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Neuroscience and Psychology.”
[121] Leaf, “Mind Mapping”; Leaf, “The Mind Mapping Approach”; Leaf,
Louw, and
Uys, “Development of a Model for Geodesic Learning,” 44, 53–70.
[122] Ibid.
[123] “Blue Brain Project Accurately Predicts Co
Science Daily, September 17, 2012,
[124] Leaf, “Mind Mapping”; Leaf, “The Mind Mapping Approach”; Leaf,
Louw, and
Uys, “Development of a Model for Geodesic Learning,” 44, 53–70.
[125] Leaf, “Mind Mapping Approach: Technique for Closed Head Injury.”
[126] Karim Nader, http://blogs.mcgill.ca/science/2009/04/30/karim-nader-on-
memory-reconsolidation; Karim Nader, Gle
“Fear Memories Require Protein Synthesis in the Amygdala for
Reconsolidation after Retrieval,” Nature 406, no. 6797 (2000): 722–26; A.
H. Maslow, Motivation and
Personality (New York: Harper & Row, 1970).
[127] Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage (New York: Crown Business,
[128] Harvard Crimson poll, 2004, cited in ibid.
[129] This is 365 days in a year divided by 21 days in a cycle, which
gives you 17
cycles per year.
[130] Kandel, In Search of Memory.
[131] Church, Genie in Your Genes.
[132] Ibid.
[133] Rodolfo Llinas, “Rodolfo Llinas’s Fearless Approach to
Neurophysiology Has Redefined Our Thinking about Individual Neurons and How They Create Movement
and Consciousness,” U. S. Columbian Medical Association, http://uscma.org/2010/09/12/rodolfo-llinas’s-fearless-approach-to-neurophysiology-has-redefined-our-thinkingabout-individual-neurons-and-
how-they-create-movementand-consciousness; Rodolfo Llinas, I of the
Vortex (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
[134] Michael Merzenich as cited in Doidge, Brain That Changes Itself.
[135] Phillippa Lally et al., “How Are Habits Formed: Modelling Habit
Formation in the Real World,” European Journal of Social Psychology 40, no. 6 (2010): 998–1009.
[136] Ibid.
[137] See K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, and Edward T. Cokely,
Making of an Expert,” Harvard Business Review, July 2007,
[138] Je
Attentional Focus, and Problem Solving,” Current Directions in
Psychological Science 21, no. 4
(2012): 258. See also, “Greater Working Memory Benefits Analytic, Not
Creative, Problem-Solving,” Science Daily, August 7, 2012,
[139] “Mindfulness Meditation May Relieve Chronic Inflammation,” Science Daily, January 16, 2013,
[140] “Evidence Supports Health Benefits of ‘Mindfulness-Based
Practices,’” Science Daily, July 11, 2012,
[141] “Breast Cancer Survivors Benefit from Practicing Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction,” Science Daily, December 29, 2011,
[142] “Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Understanding Mindfulness Meditation,”
Daily, November 1, 2011,
[143] “Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain Structure in Eight Weeks,”
Science Daily, January 21, 2011,
[144] I explain this in depth in chapter 5 (key 5) and chapter 6 (key 6).
It’s worth taking the time to look back at these chapters at this point.
[145] Caroline Leaf, The Switch On Your Brain 5-Step Learning Process
DVD/Workbook (Dallas: Switch On Your Brain, 2009).