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She was boneless as she floated back down to reality. Boneless and drained, even though her body was still pulsing and alive with sensation. And Brock was still kissing her. Still stroking her with his fingers, wringing every last quiver from her as she clutched his thick shoulders and panted with pleasurable little aftershocks.

“I think I needed that,” she whispered, shuddering as his low chuckle rumbled against her sensitive flesh. He kissed her i

“My pleasure,” he rasped. “And I’m not finished with you just yet.” He shifted beneath her, bringing his arm around her and settling her over his right shoulder. “Hold onto me.”

She had no choice. Before she knew what he intended, he stood up. As in deadlifted all of her weight on one shoulder and rose to his feet like she was nothing but feathers. Je

No doubt about it, he was beautiful.

And her already-electrified body hummed with renewed heat when she realized he was carrying her directly to the big king-size bed.

He pulled aside the coverlet and sheet, then set her down on the edge of the mattress. Je


He paused at the edge of the bed, scowling when she held his transformed gaze. “Are you afraid of me … like this?”

She gave a small shake of her head. “No, I’m not afraid.”

“If you’re concerned about pregnancy—”

She shook her head again. “My internal injuries in the accident took care of that. I can’t get pregnant. Anyway, regardless of that, I understand that Breed and human DNA doesn’t mix.”

“No,” he said. “And as for any other concerns you might have, you’re safe with me. There is no sickness or disease among my kind.”


His scowl lessened but he held himself very still. “If you’re not sure—if this isn’t what you want, then what I told you before still stands. We can stop anytime.” He chuckled low under his breath. “I think it might kill me to stop right now, when you’re looking so damn hot in my bed, but I’ll do it. God help me, but I’ll do it.”

She smiled, touched that someone so powerful could have such honor and humility. She pushed back the sheets and made room for him next to her. “I don’t want to stop.”

His mouth broke into a wide grin. On a growl, he stalked forward and climbed into the bed beside her. At first, they merely touched and caressed, kissing tenderly, learning more about each other’s bodies. Brock was patient with her, even though the tension in his body told her he was racked with the need for release. He was kind and caring, treating her like a cherished lover even though they’d both agreed up front that this thing between them could never be more than casual, no strings attached.

It seemed incredible to her that this man she barely knew—this Breed male who should by rights scare her spitless—could instead feel so familiar, so intimate. But Brock was hardly a stranger to her. He’d been at her side through a nightmare ordeal, then again through the days of her recovery here at the compound. And he’d come after her that night she’d been alone and injured in the city, her unlikely, dark savior.

“Why did you do it?” she asked him quietly, her fingers tracing the dermaglyphs that swirled down around his shoulder and onto his chest. “Why did you stay with me in Alaska, and then all those days I was in the infirmary?”

He was silent for a moment, his black brows knitted tightly over the fiery glow of his eyes. “I hated seeing what had happened to you. You were an i

“I’m a big girl. I can handle it,” she said, an autopilot response that she didn’t truly feel. Especially after the disturbing results of her latest blood work. “What about now … what we’re doing here, I mean. Is this part of your be-nice-to-the-pitiful-human program, too?”

“No. Hell no.” His scowl deepened almost to the point of anger. “You think this is about pity? Is that what it felt like to you?” He rasped out a harsh breath, baring the sharp tips of his fangs as he rolled her onto her back and straddled her. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty goddamned hot for you, lady. Any fucking hotter and I’d be ash.”

To prove his point, he gave a none-too-subtle thrust of his hips, seating his shaft between the plush, wet folds of her sex. He pumped a couple of times, sliding the rigid length of his cock back and forth within the slick cleft, teasing her with the hard heat of his arousal. He hooked his arm under her leg and brought it up around his shoulder, turning his face against her thigh and giving the tender skin a sharp nip.

“This is pure necessity, not pity,” he said, his voice rough and raw as he entered her, long and slow and deep.


Already, the crest of another climax was swiftly rising up on her. She couldn’t hold it back. It crashed into her, splintering her senses, sharpening them. She felt the rush of her own blood in her veins, felt the furious pound of Brock’s pulse, too, drumming beneath her fingertips and in every nerve ending. Her ears filled with the sound of her breathless shout of release, the slick friction of joined bodies writhing against the sheets. The scents of sex and soap and clean sweat on hot skin intoxicated her. The taste of Brock’s searing kiss on her lips only made her crave more of him.

She hungered, in a way she couldn’t understand.

She hungered for him, so deeply it seemed to wring her out from the inside.

She wanted to taste him. To taste the power of what he was.

Panting in the wake of her release, she drew back from his mouth. He swore something dark and aggressive under his breath, his strokes growing more intense, veins and tendons popping up in his neck and shoulders like thick cables rising under his skin.

Holding on to him, Je

She pressed her face into the strong column of his neck and ran her tongue along the pulse point she found there. He groaned, a pleasured sound that only served as fuel for the fire still stoked and burning within her. She ventured a little more, closing her teeth over his skin. He snarled a raw curse, and she bit down tighter, feeling the surge of tension that arrowed through his whole body. He was on the edge now, his arms like granite around her, every thrust of his hips growing more intense.