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Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — P. 245–246.


Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — P. 248–249; Fincham K. Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of King James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. 24. — P. 169–207; Fincham K. Prelacy and Politics: Archbishop Abbots Defence of Protestant Orthodoxy // Historical Research. — 1988. — Vol. 61. — P. 36–64.


McGrath A.E. In the Begi


Ibid. — P. 1–3.


Ibid. — P. 173.


Ibid. — Р. 278–287.


Schwarz M.L. James I and the Historians: Toward a Reconsideration // JBS. — 1974. — Vol. XIII. — № 2. — P. 114–134; Fincham K., Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of King James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. XXIV — № 2. — P. 169–207; Durston С. James I. — London, 1993.


Laud W. The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, D. D., Sometime Archbishop of Canterbury / Ed. W Scott and J. Bliss. — Oxford, 1847–1860. — Vol. I–VII.


Archbishop Laud Commemoration / Ed. by W. Collins. — London, 1895. — P. 124, 142, 158.


Trevor-Roper H.R. Archbishop Laud. 3rd ed. — London, 1989; Idem. Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans. — London, 1987. — P. 40–119; Carleton С. Archbishop William Laud. — London, 1987; Sharpe K. Archbishop Laud // History Today. — 1983. — № 33. — P. 26–30; The Sixteenth Century 1485–1603 / Ed. by P. Collinson. — Oxford, 2002. — P. 105–106.


Foster A. The Function of a Bishop: the Career of Richard Neile, 1562–1640 // Continuity and Change. Perso


Continuity and Change. Perso


Trevor-Roper H. From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution. — Chicago, 1992.


Foster A. The Function of a Bishop: the Career of Richard Neile, 1562–1640 // Continuity and Change / Ed. by R. O'Day, F. Heal. — Leicester, 1976. — P. 41–46; Raymer V.E. Durham House and the Emergence of Laudian Piety. — Harvard University PhD, 1981.


Continuity and Change. Perso


Ibid. — P. 53.


Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cust and A. Hughes. — London and New York, 1989.


Clark J.C.D. Revolution and Rebellion. — London, 1986; Idem. English Society 1688–1832. — London, 1985; Richardson R.C. The Debate on the English Revolution. — London, 1977; Tomlinson H. The Causes of War: A Historiographical Survey // Before the English Civil War / Ed. by H. Tomlinson. — London, 1983. — P. 7–26; Pocock J.G. A. Introduction // Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776 / Ed. by J.G. Pocock. — New Jersey, 1980. — P. 3–20.




Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cus and A. Hughes. — London and New York, 1989. — P. 1.


Samuel R. British Marxist Historians 1880–1980 // New Left Review. — 1980. — № 120. — P. 21–90; Hill С. The English Revolution. — London, 1940; Idem. Recent Interpretations of the Civil War // Hill С. Puritanism and Revolution. — London, 1968. — P. 13–40; Idem. The World Turned Upside Down. — London, 1972; Ma


Hill С. The Economic Problems of the Church. From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament. — Oxford, 1956.


Hill С. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967.


Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968. — P. 169.


Gardiner S.R. History of England from the Accession of James I to the Outbreak of Civil War. 1603–1642. — London, 1883–1884. — Vol. 1-Х; Idem. History of the Great Civil War. 1642–1649. — London, 1886–1891. — Vol. I–III; Idem. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate. — London, 1894–1901.


Russell C.S.R. Introduction // the Origins of the English Civil War / Ed. by C.S.R. Russell. — London, 1973. — P. 1–31; Idem. Parliamentary History in Perspective 1604–29 // History. — 1976. — № 61. — P. 1–27; Idem. Parliaments and English Politics 1621–1629. — Oxford, 1979.


Morrill J.S. The Revolt of the Provinces. — London, 1976; Sharpe K. Introduction: Parliamentary History 1603–29: in or out of Perspective? // Faction and Parliament / Ed. by K. Sharpe. — Oxford, 1973. — P. 1–42; Kishkmsky M. The Emergence of Adversary Politics in the Long Parliament // Journal of Modem History. — 1977. — № 49. — P. 617–640; Idem. Parliamentary Selection. — London, 1986; Kenyon J.P. The Stuart Constitution 1603–88. — London, 1986; Elton G.R. A High Road to Civil War? // Elton G.R. Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 2 vols. — London, 1974. — Vol. II. — P. 164–182.


Elliott J. Revolution and Continuity in Early Modern Europe // Past & Present. — 1969. — № 42. — P. 35–56.


Arendt H. On Revolution. — New York, 1963.


Introduction// The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century/ Ed. by G. Parker and L.M. Smith. — London, 1985.


Репина Л.П. «Новая историческая наука» и социальная история. — М., 1998. — С. 151.


Elliott J.H. England and Europe: A Common Malady? // The Origin of the English Civil War / Ed. by С Russell. — London, 1973. — P. 246–257.