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“I defeated him,” Burton said flatly.

“You met Abdu El Yezdi.”

“My other self succumbed to old age.”

“His allies—Brunel, Babbage, and the Department of Guided Science—are now your allies, and his reports, in which all the aforementioned is explained, and which are filled with the wealth of his experience, are at your disposal.”

Burton was silent for a moment. The stench of the River Thames wafted in through the window. They were close to their destination.

Three steam spheres passed the landau, their drive bands humming.

“What’s your opinion of them, Algy—of the reports, I mean? Specifically, the ma

Swinburne chuckled. “I think his propensity for inflicting them with pe

The Baker Street Detective, featuring Mr. Macallister Fogg.”

“Sheer hokum, and I’d say the same of the reports had I not met El Yezdi in person. I must say, though, for all their outlandishness, I’m just as fascinated by what he omitted from them than by what he included, especially where the third is concerned. Was he protecting himself, do you think?”

Burton shook his head. “I’ve been in many positions where concealing information would have been the wisest course. The report I made, at Sir Charles Napier’s behest, into male brothels in Karachi ruined my military career and my reputation because it was, quite simply, too complete. That was in 1845, when I was twenty-four years old. El Yezdi had been with us for five years by then. We know from the first of his accounts that, in his native history, he’d presented the very same report when he was twenty-four and suffered the identical consequences, yet he made no move to prevent me from repeating the mistake. It appears that he and I, being one and the same, have shared an utter lack of caution where personal reputation is concerned.”

“So maybe the omissions were to protect others.”

“That’s my suspicion. Perhaps there are some matters his associates are simply better off not knowing.”

“Myself among them.”

“Most assuredly,” Burton agreed. “He never revealed the fate of the Swinburne who, in his own variant of time, accompanied him to Africa. Exactly what happened to you amid the Mountains of the Moon?”

“And why didn’t I return from them?”

With a jerk and a loud detonation from its engine, the landau came to a stop. The driver shouted, “Battersea Power Station, gents!” He saluted down to his passengers as they disembarked. Burton stepped out of the cabin stiffly and with a groan.

Snow fell around them. The cabbie waved a hand at it. “At least it’s turned the right bloomin’ colour, hey? White, just as snow aught to bloomin’ well be!”

“A shilling, I take it?” Swinburne asked.

“Beg pardon?”

“The fare.”

Burton pushed his friend aside and handed up the correct coinage and a little extra. “My companion is convinced that every cab ride, no matter the destination, costs a shilling,” he explained.

“They do!” Swinburne protested. His left leg twitched, causing him to hop up and down.


“Extremely. He’s a poet.”

“Oh dear!”

“An unmitigated loony,” Burton clarified.

“I say!” Swinburne screeched.

The driver clicked his tongue sympathetically. “Got you into a scrap, did he? Caused a rumpus? You look proper done over, you do, if yer don’t mind me a-sayin’ so.”

“He did, I am, and I don’t. Good evening.”

“Night, sir.”

The landau departed.

Battersea Power Station stood tall before them, its four copper rods rising high, like chimneys, scraping the underside of the blanketing cloud. Both men knew the rods extended even farther below the edifice, penetrating deep into the Earth’s crust. Brunel had designed the station to render geothermal energy into electricity. It was one of his few failures, and generated only sufficient power to light itself.

They started across the broad patch of wasteland that separated the station from Queenstown Road. Burton limped, pain stabbing through him with every step. Their feet sank into the snow, which was already lying a foot deep, startlingly pink beneath the illuminations of Brunel’s creation.

“Red snow,” Swinburne muttered. “Spring Heeled Jack. Men from the future. Multiple Burtons. And he calls me a loony!”

Off to their right, a gargantuan rotorship rose from the nearby Royal Navy Air Service Station. Light glowed from the many portholes along its sides, and its spi

“The Sagittarius,” Burton noted. “According to the Daily Bugle, it’s off to China today.”

“To bomb the Qing Dynasty into submission at the behest of Lord Elgin,” Swinburne added. “That man is the consummate politician. He possesses not one jot of conscience. Can we return to the matter at hand? Edward Oxford? Did we encounter him tonight?”

“The problem is that the apparition resembled Oxford’s time suit only in that it was mounted on stilts,” Burton responded. “It was a mechanism, not a man.”

“So if not him, what?”

“In design it appeared more advanced than Oxford’s invention. I wonder, then, whether its origins lie even farther into the future than 2202. Conversely, it said it served Queen Victoria, meaning it must have come from some point during her reign, between 1837 and 1840.”

“Which makes no sense at all.”

“As you say. And why was it hunting for me? And why didn’t it know what to do with me when it found me? And why did it—did it—wait. Stop.” Burton gasped, stumbled to a halt, and leaned heavily on his cane. “I just need a moment.”

“Not far to go,” Swinburne said. “Then warmth, brandy, and a chair to sit in. Sadhvi shouldn’t take too long to get here, either. She’ll soon have you as right as rain.”

“I share your—your faith in her abilities,” Burton mumbled. “Nevertheless—”

He fished the bottle of Saltzma

“Please,” Swinburne pleaded. “You promised.”

“I have to break my word, Algy. I’m sorry, but my legs are folding beneath me. I can barely function.”

“Just hold on a little longer.”

“I can’t.” Burton sucked in a juddering breath, uncorked the bottled, raised it to his lips, and downed the contents.

“All of it?” Swinburne shrieked. “You’re only meant to take a teaspoonful!”


“You’re out of your bloody mind!”

Burton felt honey-like warmth oozing through arteries and spreading into capillaries. His aches immediately shifted to one side, as if vacating his wounds. He felt the odd sensation that countless possibilities stretched away from him into an infinitude of futures.

The tincture had never acted with such rapidity.

He was thankful for it.

“Better,” he said after a minute had passed. “Let’s get out of this snow.”

They trudged onward, Swinburne glaring angrily at the explorer, and came to the power station’s big double gate, in which was set a smaller door. Burton rapped his stick against it and, within a minute, it swung inward and one of Brunel’s engineers greeted them. “You got here quickly!”

“What do you mean?” Burton asked, stepping through into the courtyard.

“Weren’t you called for?”

“No. Why? Has something happened?”

“I’ll say! You’d better go straight through to the central work area. Mr. Babbage will explain. Or more likely Mr. Gooch. Babbage—Mr. Babbage—is rather—um—upset.”