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Fr. schjøtt, «Det ny Testamentes Texthistorie i de tre første Aarhundreder», Teologisk Tidsskrift for den danske Folkekirke, i (1884), pp. 343–392; «De nytestamentlige Uncialhaandskrifter», Teologisk Tidssknft for den danske Folkekirke, vi (1889), pp. 432–457, 500–555.
Caspar René Gregory, Prolegomena, being vol. iii of Tischendorf's Novum Testamentum Graece, ed. octava critica maior, Leipzig, 1884–1894, 1426 pp.
Edward Miller, A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1886,147 pp., reprinted 1979.
Benjamin B. Warfield, An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1886, 225 pp.
Arnold Rüegg, Die neutestamentlicke Textkritik seit Lachma
Berhard Nestle, Einführung in das griechische Neue Testament, Göttingen, 1897,129 pp.; 2te Aufl., Göttingen, 1899, 288 pp.; 3te Aufl., Göttingen, 1909, 298 pp.; Eng. trans, from 2nd German ed. by William Eadie, Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testament, London, 1901, 351 pp.
Charles F. Sitterly, Praxis in Manuscripts of the Greek Testament, New York, 1898; 4th ed. is part 3 of The Canon, Text and Manuscripts of the New Testament, New York, 1914, 126 pp.
Matheus Lundborg, Nya Testamentets text, dess historia och kritiska behandling i allmä
Marvin R. Vincent, A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, New York, 1899,185 pp.
Kirsopp Lake, The Text of the New Testament, Oxford, 1900, 104 pp.; 6th ed., revised by Silva New, Oxford, 1928, 104 pp.
Frederic G. Kenyon, Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1901, 321 pp.; 2nd ed., London, 1912, 381 pp.
Rudolf Knopf, Der Text des Neuen Testaments, Giessen, 1906,48 pp.
August Pott, Der Text des Neuen Testaments nach seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung,Leipzig, 1906, 108 pp.; 2te Aufl., Leipzig, 1919, 116 pp.
Caspar Rene Gregory, Canon and Text of the Nezv Testament, New York, 1907, pp. 297–539.
______, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1900–1909, 1486 pp.
Jens Stub Irgens, De trykte græske Nye Testamenters historie tilligemed en indledning dertil og et anhang, Kristiania, 1907, 196 pp.
Ernest Jacquier, Le Nouveau Testament dans l̓église chrétie
Alexander Souter, The Text and Canon of the New Testament, London, 1913, pp. 1-145; revised by C. S. C. Williams, London, 1954, pp. 1-133.
P. G. Groenen, Algemeene inleiding tot de Heilige Schrift. II. Geschiedenis van den tekst, Leiden, 1917, 375 pp.
Ernst von Dobschütz, Eberhard Nestle’s Einführung in das griechische Neue Testament, 4te Aufl. völlig umgearbeitet, Göttingen, 1923, 160 pp.
Heinrich Joseph Vogels, Handbuch der Textkritik des Neuen Testaments, Münster, 1923, 255 pp.; 2et Aufl., Bo
A. T. Robertson, An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, New York, 1925, 300 pp.; 2nd ed., New York, 1928, 300 pp.
Giuseppe Sacco, La Koinè del Nuovo Testamento e la trasmissione del sacro testo, Rome, 1928, pp. 151–327.
Ernst Nachmanson, Nya Testamentet, en översikt av 347 dess yttre historia, Stockholm, 1931,164 pp.
Léon Vaganay, Initiation à la critique textuelle néotestamentaire, Paris, 1934, 188 pp.; English trans., London, 1937, 208 pp; 2nd ed. by Christian-Bernard Amphoux, Paris, 1986, 300 pp.; English trans, by Je
M.-J. Lagrange, Introduction à l̓étude du Nouveau Testament; 2nd part, Critique textuelle. II. La critique ratio
Eugène Mercier, Le Texte du Nouveau Testament, Lausa
Auguste Hollard, Histoire du texte du Nouveau Testament, Paris, 1936, 80 pp.
Frederic G. Kenyon, The Text of the Greek Bible: A Students' Handbook, London, 1937, 264 pp.; 2nd ed., London, 1949, 264 pp.; German trans, by Hans Bolewski, Der Text der griechischen Bibel: ein Lehrbuch, Göttingen, 1952, 166 pp.; 2te Aufl., überarbeitet und ergänzt von A. W. Adams, 1961, 200 pp.; 3rd English ed., revised by A. W. Adams, London, 1975, 275 pp.
R. Wehner, Nya Testamentets grundtext genom seklema, Stockholm, 1943, 34 pp.
Ernest Cadman Colwell, What Is the Best Νeiν Testament? Chicago, 1952, 127 pp.
Paolo Sacchi, Alle origini del Nuovo Testamento: Saggio per la storia della tradizione e la critica del testo, Florence, 1956, 178 pp.
L. D. Twilley, The Origin and Transmission of the New Testament: A Short Introduction, Edinburgh, 1957, pp. 36–63.
Jean Duplacy, Où en est la critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament? Paris, 1959, 103 pp.
A. Ivanov, «Tekstual’nye pamyatniki svyashche
Vincent Taylor, The Text of the New Testament: A Short Introduction, New York, 1961, 113 pp.
Toshio Hirunuma, New Testament Textual Criticism [in Japanese], Tokyo, 1962, 192 pp.
J. Harold Greenlee, An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism, Grand Rapids, MI, 1964,160 pp.; London, 1976; 2nd ed., Peabody, MA, 1995.
Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, Oxford, 1964, xii + 270 pp.; German trans., Stuttgart, 1966; Japanese trans., Tokyo, 1973, 2nd ed., 1999; Chinese trans., Taipei, 1981; Korean trans., Seoul, 1984; Italian trans., Brescia, 1996; Russian trans., Moscow, 1996.
Harold K. Moulton, Papyrus, Parchment and Print; the Story of how the New Testament Text has Reached Us (World Christian Books 57), London, 1967, 77 pp.
Jack Finegan, Encountering New Testament Manuscripts: A Working Introduction to Textual Criticism, Grand Rapids, MI, 1974, 203 pp.
J. J. Thierry, Korte geschiedenis van tekst van het Nieuwe Testament, Kampen, 1982, 132 pp.
Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, Der Text des Neuen Testament, Stuttgart, Grand Rapids, MI, 1982; English trans, by E. F. Rhodes, Grand Rapids, MI, 1987, 338 pp.: 2nd ed., Grand Rapids, MI, 1989, 366 pp.
Kobus (i.e., J. H.) Petzer, Die teks van die Nuwe Testament (Hervormde Teolo- giese Studies, Supplementum 2), Pretoria, 1990, xviii + 353 pp.
Wilson Paroschi, Critica Textual do Novo Testamento, Sao Paulo, 1993, 248 pp.
David Alan Black, New Testament Textual Criticism, a Concise Guide, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, 79 pp.
Keith Elliott and Ian Moir, Manuscripts and the Text of the New Testament, An Introduction for English Readers, Edinburgh, 1995, x + 111 pp.