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Screaming meant people.

People meant warm red candy.

Oasis jumped down off the gurney and opened the door.

Candy everywhere! On the walls, the ceiling, people covered in it, and straight ahead, two monsters were licking it off the floor by the nurses' station.

She bounded over and crouched between them, but she hadn't even touched her long, spongy tongue to the puddle when one of the monsters hissed at her and swung its claw at her face.

The blow knocked her back into the wall, and Oasis screamed, It isn't fair, you stupid dumbhead! But the words came out as a loud hiss, and now that monster was moving toward her.

She leapt away and exploded through a pair of double doors, sprinting now--faster than she'd ever run before, faster than she imagined possible--down a long corridor.

She came around a corner and skidded to a stop.

A man in pale blue scrubs stood before the closed elevator doors, pushing the UP button over and over and saying bad words.

When he noticed Oasis staring at him, he said, "Holy fucking shit," and backed away.

Oasis asked him if he would share some of his candy, but again, her words came out hissing, and the man screamed, "Get the fuck away from me, little girl!"

She was moving toward him now. He was so tall and big she figured he probably contained more red candy than most. She could smell it through his skin, and the odor made her legs crouch, and before she'd even considered it, she was jumping toward him, her claws outstretched, screaming with pure joy at the thought of sinking her pretty new teeth into the man's--

A metal trashcan co

She cry-hissed. Why was he--

The trashcan crashed into her head again.

She screamed, "Stop hurting me!"

The man hit her again.

Why was he beating her? She only wanted his--

That third blow was the hardest. Felt her skull crack open.

She blacked out and came back as the elevator doors were closing, the big candy-filled orderly gone.

All she could think about was her thirst for that candy, her head throbbing with her need for it.

She leapt to her feet.

Heard noise coming from the emergency room, and she wanted to go back, but it was full of adults.

Adults were strong and mean. They would fight her, maybe hurt or even kill her.

Her black eyes fell upon a placard between the elevators:


Cardiovascular Services

Endoscopy Registration

The Birthplace

The words were too big for her to read except for the last line.

T-h-e B-i-r-t-h-p-l-a-c-e.

She smiled, and her huge teeth split her cheeks the rest of the way to her earlobes.

Maybe there would be babies there. Smaller, yes, not as brimming with red candy as adults, but...

How could they fight back?


AS the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend, Randall frowned.

"What's wrong?" Je

"The elevator music. I think it's a Metallica cover."

She listened for a moment, then nodded. "I think you're right."

"When did it become okay to do that to Metallica? There's no more decency in the world."


Honestly, Randall didn't care about the elevator music--he was just trying to distract himself from the fact that his feelings were hurt.

Yes, in a hospital full of flesh-eating, blood-drinking creatures, moments after being responsible for a bludgeoning death and a decapitation, Randall's feelings were hurt. So what if he couldn't spell pediatrics? He could spell most of the word, and even in a time of crisis, even after he saved her life, Je

Of course, Je

But just like getting sober, he kept trying. Because he loved her.

He'd always love her.

And maybe someday--

The elevator doors opened.

Focus. Time to save the kids.

Randall held the non-ru

A dracula ran around the corner into the hallway.

"Get behind me," said Randall, though Je

The dracula rushed down the hallway toward them, mouth wide open.

The elevator doors started to close. It was hard for Randall to believe that he was in a situation where he didn't want heavy metal doors to close between him and a bloodthirsty monster, but those kids needed to be saved. He bumped the doors with his elbow and they slid back open.

The dracula extended his arms and opened its mouth even wider.

"Hold this," said Randall, handing Je

He let out the battle cry.

The dracula let out an animalistic screech.

Randall stepped forward and swung the axe as hard as he could. Perhaps he couldn't spell "arterial spray," but he could sure as shit make it happen. The blade of the hatchet wasn't large enough to completely sever the dracula's head, but Randall's aim and the force behind the swing were inarguably fantastic. The blade went completely through the dracula's neck, bursting out the other side, and its head flopped to the left, dangling by a small strip of meat.

The dracula was knocked off its feet, landing hard on its back.

Randall slammed his good foot onto its head, crunching through its skull. Its body twitched. He stomped it again to make the twitching stop.

"F-U-C-K Y-O-U," he spelled out.

So, the draculas had a weakness: they didn't know how to duck out of the way of a goddamn hatchet.

He glanced over at Je

Randall stepped forward to keep Je

The first dracula got up more quickly than Randall would have anticipated or hoped. It stood, blood pouring down its chest. Randall yanked a screwdriver out of his utility belt. A very small screwdriver. One designed for screws instead of skulls.

The second dracula grabbed the first dracula's foot, pulling it to the ground. It wrenched the hatchet out of the first dracula's chest wound, tossed the weapon aside, and then bit down into the bloody gash.

Randall knew that he shouldn't be standing there, staring at them in horror, but he couldn't help himself. Those bastards would drink each other's blood, too? That was messed up.