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Gef Fox, Nenad Ristic, Steve Windwalker, Chris Blewitt, Marc Buhma

1st email to the troops:

Dear Friends: Attached to this email is the finished manuscript of DRACULAS, including all of its extensive bonus content. We have attached the book as a pdf, an epub file (for you Nook and Sony lovers) and a mobi file if the Kindle is your pleasure.

If you have any questions or issues with any of the file attachments, please don't hesitate to get in touch via [email protected] /* */

We will be following up with a second email in about a week with further instructions as we approach the 10/19 launch date. In the meantime, please just explore and enjoy DRACULAS (you should enjoy the bonus content...trust us, it's off-the-hook). We hope you'll read the book within the next week and start gathering your thoughts for a review.

We seriously couldn't do this without you. Your willingness to help us spread the word about DRACULAS means the world to us, and we've already thanked every one of you in the acknowledgements at the end of the book (and if you find yourself missing, let us know!).

More soon!

All the best,

Blake, Joe, Jeff, and Paul

2nd email to the troops:

Dear Friends: As of this email, we are a mere four days from the launch of DRACULAS. Hopefully, you've read the book and written a review, and now it gets exciting.

As early as possible, ON OCTOBER 18, please post your review on your blog(s), Goodreads, Facebook, Shelfari, interstate overpasses, basically anywhere you see fit.

We would also request that you include the link to purchase DRACULAS on Amazon:


Then send an email to [email protected] /* */, under the heading "REVIEW LINK" and drop us the link to your blog(s) review of the book, or if you don't have a blog, include the text of your review in the email.

ON OCTOBER 19, please post your review onto Amazon's DRACULAS page: http://www.amazon.com/DRACULAS-Novel-Terror-ebook/dp/B0042AMD2M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=books&qid=1284569826&sr=8-1. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THE BOOK TO POST A REVIEW ON AMAZON, you just need an Amazon account.

If you use Twitter, please tweet about your review and also what Joe Konrath will be posting on his blog. http://jakonrath.blogspot.com. He will be including a link to every blog review of DRACULAS, and we want people to have to scroll through page after page after page to get to the bottom. The DraculasTheBook.com website will also feature all reviews.

To our knowledge, this type of marketing experiment has never been attempted on this level. What is the power of several hundred reviews all appearing on the same day, and on Amazon? Is it enough take DRACULAS viral? To hit #1 in the Kindle store? That's our hope.

We find it exciting and liberating to enlist our wonderful readers to help us co

For those of you who have expressed concern that Draculas is only available as a Kindle ebook, remember that it is DRM free. That means, once bought from Amazon, it can be easily transferred to any other ereading device (Nook, Kobo, Sony, etc.) Visit www.DraculastheBook.com for instructions. Draculas will also soon be available in print.

Thank you again for joining us in this experiment, thanks for reading our work, and here's to a successful launch. Keep on the lookout for another email shortly letting everyone know how we did.

All the best,

Blake, Joe, Jeff, and Paul


* * *

Private Rogers 1.1 is in Blake's folder. Everyone take a look. I think it could still use some tweaking, so anyone who wants to volunteer, go for it.


* * *

Okay. Don't want to step on anyone's toes, but ...

It's a great sequence, but I don't see what purpose it serves. We introduce a new character only to kill him. I admit that I am by nature a taker-outer rather than a puter-i

1) I think Dr. Cook appearing to Sha

2) having draculas escape on Pvt Rogers's watch indicates that the autoclave was a failure and that dracs could be escaping elsewhere. (Clay was blown through an open window, so that's a different story)

3) in order to have closure in this book, we need the reader to buy that the autoclave bomb worked, that this episode is over, and whatever comes after is all new.

Pace, Blake.


* * *

Good points, Paul.

Blake (and I) wanted to drill it home that Cook is still alive because he accidentally was mistaken for human, just like Duane Jones in Night of the Living Dead was accidentally killed because he was mistaken for a zombie. In both cases, it is the men with the guns who make the mistake.

I killed Rogers because I thought he wasn't the best example of exemplary soldiering. Blake originally didn't bring the dracula into it. When I did bring the dracula in, I killed it, so there weren't any more ru

But I also think your points are correct.

What if Rogers gave him a free pass and didn't die, and Cook's scrubs were clean?

I don't want to force this scene in, but I like what it brings.

On the other hand, maybe we can give Cook a line when he's being interviewed: "I barely escaped. One of the soldiers even wanted to shoot me, until I showed him I hadn't been bitten."



* * *

Ditto - very valid points, Paul...by way of explanation, I started this scene, because in reading the final sequence in DRACULAS, it occurred to me that (a) I thought the perimeter scene was under-drawn, and (b) the original idea of having Mort escape in opposite fashion to the end of the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD hadn't been fully achieved. But maybe we don't need that. I do agree that we need to have the full sense that all of the draculas are dead and that perhaps this also screws up the pacing of the final scenes...let's hear what Jeff thinks and sleep on it. I'm not married to this either way, and if it gets relegated to deleted scenes, I'm okay with that.