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Here, she felt that by virtue of her mere presence, she was treading on sacred ground. In some unspoken way, she got the sense from the five pairs of eyes studying her that in this place, among these people, she was somehow the ultimate outsider.

Even Brock’s dark, absorbing gaze settled on her with a weighty appraisal that seemed to say he wasn’t sure he liked seeing her there, regardless of the care and kindness he’d shown her back in the infirmary.


No, something about each of the hard, unreadable faces fixed on her told her that they were not her kind at all. They were something else … something other.

But after what she’d been through in her cabin in Alaska—after what she’d seen of herself in the infirmary room—could she even be certain of what she was now?

The question chilled her to her bones.

She didn’t want to think about it. Could hardly bear to accept that she’d been fed upon by something as monstrous and terrifying as the creature that had held her prisoner in her own home all those hours. The same creature that had implanted the bit of foreign matter in her body and turned her life—what little had been left of it—inside out.

What was to become of her now?

How would she ever get back to the woman she was before?


Making it worse, the sense of confusion that had followed her through the corridors of the compound rose up on her again, stronger now. Everything seemed to amplify around her, from the soft buzz of the fluorescent lights over her head—lights that glared too bright for her sensitive eyes—to the accelerating drum of her heartbeat that seemed to be heading for overdrive, pushing too much blood through her veins. Her skin felt too tight, wrapped around a body that was quickening with some strange new awareness. She had felt its stirrings from the moment she’d opened her eyes in the infirmary, and instead of leveling out, it was getting worse.

Some strange new power seemed to be growing inside her.

Stretching out, awakening …

“I’m feeling kind of weird,” she said to Alex, as her temples ticked with the pound of her pulse, her palms going moist where they remained fisted deep inside the pockets of her robe. “I think I need to get out of here, get some air.”

Alex reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Je

“Okay,” Je

Several yards ahead in the curving hallway, a pair of elevator doors slid open. Three women walked out wearing snow-dusted winter parkas and wet boots. They were followed by a similarly bundled-up young girl who held a pair of dogs on leashes—a small, exuberant mutt terrier and Alex’s regal gray-and-white wolfdog, Luna, which had apparently also made the recent move from Alaska to Boston.

As soon as Luna’s sharp blue eyes lit on Alex and Je

“Hi, Alex!” she said, laughing as Luna pulled her along the corridor in her wake. “We just got back from a walk outside. It’s freezing up there!”

Reaching out to pet Luna’s big head and neck, Alex gave the child a welcoming smile. “Thanks for taking her. I know she likes being with you, Mira.”

The little girl bobbed her head enthusiastically. “I like Luna, too. So does Harvard.”

Whether in protest or agreement, the scrappy-looking terrier barked once and danced frenetically around the larger dog’s legs, stubby tail wagging about sixty miles an hour.

“Hello,” said one of the three women. “I’m Gabrielle. It’s good to see you up and around, Je

“I’m sorry,” Alex interjected, rising to make quick introductions. “Je

“Hi.” Je

“I’m Sava


“And this is Tess,” Alex added, indicating the last of the trio, a heavily pregnant blonde with tranquil, sea-green eyes that seemed wise beyond their years. “She and her mate, Dante, are expecting their son very soon.”

“Just a few more weeks,” Tess said as she briefly clasped Je

“Can you zap me back in time about a week?” Je

An uneasy look passed between the women.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Gabrielle said. Although regret softened her expression, Lucan’s mate spoke with the serene confidence of a woman cognizant of her own authority but disinclined to abuse it. “What you’ve been through is terrible, Je

“No sorrier than me,” Je

Alex murmured a few hushed words of good-bye to the other women. Then she scratched Luna behind the ears and gave the wolfdog a quick kiss on the snout before navigating Je


Alex cocked her head, considering. “The Order has ten members right now who live here at the compound. All but Brock, Hunter, and Chase are mated, so that makes seven of us Breedmates, plus Mira.”

“Eighteen people in total,” Je

“Nineteen now,” Alex corrected, as she slanted a gauging look over her shoulder.

“I’m temporary,” Je

The way Alex’s sympathetic smile wavered on her lips put a lurch in Je

“Well, here we are.” She opened the door to a private apartment and motioned Je
