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Joyce P. The Return of History: Postmodernism and the Politics of Academic History in Britain // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. — № 158. — P. 207–235.

Knott J. John Foxe and Joy of Suffering // The Sixteenth Century Journal. — Kirksville (Missouri), 1996. — Vol. 27. — № 4. — P. 721–734.

Knowles D. The Eltonian Revolution in Early Tudor History // Historical Journal. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. — Vol. XVII. — № 4. — P. 867–872.

Kearney H.F. Puritanism and Science: Problems of Definition // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. — № 31. — P. 104–110.

Kearney H.F. Puritanism, Capitalism and Scientific Revolution // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964. — № 28. — P. 81–101.

Lake P.G. Calvinism and the English Church, 1570–1535 // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. — № 114. — P. 32–76.

Lake P., Questier M. Agency, Appropriation and Rhetoric under the Gallows: Puritans, Romanists and State in Early Modern England // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. — № 153. — P. 64–107.

Lambert S. Richard Montagu, Arminianism and Censorship // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. — № 124. — P. 36–68.

Lamont W.M. Puritanism as History and Historiography: Some Further Thoughts // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969. — № 44. — P. 133–146.

Lamont W.M. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered: A Comment // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. — № 107. — P. 227–231.

Loomie A.J. The Armadas and the Catholics of England // Catholic Historical Review. — Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1973. — Vol. LIX. — № 3. — P. 385–403.

MacCqffrey W.T. Elizabethan Politics: The First Decade, 1558–1568 // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. — № 24. — P. 25–42.

MacCulloch D. Rett's Rebellion in Context // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. — № 84. — P. 36–59.

MacCulloch D. Rett's Rebellion in Context: A Rejoinder // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981. — № 93. — P. 165–173.

Morrill J. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 5th Series. — 1984. — № 34. — P. 155–178.

Moss J.D. Additional Light on the Family of Love // Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. — 1974. — Vol. XLVI. — № 115. — P. 103–105.

Nuttal G.E The English Martyrs, 1535–1680: A Statistical Review // Journal of Ecclesiastical History. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. — Vol. XXII. — № 3. — P. 191–197.

Parker G. Success and Failure during the First Century of the Reformation // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. — № 136. — P. 43–82.

Perrot M.E.C. Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church // Journal of Ecclesiastical History. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. — Vol. XLIX. — № 1. — P. 29–60.

Presbyterians, Independents and Puritans. Debate // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970. — № 47. — P. 116–146.

Rabb Т.К. Religion and the Rise of Modern Science // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. — № 31. — P. 111–126.

Robinson B. “Dark Speech”: Matthew Parker and the Reforming of History // The Sixteenth Century Journal. — Rirksville (Missouri), 1998. — Vol. 29. — № 4. — P. 1061–1088.

Schnucker R.V. Elizabethan Birth Control and Puritan Attitudes // Journal of Interdisciplinary History. — Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT Press, 1975. — Vol. VI. — № 4. — P. 655–667.

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Simon J. The Reformation and the English Education // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1957. — № 11. — P. 48–65.

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Stone L. The Revival of Narrative: Reflections on a New Old History // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. — № 85. — P. 3–24.

Todd M. The podly and the Church: New Views of Protestantism in Early Modern Britain // Journal of British Studies. — Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. — Vol. 28. — № 4. — P. 418–427.

Thomas K. History and Anthropology // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. — № 24. — P. 3–24.

Trevor-Roper H.R. The General Crisis of the 17th Century // Past & Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959. — № 16. — P. 31–64.

Walsham A. “Domme Preachers?” Post-Reformation English Catholicism and the Culture of Print // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. — № 168. — P. 72–123.

Walsham A. “The Fatal Vesper”: Providentialism and Anti-Popery in Late Jacobean London // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. — № 144. — P. 36–87.

White P. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered // Past and Present. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. — № 101. — P. 34–54.

Wiener C.Z. The Beleaguered Isle: A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anti-Catholicism // Past and Present — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971. — № 51. — P. 27–62.

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Труды отечественных исследователей.

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