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Ibid. — Р. 3.


Ibid. — P. 255–258.


Sisson S.J. The Judicious Marriage of Mister Hooker and the Birth of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. — Cambridge, 1940; Shirlby F.J. Richard Hooker and Contemporary Religious Ideas. — London, 1949; Marshall J.S. Hooker and Anglican Tradition. — Ixmdon, 1963.


Perrot M.E. C. Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church // JEH. — 1998. — Vol. 49. — № 1. — P. 29.


McGrade A.S. Richard Hooker and the Lawful Ministry of Bishops and Kings // Studies in Church History. — London, 1989. — Vol. 26. — P. 177–184.


Archer S. Hooker on Apostolic Succession: The Two Voices // Sixteenth Century Journal. — 1993. — № 24. — P. 87–94.


Allen W.A. A History of Political Ihought in the Sixteenth Century. — London, 1961. — P. 182; Sotntnerville M.R. Richard Hooker and his Contemporaries on Episcopacy: An Elizabethan Consensus // JEH. — 1984. — Vol. 35. — P. 181.


Anglicanism / Ed. by P.E. More, EL. Cross. — London, 1963. — P. 46.


Gascoigne J. Church and State Unified: Hookers Rationale for the English Post-Reformation Order // The Journal of Religious History. — 1997. — Vol. 21. — № 1. — P. 32.


Faulkner R. Richard Hooker and the Politics of a Christian England. — Berkley, 1981. — P. 126.


Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — P. 145.


Milton A. The Church of England, Rome and the True Church: the Demise of a Jacobean Consensus // The Early Stuart Church, 1603–1642 / Ed. by K. Fincham. — London, 1993. — P. 187–210; Idem. Catholic and Reformed: the Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought, 1600–1640. — Cambridge, 1995. P. 128–171.


Introduction. The Works of Richard Hooker / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Binghampton (NY), 1993. — Vol. VI. — P. 124, 164.


Cargill Thompson W.D.J. 'The Philosopher of the «Politic Society»: Richard Hooker as a Political Ihinker // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 3–76; Almasy R. The Purpose of Richard Hooker's Polemic // Journal of the History of Ideas. — 1978. — Vol. XXXIX. — P. 251–270; Idem. Richard Hookers Address to the Presbyterians // Anglican Theological Review. — 1979. — Vol. LXI. — P. 462–474; Sommerville M. Richard Hooker and his Contemporaries on Episcopacy: An Elizabethan Consensus // JEH. — 1984. — Vol. XXXV. — P. 177–187.


Booty J. Hooker and Anglicanism // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 207–239; Porter H.C. Hooker, the Tudor Constitution and the Via Media // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 77–116.


Perrot M.E.C. Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church// JEH. — 1998. — Vol. 49. — № 1. — P. 30.


Faulkner R.K. Richard I looker and the Politics of a Christian England. — University of California Press, 1981; Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — P. 159–160, 225, 239.


Perrot M.E.C. Richard Hooker and the' Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church // JEH. — 1998. — Vol. 49. — № 1. — P. 32.


Church and Society in England: Henry VIII to James I / Ed. by F. Heal and R. O'Day. — London, 1977. — P. 1.


Gascoigne J. Church and State Unified: Hookers Rationale for the English Post-Reformation Order // The Journal of Religious History. — 1997. — Vol. 21. — № 1. — P. 30.


Cargill Thompson W.D.). The Philosopher of the «Politic Society»: Richard Hooker as a Political 'thinker // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 17–24.


Porter H.C. Hooker, the Tudor Constitution and the Via Media // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 92–93.


Perrot М.E.С. Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church// JEH. — 1998. — Vol. 49. — № 1. — P. 45.


Croxford L. The Originality of Hooker's Work // Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society: Literary and Historical Section. — 1973. — Vol. XV. — P. 28; D'Entreves A.P. The Medieval Contribution to Political Thought: Thomas Aquinas, Marsilius of Padua, Richard Hooker. — Oxford, 1939. — P. 88–142; Forte R.E. Richard Hookers Theory of Law // Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. — 1982. — Vol. XII. — P. 133–157.


Marshall J.S. Hooker's Doctrine of God // Anglican Theological Review. — 1947. — Vol. 29. — P. 82.


Booty J.E. Richard Hooker // The Spirit of Anglicanism / Ed. by W. Wolf, J. Booty, O. Thomas. — | Wilton (Co


Torrance Kirby W.J. Richard Hooker's Doctrine of the Royal Supremacy. — Leiden, 1990. — j P. 106, 112.


Perrot M.E.C. Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church // JEH. — 1998. — Vol. 49. — № 1. — P. 48–52.


Thomas K. Cases of Conscience in Seventeenth-Century England// Public Duty and Private Conscience in Seventeenth-Century England: Essays Presented to G.E. Aylmer / Ed. J. Morrill,! P. Slack and D. Woolf. — Oxford, 1993. — P. 29–56.


Kearney H.F. Richard Hooker: A Reconstruction // Cambridge Journal. — 1952. — Vol. V — P. 300–311.


Muntz P. The Place of Hooker in the History of Thought. — London, 1952.


McGrade A.S. The Coherence of Hooker's Polity: The Books of Power // Journal of the History of Ideas. — 1963. — Vol. XXIV. — P. 163–182; Cargill Thompson W.D.J. The Philosopher of the “Politic Society”: Richard Hooker as a Political Thinker // Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of his Works / Ed. by W. Speed Hill. — Cleveland-London, 1972. — P. 3–76.