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Lifting my head, I pressed my cheek to hers. My voice felt raw and scratchy when I spoke. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

Instead of saying no, she looped her arms around my neck, and she tugged me back down for another scorching kiss. I settled over her, not quite touching at first. Static built between us, filling the air with electricity. She pulled me closer, sweeping her thumb over my lower lip, and then she slid her hands down to my chest. I trembled and closed my eyes.

Kat’s slightest touch could do that to me.

And then her hands were moving again, over my lower abs and down to the button on my jeans. My eyes snapped open. Heat rolled off me as I sat up, pulling her into my lap. Our hearts pounded in unison as my hands cradled her hips, tugging her as close as I could get her. Her soft moans were a symphony, a prayer, and I wanted this to last. It had to last. I laid her back down, marveled at her beauty, at the fact that she was choosing me—had chosen me.

I didn’t want to rush a moment of this.

Even as she pressed against me, her hips twisting and her nails digging into my skin, I wanted to savor every damn second. I kissed her skin, blazing a path down the column of her throat and then lower…and then lower again. I didn’t speed it up, not even when I started to lose the hold on my human form. Light flickered, fading in and out.

When I made a trail all the way back to her mouth, she whispered against my lips, and she tugged on my hair. Message received, loud and clear.

Damn, girl.

Rising off her, I shucked my pants, and I grabbed protection. Then our bodies were flush, hard against soft. Our hands were everywhere—hers and then mine. There wasn’t a part of me she didn’t touch. There wasn’t a square inch of her I didn’t familiarize myself with. I slowed it down, kissing and nipping, touching softly and holding her until neither of us wanted to wait a heartbeat longer.

I hated that moment of pain, the way her entire body tensed, and I did everything I knew, and then I got creative, to take away that pain. And I washed it away, as if it were never there, but that was nothing compared to what she did to me. She twisted me up into knots, so tight I thought I would snap apart, and she did—I did.

Our breaths slackened. Our racing hearts and pounding pulses slowed. I was shaken, blown apart and stitched back together. What we’d done, what we shared…nothing had ever felt like that. Sounded so freaking cornball, but it was true and it was so right, so damn perfect that there was that thickness in my throat again.

Dragging my hand to her cheek, I kissed her softly. “Are you okay?”

“I’m perfect.”

And then Kat yawned, right in my face.

I busted into laughter. Damn. Kat turned her cheek into her pillow, trying to hide, but I wouldn’t let her. I chased after, kissing her once more. Rolling onto my side, I pulled her with me, situating her so we were face to face.

Damn, I was full—my heart was full. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

I trailed my fingers over her arm, smiling when she shivered. “For everything.”

Chapter 22

Silvery moonlight streamed through the bedroom window, shining enough light for me to see what I was doing. I should be asleep. Tuesday morning, and school was going to come soon enough, and I should be exhausted after messing around with onyx all evening, but I wanted to get this done before I forgot.

I carefully wrapped the white rope around the center of the piece of opal. The rope was thin, leaving most of the stone bare. It would work, at least temporarily. Kat would be able to wear it under her shirt.

Most likely, she was going to fight me on the opal, but that was one battle I wasn’t going to lose. Speaking of Kat…

Lifting my chin as I felt the warm tingle along the back of my neck, I smiled as I placed the opal and the white rope into my desk drawer. I turned toward the bedroom a second before the door cracked open. Slim fingers curled around the door.

“Kitten…” I chuckled. “Breaking and entering again?”

“I didn’t break anything. I let myself in.” There was a moment, and then Kat poked her head in, brow furrowed. “You’re awake,” she whispered.


Her frown increased. “You were supposed to be asleep.”

My lips kicked up on one side. “For what reason?”

More of her head appeared. Her hair was pulled up in a topknot. “I wanted to sneak into your bed and surprise you.”

“I can make that happen.” I started to stand. “I’ll go crawl into bed and pretend to be asleep.”

She pouted. “Not the same thing.”


Kat shook her head. “No, because you’re awake.”

“All right then.” I sat back down, gri

“I don’t know yet.”

I chuckled. “Kitten…”

Huffing, she slipped inside my bedroom and closed the door behind her. Muscles tightened all over when I got a good look at her. Wearing striped cotton shirts and a long-sleeved shirt that was amazingly thin, she was dressed for bed.

I toed my desk chair around so I was facing her as she made her way across the room. “Your mom is going to be very upset if she catches you not in your bed.”

“She won’t catch me. I was quiet and stealthy—”

“Like me?” I reached out, catching one of her hands.

She gri

Chuckling, I tugged her into my lap. The chair groaned under our combined weight. She placed her hand on my bare chest as she dipped her head to mine. My lips brushed overs hers. “When I left your house, you were half asleep.”

“I napped.” She slid her hand up my chest and looped her arm around my neck. “I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep.”

Leaning back in the chair, I dragged my thumb along the side of her jaw. “You were missing me.”


“Just admit it.” I swept my finger over her lower lip.

She pressed a soft kiss to the tip of my finger. “I don’t need to admit anything, because if your ego gets any bigger, it’ll need its own zip code.”

I snorted. “I know something else that’ll need its own zip code if it gets any—”

“Oh my God.” Kat laughed. “Don’t even finish that sentence.”

Chuckling, I kissed her, and she melted into me. Everything and nothing had changed between us since Saturday night. Each kiss and touch seemed to mean infinitely more, and I didn’t think it had to do with the sex. Though the sex was really awesome. It had more to do with the whole almost-dying part.

Both of us knew there was no guarantee of tomorrow, but what happened Saturday had been a real harsh reminder that no second was promised. It made every moment with her more precious.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” Her lips brushed mine as she spoke.

I kissed the corner of her lips. “I was missing you.”

“Shut up.”

Folding my arms around her, I held her tight as she pressed her cheek to my chest. “Just wasn’t sleepy.” I rested my chin atop her head.

“Hmm…” She wiggled a little, getting comfortable. “Were you thinking about Sunday night?”

I kissed the top of her head. “I was thinking about Saturday night.”

Kat laughed. “Whatever. You were not thinking about prom.”

“Maybe I was. I have big things pla

“What stuff?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Tell me,” she demanded.

I laughed. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, Kitten. You know how these things work. I keep it a secret until the perfect moment.”

She sighed. “You’re no fun.”

“And we’re probably going to break this chair.”