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Suddenly Mrs. Otis caught sight of a dull red stain on the floor just by the fireplace (внезапно миссис Отис заметила темно-красное пятно на полу как раз возле камина; to catch sight – заметить: «поймать вид»), and, quite unconscious of what it really signified (и, совсем не подозревая, чтό все это значит; unconscious – не осознающий /что-либо/), said to Mrs. Umney (сказала миссис Амней), “I am afraid something has been spilt there (я боюсь, там что-то пролили; to spill).”
Suddenly Mrs. Otis caught sight of a dull red stain on the floor just by the fireplace, and, quite unconscious of what it really signified, said to Mrs. Umney, “I am afraid something has been spilt there.”
“Yes, madam,” replied the old housekeeper in a low voice («Да, мадам», тихо ответила старая экономка; in a low voice – тихим: «низким» голосом), “blood has been spilt on that spot (кровь была пролита на этом месте).”
“blood has been spilt on that spot”
“Yes, madam,” replied the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt on that spot.”
“How horrid (как ужасно)!” cried Mrs. Otis (воскликнула); “I don’t at all care for blood-stains in a sitting-room (я вовсе не люблю пятен крови в гостиной). It must be removed at once (оно должно быть удалено немедленно).”
“How horrid!” cried Mrs. Otis; “I don’t at all care for blood-stains in a sitting-room. It must be removed at once.”
The old woman smiled (старая женщина улыбнулась), and answered in the same low mysterious voice (и ответила тем же тихим, таинственным голосом), “It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville (это кровь леди Элеоноры де Кентервиль), who was murdered on that very spot by her own husband (которая была убита на этом самом месте ее собственным мужем), Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575 (сэром Саймоном де Кентервиль в 1575 году). Sir Simon survived her nine years (сэр Саймон пережил ее на девять лет), and disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances (и исчез внезапно при очень странных обстоятельствах). His body has never been discovered (его тело /так и/ не было найдено; never – никогда; употр. для выражения эмоционального отрицания), but his guilty spirit still haunts the Chase (но его /отягощенный виной/ дух все еще бродит по усадьбе; guilty – виновный; guilt – вина). The blood-stain has been much admired by tourists and others, and ca
The old woman smiled, and answered in the same low, mysterious voice, “It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on that very spot by her own husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon survived her nine years, and disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances. His body has never been discovered, but his guilty spirit still haunts the Chase. The blood-stain has been much admired by tourists and others, and ca
“That is all nonsense (это все чепуха),” cried Washington Otis; “Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent will clean it up in no time (первоклассный пятновыводитель Пинкертона и моющее средство «Идеал» отчистят его тотчас же; paragon – образец, совершенство),” and before the terrified housekeeper could interfere (и прежде чем ужаснувшаяся экономка смогла вмешаться), he had fallen upon his knees (он опустился на колени; to fall – падать, опускаться), and was rapidly scouring the floor (и /начал/ быстро очищать пол) with a small stick of what looked like a black cosmetic (/чем-то/ похожим на маленький черный косметический карандаш; a small stick – маленькая палочка; to look like – выглядеть как /что-либо, кто-либо/). In a few moments no trace of the blood-stain could be seen (через несколько секунд от пятна не осталось и следа; could be seen – можно было видеть).
“That is all nonsense,” cried Washington Otis; “Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent will clean it up in no time,” and before the terrified housekeeper could interfere, he had fallen upon his knees, and was rapidly scouring the floor with a small stick of what looked like a black cosmetic. In a few moments no trace of the blood-stain could be seen.
“I knew Pinkerton would do it (я знал, что Пинкертон справится /с ним/: «сделает это»),” he exclaimed, triumphantly (воскликнул он торжествующе), as he looked round at his admiring family (в то время как он обернулся к своей восхищенной семье); but no sooner had he said these words (но не успел он сказать эти слова), than a terrible flash of lightning lit up the sombre room (как ужасная вспышка молнии осветила мрачную комнату; to light up), a fearful peal of thunder made them all start to their feet (страшный раскат грома заставил их всех вскочить на ноги), and Mrs. Umney fainted (а миссис Амней упала в обморок).
“I knew Pinkerton would do it,” he exclaimed, triumphantly, as he looked round at his admiring family; but no sooner had he said these words than a terrible flash of lightning lit up the sombre room, a fearful peal of thunder made them all start to their feet, and Mrs. Umney fainted.
“What a monstrous climate (какой ужасный климат)!” said the American Minister, calmly (сказал американский посол спокойно), as he lit a long cheroot (в то время как он зажег длинную сигару; cheroot – сигара с обрезанным концом). “I guess the old country is so overpopulated (я думаю, эта старая страна так перенаселена), that they have not enough decent weather for everybody (что им не хватает приличной погоды на всех; not to have enough for everybody – не иметь достаточно для каждого). I have always been of opinion (я всегда придерживался мнения), that emigration is the only thing for England (что эмиграция – единственное /спасение/ для Англии; thing – вещь).”
“What a monstrous climate!” said the American Minister, calmly, as he lit a long cheroot. “I guess the old country is so overpopulated that they have not enough decent weather for everybody. I have always been of opinion that emigration is the only thing for England.”
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