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She struggled to pull herself the rest of the way inside.

It was a tight fit, really tight, but she had a good feeling now that she was going to make it through.


SOstubborn! he thought as he led Sha

Didn't she realize that two people had a much better chance of survival when both were armed? But no. She was too scared to pack even a little heat.

He didn't understand fear of guns. Guns eased fear. They were equalizers.

"Are you mad at me?" she said, close behind him.

Lucky for them, all the stairwells had battery-powered emergency lights. Still, he didn't want any shooting in here, especially with a shotgun. A miss would send buckshot ricocheting every which way.

"No, honey. I understand."

And he did, sort of. First time she ever pulled a trigger she killed someone she'd known. Even though that person had no longer been the person she'd known, it still had to give one pause.

"I wish I were like you."

"Now that's a surprise."

"I mean with guns. You seem so at ease with them."


"What do you mean?"

"My daddy. He was what people called a survivalist."

"You mean with the bomb shelter and the freeze-dried food and...?"

"The guns? Yep. The whole nine yards. He bought the whole package. And he made all of us buy into it too." He remembered the emergency drills, the nights spent underground in the shelter, the constant target practice. "At least until we were old enough to go out on our own."

"What was he afraid of? Aliens? Minority uprisings? Islamic fanatics? Economic holocaust?"

"None of the above. Daddy was old school. For him it was commies."

"Commies? But--"

"I know, I know. But he believed they tore down the Berlin Wall to fool us. They never let go of their quest for world domination. Especially the Chinese commies--they were the ones who scared the crap out of my daddy. Because there's so many of them. He kept saying, 'They're coming, Clay. A human tsunami. They'll overrun us because we won't be able to shoot fast enough.' Can't tell you how many times I heard that."


"What do you mean?"

"They're practically buying the country."

"Yeah, well. Daddy prepared us for invasion. We grew up to think he was crazy, but he wasn't. It's happening right now. Except it ain't commies, it's these monsters."

They reached the ground-floor landing and peeked through the slit window in the steel fire door. Empty--at least as far as he could see. But instead of opening the door, Clay turned to Sha

"All right. Here's the plan: We're go


"That's it. No discussion. I've got to hang around until the staties arrive, and that shouldn't be long. When they get here, we'll team up and clean up this mess. But a couple of things first. You called Moorecook 'patient zero,' said he started all this. From what you said, it sounds like he cut himself on purpose to get this going. Any idea why?"


"By turning into a monster?"

"You're assuming he knew what would happen. I can't believe he'd want to become the thing I saw in the lobby."

"Can you tell me anything else? I'm going to have to fill in the staties on what I know, and the more I know, the better. Even if you don't think it's important, tell me."


"It's kind of complicated, Clay."

"I can handle complicated."

"Okay. You ever heard of a secret society called the Order of the Dragon?"

"That'd be a no."

"It was formed in the early Fifteenth Century, ostensibly to fight the Turks and Ottoman Empire."

He winked. "You mean the people responsible for the furniture you rest your feet--"

"Hang with me, Clay. Members of the order were called Draconists. Around this same time, the black death was raging throughout Eurasia. Today, historians and scholars believe it was the bubonic and pneumonic plague that caused the black death, but there has been no absolute evidence to support this hypothesis, only educated guesses. My contention, based on all the research I've done for Mort, is that the black death caused dracula-like symptoms in some of its hosts, especially in people with certain genetic precursors. Certain royal bloodlines."

"You lost me, girl."

"I'm saying the black death, in some cases, caused a mutation, resulting in vampirism."

"Mutation. Got it. Like in Blade II with Wesley Snipes. Remember the scene with Ron Perlman when he--"

"Do you want to talk about movies, or about what I think is going on?"

Clay would have preferred movies, but he needed to hear what she had to say. "Okay, tell me what's going on."

"The son of Oswald von Wolkenstein, a member of the Order of the Dragon, was afflicted with horrific dental deformities. While the Draconists were killing vampires, Oswald hid his son, kept him chained up in a cellar. But the son escaped, went on a killing spree, ending up in Transylvania and causing a dracula epidemic. Ever heard of Vlad the Third of Wallachia?"

Clay knew that from the Coppola flick. "That guy who went around impaling folks?"

"Exactly. Legend has it that Vlad, because of his brutality, was the original Dracula, but my contention--"

"Just love how you contend everything. It's cute."



"So my um, my..."

"Go on, you know you want to say it."

"I hate you...contention is that he didn't impale thirty thousand of his i

An explosive round to the brain pan was a lot better, but they didn't have that hundreds of years ago.

"What about Oswald's son?"

"Vlad caught him finally, beheaded him, and buried his head in a field in the Romanian countryside."

Clay smirked, finally getting it.

"You going to tell me that Oswald's son's skull is the same skull your buddy Mort paid several million for so he could bite himself? Didn't he need those genetic precursor thingies?"


"So old Mort is a Wolkenstein."

"He's got the bloodline, and the genetic precursor. Do you know what that means?"

"That we need to kill the son of a bitch."

"It means Mortimer's not only predisposed to getting this disease, but perhaps he also carries the antibodies within him."