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{856} Ibid., p. 500.

{857} Whiller-Be

{858} Фокке Д. Г. На сцене и за кулисами Брестской трагикомедии (мемуары участника Брест-Литовских мирных переговоров), "Архив русской революции," XX, 1930, с. 206-207.

{859} Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. The Lansing Papers, 1914-1920, vol. 2. W., 1940, p. 327.

{860} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 395.

{861} Цит. по: Ллойд Джордж Д. Военные мемуары, т. 5, М., 1938, с. 42.

{862} Fischer F. German Aims, p. 496

{863} Hoffma

{864} Hoffma

{865} Цит. по: Whiller-Be

{866} Ludendorf E. The General Staff and Its Problems. N.Y., 1925, v.II. p. 550.

{867} Цит. по: Whiller-Be

{868} Sisson E. One Hundred Red Days. New Haven, 1931, p. 326.

{869} Hoffma

{870} Lockhart R. British Agent. Garden City, 1933, p. 247.

{871} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.-Y., 1921, p. 306.

{872} Чубарьян А.О. Брестский мир. Москва, 1964, с. 135.

{873} Троцкий Л.Д. Моя жизнь. Т.2, Берлин, 1930, с. 109.

{874} Ленин В.И. Главная задача насущного дня.

{875} Ленин В.И. Политический доклад Центрального комитета чрезвычайному седьмому съезду РКП(б). Март 1918 года, с.102-108.

{876} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 507.

{877} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 398.

{878} Mehnert G. Evangelische Kirchenpolitik 1917-1919. Dusseldorf, 1959, S. 64.

{879} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 509.

{880} Wheeler - Be

{881} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 396.

{882} Fischer F.Op. cit., p. 510.

{883} Schybergson F. Politische Geschichte Finlands, 1909-1914. Gotha - Stuttgart, 1925, S. 456.

{884} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 514.

{885} Baker R. Woodrow Wilson, Life and Letters, v. VII, N.Y., 1939, p. 206.

{886} Francis F.Russia from American Embassy. N.Y., 1923, p. 236.

{887} Lloyd Gardner C. Op. cit., p. 164.

{888} Woodward D. The British Government and Japanese Intervention in Russia During World War I ("Journal of Modern History". December 1964, p. 663-685).

{889} Kettle M. The Allies and the Russian Collapse, 1917-1918. Mi

{890} FRUS, Lansing Papers, v. 2, p. 351.

{891} Lloyd Gardner. Op, cit., p. 165.

{892} Кайзер написал на полях против этого абзаца: "Всеобщая черта социалистических государств будущего".

{893} Seman S. (ed). Op. cit.. p. 121.

{894} Lloyd Gardner. Op, cit., p. 166.

{895} Ke

{896} J.Spargo. Russia as an American Problem. N.-Y, 1921, p. 233.

{897} Lloyd Gardner C. Safe for Democracy. N.-Y., 1984, p. 168.

{898} Ibidem

{899} Ibid., p. 169.

{900} Fowler W. British - American Relations, 1917-1918: The Role of Sir William Wiseman. Princeton, 1969, p. 170-171.

{901} Groener. Lebensevringerungern. Gottingen, 1957, S. 395.

{902} F.Fischer. Op. cit., p. 539.

{903} Groener. Op. cit., S. 399.

{904} F.Fischer. Op. cit., p. 537.

{905} F.Fischer. Op. cit., p. 538.

{906} FRUS, 1918, Russia, vol. 1, p. 394-395.

{907} FRUS, 1918, Russia, vol. 1, p. 395-396.

{908} Архив полковника Хауза. М., 1944, т. 3, с. 12

{909} Документы внешней политики СССР, т.1, М., 1959, с. 209.

{910} FRUS, 1918, Russia, v. 2. p. 359.

{911} FRUS, 1918, Russia, v. 2. p. 67-68.

{912} Lloyd Gardner C. Safe for Democracy. N.-Y., 1984, p. 175.

{913} Lloyd Gardner C. Safe for Democracy. N.-Y., 1984, p. 172.

{914} Herwig H. The First World War. New York, 1997, p. 400-401.

{915} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 392.

{916} Edmonds J. Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1918, V.I, London, 1935, p. 139.

{917} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 394.

{918} Edmonds J. Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1918, V.I, London, 1935, p. 156.

{919} Edmonds J. Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1918, V.I, London, 1935, p. 51.

{920} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 403.

{921} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 406.

{922} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 407.

{923} Ллойд Джордж Д. Военные мемуары. М., 1935, т.5, с. 263

{924} Marquesss of Reading. Rufus Isaacs, First Marquess of Reading. London, v.2, p. 117.

{925} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 403.

{926} Herwig H. The First World War. New York, 1997, p. 410.

{927} Herwig H. The First World War. New York, 1997, p. 408.

{928} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 405.

{929} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 414.

{930} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 406.

{931} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 410.

{932} Brittain V. Testament of Friendship, The Story of Winifred Holtby. London, 1940, p. 329

{933} Antonelli A. Bolshevik Russia. N.Y., 1920, p. 178.

{934} cm. Lederer I. (ed). Russian Foreign. Policy. New Haven, 1962, p. 81-82.

{935} Churchill W. The World Crisis. Vol.V, London, 1931, p. 241

{936} Троцкий Л.Д.. Моя жизнь. Берлин, 1930, стр. 82.

{937} Ullman R. Anglo - Soviet Relations, v. I, p. 132- 133.

{938} Buchanan G. Diplomatic Mission in Moscow and other places. London, v.2, 1923, p. 321

{939} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 412.

{940} Francis F. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1923, p. 208-299.

{941} Francis F. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1923, p. 303

{942} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 420.

{943} Viertel jahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, 1955, N 1, S. 67.

{944} Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit , p. 124-5.

{945} Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit., p. 127.

133 Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit., p. 127.

{946} Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit., p. 128-9.

{947} Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit., p. 130-131.

{948} Ibidem

{949} Stockdale M.K. Paul Miliukov and the Quest for a Liberal Russia, 1880-1918. Ithaca, 1996, p. 267.

{950} Pershing J. My Experiences in the World War. N.Y., v.II, p. 201.

{951} Clemenceau G. Grandeur and Misery of Victory. London, 1930, p. 416

{952} Clemenceau G. Grandeur and Misery of Victory. London, 1930, p. 420

{953} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 430.

{954} Zeman Z. (ed).. Op. cit , p. 134.

{955} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 544.

{956} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 556

{957} Groener W. Lebenseri

{958} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 552.

{959} Levin J. Wilson and World Politics, p. 99.

{960} FRUS, Lansing Papers, v. 2, p. 360.

{961} Lloyd Gardner C. Op. cit., p. 182-184.

{962} Ullman R. Op. cit. p. 323.

{963} Lloyd Gardner. Op. cit., p. 187.

{964} Lockhart B. British Agent. N.-Y., 1933, p. 274

{965} Ibid., p. 276

{966} Lloyd Gardner. Op. cit., p. 185.

{967} Архив полковника Хауза. М., 1939, т.4, с.47.

{968} Lloyd Gardner. Op. cit., p. 186.

{969} FRUS, Lansing Papers, v. 2, p. 384.

{970} Baker R. Woodrow Wilson. Documents and Letters, v. VII, p. 154.

{971} March P. The Nation at War. N.-Y., 1932, p. 126.

{972} Ke