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I dropped down on the couch and stretched out my legs. “You guys seem real busy.”

Adam smiled without looking over at me. “Whoever loses has to run out to the grocery store and get—”

“Wieners and crescent rolls!” Dee shouted from the kitchen.

Adam grimaced. “That.”

“Those things are the best,” Andrew added, his eyes narrowed in concentration. “I can eat an entire—dammit!”

I glanced at the screen as Adam tossed the controller to the couch. Popping to his feet, he raised his arms. “Oh yeah, see you later, ass.”

Andrew cursed under his breath. “This is bullshit.”

I laughed.

Rising to his feet, he flipped off his brother and then turned to me. “Is it true?”

Arching a brow, I stared back at him. “Is what true?”

“Katy is coming over?”

My smile was tight and about a thousand miles in the opposite direction of friendly. “You got a problem with that?”

As he walked past, he gave me a wide berth. “Do you want an honest answer?”

“Not really,” I replied, tilting my head back as I watched him. “Mainly because I don’t care.”

Andrew looked like he wanted to say more, but wisely kept his mouth shut as he dug his car keys out of his pocket and headed into the kitchen.

“One of these days, he’ll be okay with it.” Adam flipped off the TV. “Want to step outside?”


I followed Adam out on the deck as I heard Andrew make his way out the front door, slamming it behind him. “He’s really going to need to readjust that attitude before Kat gets here. I don’t want her to feel like she’s not welcome.”

“Do you believe she thinks she’s welcome?” he asked as he lifted himself up on the railing.

Folding my arms, I leaned against the side of the house. “No. She knows Ash and Andrew would rather see her propelled into a different galaxy than be at their house.”

He flashed a quick grin. “So why would she come?”

“Because Dee asked her.” I paused. “And because I asked her.”

Adam eyed me for a moment. “Cool. So, any more news? About Bethany or Dawson.” His bright gaze flickered to the sliding doors. “I haven’t said a word to Dee, but I’ve got to tell you, that isn’t easy.”

“I know, and I appreciate you keeping it quiet,” I told him, tipping my head back. Thick clouds were rolling in. It was going to snow again. There wasn’t much I felt like I could tell him. Since I’d taken out two DOD officers, the less Adam knew the better. Plausible deniability. “We haven’t found much, but I’m hoping that’ll—”

“You’re lying,” he cut in, brows raised.

A reluctant grin pulled at my lips. “If I was, I have good reasons.”

“I’d hope.”

The sliding glass door opened and Dee stuck her head out. “I’m heading over to get Katy.”

“I’ll go with you.” Adam jumped off the railing.

“What if I wanted to go?” I asked.

Dee rolled her eyes. “I would like some alone time with her. Well, no-Daemon time, actually. I haven’t had a lot of that.”

Which was why I wasn’t pushing it. “Whatever. Don’t take forever.”

She made a face at me as she stepped aside, letting Adam through. “I’ll take however long I like.”

“Hey, Ash, I’ll be back,” Adam yelled at his sister. “Make sure Andrew’s pulled his head out of his ass by then.”

“Not my problem!” she shouted back, still in the kitchen I assumed.

As Adam walked through the house, he folded his arm along Dee’s shoulders. I smiled as I flipped my gaze back to the sky. Adam…yeah, he was good for Dee. He was good all around. So were Andrew and Ash, but they were a little sharp around the edges.

Sharp like broken glass.

Even though it wasn’t particularly warm outside, I stayed out on the deck. It was quiet here. Not that it wasn’t peaceful at home. It was different here. So much stuff was ru

I waved my hand. The remote flew off the arm of the couch. I flipped the TV on and leaned over the back of couch. Seemed weird as hell to be doing this—partying on New Year’s Eve when I could be hours away—

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw that it was Dee. I answered. “What’s up?”

“Something is going on with Kat,” she said in a rush. “She’s inside the house, but she won’t let us in or come out.”

Dread curled along the base of my spine. “What?”

“She said these…these terrible things to me, Daemon. Things she would never say.” Emotion clouded Dee’s voice. “Something is wrong.”

“Shit. Okay. I’ll be right over, but I want you and Adam to stay away from the house until I get there. Okay?” When Dee didn’t answer, my fingers tightened on the phone. “Did you hear me, Dee? I don’t want you going near that house. Drive down the road and stay there until I get there. Promise me.”

There was a pause. “I promise.”

Dee hung up, and I…I didn’t believe her for one second.

Chapter 26

I took off on foot, ru

Fury and panic ripped into my skin, shredding muscle and tissue. I pushed it away, shoved it down, and shut it off as I raced across Petersburg.

Snow had started to fall as I burst through the trees, hitting the snow-covered access road leading to our houses. I saw Dee’s car, but she and Adam were nowhere near. Dammit. I knew they hadn’t listened. The thick, oily presence of the Arum was the first thing I noticed, and as I cleared the small hill, I saw two cars in front of Kat’s house.

Blake’s truck.

An Expedition.

Intense white light radiated from Kat’s living room, shining through the window. Energy shifted inside me, pulling me forward. In an instant I knew it was from Kat. How she was pulling the Source from me, I had no idea, but I felt it. The tugging motion didn’t weaken me nor was it unpleasant, but the fact that she was doing it sent me flying forward. I didn’t slow as I raced up the porch steps and threw open the front door, coming face-to-face with fleeing Arum.

In their true form, they appeared as if they were made of smoke and oil, their black tendrils crawling up the walls and smacking into the ceiling.

“Leaving so soon?” I said. “I’m offended.”

I shifted immediately, drawing on the Source. I took out the closest Arum with a blast, followed by the other. It spun up in the air, shattering like the ceramic bowl Ash had dropped. Inky fragments floated to the ceiling and faded into thin wisps.

What I saw in the living room enraged me.

Dee was on the floor. Her chest was rising and falling in shallow breaths. Lying beside her was Adam and he… Adam was gone. His nearly translucent form was still and no blood pumped through the network of silvery veins.

Adam was dead.

Raw pain lanced me, nearly taking my knees out from under me. Adam was a brother to me, and it was like losing Dawson all over again. The hurt twisted into a red-hot, deadly fury as I lifted my head.

I saw another Arum between Kat and me, and Kat…holy shit, she was in the air, her long strands of hair floating around her head. She was glowing a bright white tinged in red, like me. Her light pulsed, and mine flared in response as she drew the Arum closer to her.

We were two sides of the same coin.

Beyond the glow surrounding her, I saw the bruises on her, on her cheeks. I saw the dried blood around her mouth, under her nose. And I knew then that what I’d always suspected about that bastard had been true. He had been the one hurting her.