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Cho ended the call and put the car into reverse.

This was her chance—she had to make her move right now.


She kicked out with both feet, her right slamming into the side of Green’s head, her left catching him in the elbow of his weapon arm. Green roared, his chin snapping up as the hand holding the Glock jerked toward the roof of the sedan. Gunfire cracked loudly in the car as a bullet shot through the upholstery and steel above his head.

Amid the chaos of the surprise attack, Cho’s foot came down heavy on the gas. The sedan clipped the side of a thick concrete pillar in the row behind them, but Cho recovered quickly. He threw the vehicle into drive and stomped on the pedal again. Rubber squealed as the car lurched into acceleration.

Where the hell was Brock?



“Sit the fuck back and behave, Ms. Darrow,” he said pleasantly. “You’re not going anywhere until Master says so.”


There was no doubt in her mind now at all. These FBI agents—these beings who looked and acted like men, but somehow weren’t—were part of Dragos’s organization. Good God, just how far did his reach extend?

The question put a cold knot of fear in her stomach as Cho floored the sedan and sent it peeling out of the garage, then into the busy afternoon traffic outside.

Brock had crossed the sunlit street in mere seconds, using the speed of his Breed genetics to carry him through the afternoon daylight, to the door of the tall federal building. He was just about to enter and make another swift dash, past security, when his keen hearing picked up the muffled pop of a gunshot some distance behind.

The parking garage.

He knew it even before he heard the crunch of shredding metal and the shrill squeal of tires spi


Although he had no blood bond with her to alert him that she was in danger, he felt the certainty of it clawing at his gut. She was no longer in the federal building but back in the garage, across the sunlit street.

Something had gone terribly wrong, and it had everything to do with TerraGlobal—with Dragos.

No sooner had the thought formed, when an unmarked gray Crown Vic burst from the garage exit. As the sedan roared away, he saw two men in the front seat. The passenger was pivoted around to face a single occupant in back.

No, not men—Minions.

And Je

Fury rolled through him like a tidal wave. His sights locked onto the car that held Je

He leapt across the hood of a standing taxi at the curb, then dodged a delivery truck that came up out of nowhere and would have run him down if he hadn’t been propelled by his Breed ability and fear for what might happen to Je

Heart hammering, he raced into the parking garage and jumped into the Rover.

Two seconds later, he was rocketing out into the street, defying the blaze of ultraviolet rays that poured in through the windshield as he sped off in Je

His woman, he thought fiercely, as he dropped his boot on the gas pedal and took off in pursuit.



Special Agent Green—or whoever, whatever, he really was—kept the Glock trained on her with a steady hand as the sedan weaved and lurched through the clotted New York City traffic. Je


A black Range Rover was keeping pace with them, just a few cars back.


Brock. It had to be him.

But at the same moment, she hoped like hell it wasn’t. It couldn’t be—he would be foolish to risk it. The sun was still a giant ball of fire in the cold westerly sky, at least two hours from setting. Driving in full daylight would be suicide for one of Brock’s kind.

And yet, it was him.

When the sedan made another sidelong shift in the lane, Je

Brock was behind them, and he was deadly furious.

“Son of a bitch,” Green muttered, peering over her head to look through the rear window of the vehicle. “We’ve got a tail.”

“You sure?” Cho asked, taking the opportunity to pass another car as they neared the other end of the bridge.

“I’m sure,” Green replied. A note of unease had crept into his otherwise unreadable face. “It’s a vampire. One of the warriors.”

Cho gu

Green nodded, and, still holding Je


“We’re nearing the Brooklyn cargo docks, Master, as you instructed. But we’re not alone.” Green spoke in a rush of words, as though he sensed the displeasure that would follow. “There’s someone following us on the bridge. He is Breed. A warrior from the Order.”


“Lose him,” Dragos growled, pure venom.

“He’s right behind us,” Cho said, glancing nervously in the rearview mirror as they sped along a road that followed the waterfront toward an industrial area. “He’s only one car behind us now and gaining. I don’t think we can shake him at this point.”

Another snarled oath from Dragos, more savage than before. “All right,” he said in a low, even tone. “Then abort. Kill the bitch and get out of there. Dump her corpse off the docks or into the street, I could give a fuck. But don’t let that goddamn vampire get near either one of you. Understood?”