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61. Hoopes A., Hoopes T. Eye power.- New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1979.

62. Huxley, Aldous Leonard. The art of seeing.- New York-London: Harper and brothers, 1942.- 273 p.

63. Huxley, A.L. Learning to see // Colliers.- New York.- vol.111.- April 21.- 1943.- p.24.

64. Jacques R.A. The Bates method of treating ametropia // The Optician.- vol.141.- N 3646.- February 17.- 1961.pp.143-144.

65. LeCron L. Experimental Hypnosis.- New York: Macmillan, 1954.

66. Lierman, Emily C. Stories from the clinic.- New York city: Central fixation publishing co., 1926.- 259 p.

67. Macfadden, Bernarr Adolphus. Strengthening the eyes; a system of scientific eye training.- New York: Macfadden publications, inc., 1924.- 201 p.

68. Macfadyen, Ralph J. See without glasses.- Greenwich, Co

69. Macfadyen, Ralph I. Weg mit der Brille! Das Heilen von Augenleiden und die Wissenschaft vom richtigen ehen.Stuttgart: Gunther, 1964.- 228 s.

70. Mangin-Millot, Georgette. Vos yeux; comment conserver une bo

71. Natural eye training for perfect vision without glasses.- New York: Centro-Vision institute, 1928.

72. Pascal J.O. On Aldous Huxley's "The Art of Seeing" // Archives of Ophthalmology.- vol.26.- June.- 1943.- p.636.

73. Peppard, Harold M. Sight without glasses.London-Melbourne: Ward, Lock co., 1956.- 153 p.

74. Ram Kumar E.R. Heal yourself with yoga: Specific asanas for specific diseases.- Bombay, 1987.

75. Sarma, L. Kamesvara. The natural cure of eye-defects.- 5th edition.- Pudukkottai, 1956.- 60 p.

76. Schlaegel T.F. Psychosomatic ophthalmology.Baltimore, 1957.- 523 p.

77. Sivananda, Swami. Health and hygiene. Anatomy and physiology.- 1st edition.- Rishikesh, 1957.- 423 p.

78. Sgrosso S. Il metodo di Bates al vaglio di un oculista // La riforma medica.- Napoli.- 1952.- A

79. Snyder C. Bates, Huxley and myself // Int. Ophthalmol. Clin.- 2:921.- 1962.

80. Thomson, Charles Leslie. Your sight. Care and improvement by natural methods.- London: Thorsons, 1956.- 101 p.

81. Windolph, Michael. Easy eye exercises for better vision. Self-helps to sight improvement.- Hicksville (N.Y.): Exposition press, c.1974.- 159 p.

82. Глазные болезни: Учебник / Под ред.Т.И.Ерошевского, А.А.Бочкаревой.- 2-е изд., перераб. и доп.- М.: Медицина, 1983. - 448 с.

83. Ковалевский Е.И. Глазные болезни.- 3-е изд., перераб. и доп.- М.: Медицина, 1986.

84. Советский энциклопедический словарь / Гл. ред. А.М.Прохоров.- 3-е изд.- М.: Сов. энциклопедия, 1985.- 1600 с.

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