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“Since before the sun rose.” She leans into my touch. “I wanted to be sure …”

“Aw, you were worried about me, you tender-hearted little thing.” I grin as I roll over, pushing her back onto the pillows.

“Of course I was, you idiot,” she says, fighting a smile as she punches my bare arm, proving marriage isn’t going to make her go easy on me. “I have important business to attend to. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life cleaning up swan droppings.”

“Is that all?” I lean close enough for our noses to brush. “The only reason you’re glad I’m still human?”

“Well … I love you,” she whispers, her fingers threading through my hair, pulling me even closer. “I suppose there’s that.”

Before I can tell her I love her, too, she’s kissing me, and one kiss leads to two, which leads to a challenge to prove love is as much fun in the daylight, and I never have been the sort who can resist a challenge that involves a beautiful girl.

A beautiful girl who loves me, who makes me feel like I’ve finally come home.

“Let’s never sleep apart,” I whisper later as we lie curled together, drifting back to sleep in the pale morning light. “I want to wake up with you every day.”

Aurora sighs. “You really are sweet, you know.”

“It’s true, your highness. I am very sweet. You should always love me,” I say, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder.

She laughs. “I think that can be arranged.”


Firstly, big thanks to the usual suspects—to Michelle Poploff and Rebecca Short for their editing prowess, to Ginger Clark for agenting finesse, and to the entire team at Delacorte Press for their excellence. Thanks to my family—to Mike for love above and beyond, and to Riley and Logan for laughs and love and the joy of being Mama to two such extraordinary people. Thanks to friend and critique partner, Julie Linker, for her keen eye and unflagging moral support, to Je

About the Author

Stacey Jay is the author of seven previous books for young adults, including Of Beast and Beauty and the popular companion novels Juliet Immortal and Romeo Redeemed. She lives in a cabin by the river in Northern California with her winemaker husband, two sons, her beloved sewing machine, an electric ukulele, and all the stories still making their way from the ether to the page. Learn more at staceyjay.com.

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