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She smiled up at him, oblivious to the wash of revelation pouring over him. “I did say something about a shower, actually. But it’s way over there in the bathroom, and we’re out here.”

“Easy enough to take care of that.” He scooped her up into his arms and used the inhuman speed he’d been born with to carry her into the adjacent bathroom before she could even yelp for him to put her down.

“Oh, my God!” she exclaimed, laughing around the words as he set her feet down on the marble floor. “Neat trick.”

“Baby, stick around. I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”

She arched a slim brow. “Is that an invitation?”

“Do you want it to be?”

Instead of shooting back with something teasing or suggestive, she got quiet suddenly. Glanced away for a second. When she looked back up at him, her face was as serious as he’d ever seen it. “I don’t know what I want … other than more of this. More of you.”

Brock lifted her beautiful face on the edge of his hand. “Take all you want.”

She brought her arms around the back of his neck and kissed him like she meant to never let go. He held her, mouths joined and needy, as he walked them both into the large shower and turned on the spray. Warm water coursed all around them, drenching them as they continued to touch and stroke and kiss.


“Ah, Christ,” he hissed, so very close to the edge already. “Come up here now.”

He pulled her up against his hard body and kissed her hungrily, thrusting his tongue into the hot sheath of her mouth the way he was dying to be inside her sex. He reached down and parted her legs from behind, spreading the firm, wet mounds of her pretty ass. He hauled her against him and brought his hand around to the slick, hot core of her body.

“I need to be inside you,” he growled, hunger ratcheting so tight he felt ready to explode.

Bracing his feet on the floor of the shower, his spine pressed to the wall, he lifted her up onto him. Slowly, hissing with the pure white-hot pleasure of it, he guided her down the full length of his cock.

She moaned, burying her face in his shoulder as he rocked her in an unhurried tempo, relishing every sigh and gasp of bliss she gave him. She came on a shivery cry, her sheath milking him, tiny pulsations ru

His own need for release was roaring up on him. He turned her around and splayed her legs in front of him. She leaned forward, palms against the marble wall, water streaming down the valley of her spine and into the crack of her pretty ass. He slid back home, hooking his arm around her waist as he thrust into her, too far gone to take things slowly.

He’d never known sex this intense. He’d never known the depth of need he felt for this woman. The urge to possess slammed into him, just as it had the first time he’d made love with Je

But it was alive in him now. As he pumped into the soft, wet heat of her body, his gums ached with the hunger to taste her. To bind her to him, regardless of the impossibility of ever truly taking this female—a mortal woman—as his blood-bonded mate.

He snarled with the force of that desire, unable to keep from pressing his mouth to the supple curve of her neck and shoulder as he drove deeper into her with each hard thrust. All the while, the points of his fangs rested against her tender skin. Teasing … testing.

“Do it,” she whispered. “Oh, God, Brock … I want to feel it. I want to feel all of you.”

He growled low in his throat, letting the sharp tips sink in a little more, just a breath away from breaking the surface. “It won’t mean anything,” he rasped harshly, unsure if it was anger or regret that made his voice so raw. His orgasm was coiling tightly, on the verge of exploding. “I just … ah, fuck … I need to taste you, Je

She reached out and put her palm against the back of his head, ready to force him. “Do it.”

He bit down, penetrating the soft flesh at the same instant he buried himself to the hilt and spilled deep within her. Je

He turned her around to face him, both of them soaking under the warm deluge of the shower. He had no words, only reverence and wonder for this human female who had somehow stolen his heart. She glanced up at him from under the dark spikes of her lashes, her cheeks pink, mouth still swollen from his kisses.

Brock caressed her jaw, that stubborn, beautiful jaw. She smiled, a sexy curve of her lips, and then suddenly they were kissing all over again. His sex responded instantly, and the fire in his blood stoked back up to a rapid boil. Je

Oh, yeah.

It was going to be a long night.




They’d made love for endless hours: under the water of the shower; against the bedroom wall; on the sofa in the living room … she’d lost track of all the places, and all the creative ways they’d found to pleasure each other’s bodies.

Now she dragged her eyelids open in a state of blissful contentment as she snuggled further into his embrace, her cheek pressed to his chest, one leg bent and slung over the tops of his thighs. Her shifting stirred a low groan out of him, the deep rumble vibrating through her.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered.

Another groan, something dark and wicked. “I wasn’t sleeping.”

His biceps flexed as he pulled her closer, then he covered her hand with his and guided her touch down to the part of him that was, without question, very much alert. Je

He gave a faint thrust as she palmed him, his thick shaft growing more rigid, impossibly larger, in her grasp. “You got something against centenarians?”

“A hundred years?” she asked, coming up onto her elbow to look at him. There was so much she didn’t know about him. So many things she wanted to learn. “Are you really that old?”

“Somewhere around there. Older, probably, but I stopped counting the years a long time ago.” He smiled, just a slight curving of his sensual lips, as he reached out and smoothed some of her hair behind her ear. “Afraid I won’t be able to keep up with you?”

She lifted a brow. “Not after last night.”

As he chuckled, she leaned down and kissed him. She rose up and straddled him, sighing with pleasure for the way they fit so perfectly together. As she moved lazily atop him, simply relishing the sensation of him filling her once again, she noted the tiny, but healing, bite marks she’d left on his neck during their last bout of lovemaking.