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“It doesn’t matter to me what you are,” he replied soberly. “I’m just glad to see you’re doing well.”

In the silence that stretched out between them, Je

“They’re all settling in at Reichen’s place. Go

“That’s good,” she replied quietly. “And Cori

Brock’s face grew solemn. “She’s been through hell and back. She wants to go home to her family in Detroit. She says there are things she needs to take care of back there, in her past, before she can think about her future.”

“Oh,” Je

She understood how Cori

Since the rescue today, she’d been thinking about her future, too. It was impossible to picture without Brock in the equation, especially now that she was looking up into his handsome face, feeling the warmth and comfort of his dark gaze and his gentle touch.


She bit back the selfish reply that might have implored him not to go. Instead she nodded, then blurted out the things she knew he’d need to hear.

Things that would relieve him of any guilt about what they’d shared together or the tender promises he’d made her in the time before he knew his past love would be delivered back into his arms.

“Brock, I want to thank you for helping me the way you have. You’ve saved my life—more than once—and you’ve been the kindest, most tender and giving man I’ve ever known.”

He frowned, parting his lips as if to say something, but she talked over him.

“I want you to know that I’m grateful for the friendship you’ve given me. Most of all, I’m grateful for the way you’ve shown me that I can be happy again. I didn’t think I ever would be, not really. And I never thought I’d be able to fall in love again—”


“I know you have to go with Cori

“Stop talking, Je

“I want you to be happy,” she said, ignoring his quiet demand. “I want you to have everything you deserve in a mate, even if that means without me.”

He finally silenced her with a hard kiss, putting his hand on the back of her neck and bringing her up against him. He drew back, holding her gaze in a passionate, possessive stare.

“Stop telling me what I need to do.” He kissed her again, softer now, his mouth covering hers, tongue demanding entrance. She felt his need, and the emotion that seemed to say he never wanted to let her go. When he finally released her, his dark eyes were glittering with amber sparks. “For one damned second, Je

She stared at him, hardly daring to hope she knew where he was heading.

“I’m in love with you,” he whispered fiercely. “I love you, and I could give a damn if you’re human, cyborg, alien, or some mixed-up combination of all three. I love you, Je

She sucked in a ragged breath, overcome with joy and relief. “Oh, Brock. I love you so much. I thought I’d lost you today.”

“Never,” he said, staring deeply into her eyes. “You and me, we’re partners. Partners in everything now. I’m always go

She laughed around a sob, and gave him a shaky nod. “You’ll always have my heart.”

“Always,” he said, then pulled her into his arms for a deep, never-ending kiss.



It had been a couple of days since she’d awakened in the compound infirmary, fully healed from the stab wound she’d received during the rescue of the captive Breedmates.

Only a couple of days since she and Brock had promised to spend their future together as lovers, mates … partners.

“Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” he asked her, wrapping his strong arm around her shoulders.

She knew he hated the cold of this place, yet he’d been the one to suggest the trip north. He’d been patient and understanding, and she knew he would stand out here with her forever if he thought she needed the extra time. His breath steamed in the frigid night air, his handsome face solemn, yet reassuring within the deep hood of his parka.

“I’m ready,” she said, turning a misty glance onto the small cemetery that stretched out sleepily before her. Twining her gloved fingers through his, she walked with him toward the far corner of the plot, to where a pair of tall granite markers stood side by side in their thick blanket of snow.

She’d been prepared for the wave of emotion that swamped her as she and Brock approached Mitch and Libby’s graves for the first time, but it still took her breath away. Her heart clenched, her throat constricted, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure that she’d have the strength to see this through, after all.

“I’m scared,” she whispered.

Brock squeezed her hand, his deep voice gentle. “You can do it. I’m go

She looked up into his steady, dark eyes, feeling his love enfold her, lending her his strength. She nodded, then continued walking, her wet gaze rooted on the etched lettering that made everything seem so irrefutable.

So very raw and real.

The tears started falling the moment she stepped onto the ground in front of the headstones. She let go of Brock’s hand and moved closer, knowing she had to make it through this part on her own.

“Hi, Mitch,” she murmured quietly, kneeling down into the snow. She placed one of the two red roses she’d brought with her at the base of his marker. The other one—fastened with a pink ribbon to a small, stuffed teddy bear—she laid carefully near the smaller gravestone. “Hello, sweetpea.”

For a long moment, she remained there, listening to the wind as it blew through the boreal pines, her eyes closed on her tears as she remembered happy times with her husband and daughter.

“Oh, God,” she whispered, choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry. I miss you both so much.”

She couldn’t hold back the pain. It poured out of her in great, ugly sobs—all the pent-up anguish and guilt that she’d been holding locked inside her since the night of the accident.

She’d never been able to feel this purge before. She’d been too afraid. Too angry with herself to give into the grief and finally let it go.

But she couldn’t stop it now. She felt Brock’s steady presence behind her—her lifeline, her safe haven in the midst of the storm. She felt stronger now, safe.

She felt loved.

Even more miraculous to her, she felt worthy of being loved.

With a few more murmured words of good-bye, she touched each of the gravestones, then slowly rose to her feet.