P. Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church. — Cambridge, 1982; Morrill J.S. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // TRHS 5th Series. — 1984. — Vol. 34. — P. 155–178.


Morrill J.S. The Church in England, 1642–1649 // Reactions to the English Civil War / Ed. by J.S. Morrill. — London, 1982; Abbott W. The Issue of Episcopacy in the Long Parliament: The Reasons for its Abolition. — Oxford D. Phil. Thesis, 1981; Davies J. The Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625–1641. — Oxford, 1992. — P. 289.


Davies J. The Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625–1641. — Oxford, 1992. — P. 3.


Sharpe К. The Personal Rule of Charles I // Before the English Civil War / Ed. by H. Tomlinson. — P. 58–63; Reeve I.J. Charles I and the Road to Personal Rule. — London, 1989.