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I spoke to Kat, each word punctuated with fury. She was with the DOD? The DOD is responsible for this?

“I don’t know, Daemon, but that’s not the worst part of this. How would the DOD know what happened between Dawson and Bethany unless…?”

Unless someone told them? My light pulsed, and a blast of heat filled the room. But Dawson didn’t even tell me he’d healed her or that anything happened. How would anyone know? Unless someone had seen them other than me, suspected what happened, and betrayed us…

She nodded as she stared at me with wide eyes. “That’s what I’ve been thinking. It had to be someone who knew, and that probably really limits the pool of suspects.”

Meaning it was someone that I knew, that I trusted. Someone Dawson had trusted. Heat poured off me. I’d never felt such anger before. It was a living, breathing entity in the room. I need to know who betrayed us. Then I’ll make them wish they’d never landed on this planet.

Kat stood, pushing the sleeves of her sweater up her arms. Daemon?

Surprised to hear her voice in my head, because it was something she didn’t seem to enjoy doing, I focused on her. I hear you.

There was a pause. I know you’re hell-bent on revenge, but most importantly, what if Dawson is still alive?

I drifted closer to her. Then I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. He’d be alive, but where? The DOD has him, and if that’s the case, what kind of life has he had? For two years? A ball of bitter emotion formed in my throat. What have they been doing to him?

I’m sorry, Daemon. I’m really sorry. But if he’s alive, then he’s alive. Kat reached out, placing her hand through the light, finding my chest and touching it. My light pulsed erratically, then calmed. My body hummed at the contact. That’s got to mean something, right? she said.

Yes, yes it does. Stepping back, I willed myself into my human form. “I need to find out if my brother is alive—and if he’s not…” I looked away, my jaw working. “I need to know how and why he died. It’s obvious why they would want Beth, but my brother?”

Kat sat down, wiping a palm over her forehead. Her wrist turned, revealing a deep purplish bruise circling the skin. “I don’t know—” She gasped when I grasped her hand. “What are you doing?”

I turned her hand over, my brows furrowing. “What is this?”

“Huh?” She glanced down. “It’s nothing. I banged my arm into the counter earlier.”

Icicles formed in my chest as I lifted my gaze to hers. Standing above her, I found it once more hard to hold on to my human form. Too many emotions were tearing me up, but this bruise looked like a handprint. Like if someone grabbed her wrist too hard. Thoughts of Bethany and even Dawson took a second seat. Was someone hurting her? If so, I was pretty sure I knew who—Blake. “Are you sure that’s what happened, because I swear if it’s not, you tell me and that problem will be solved.”

Her laugh was shaky, but she rolled her eyes. “Yes, Daemon, that’s all that happened. Geez.”

Watching her intently, I had a choice to make. I either believed her or I killed Blake without any real proof. Though I didn’t feel like I needed much proof to take his ass out. Kat smiled at me, and I exhaled roughly. She wouldn’t lie about this, because that bruise was nothing like a knife being thrown at her. Training shouldn’t leave bruises, and I couldn’t imagine her protecting him.

I sat on the couch again, refocusing on Beth and Dawson. A tiny spark of hope fired up deep in my chest, but I was afraid—damn terrified of grasping hold of it. If I did and Dawson wasn’t alive, it would be like losing him all over again.

“Don’t tell Dee about this, okay?” I said. “Not until we get some leads or something. I don’t want her knowing anything until we know for sure.”

“How are you going to get leads?” she asked.

“You said you saw Bethany with Vaughn, right?”

She nodded.

“Well, I happen to know where he lives. And he probably knows where Beth is and what happened to Dawson.”

“How do you know where he lives?”

The moment he was assigned to us, I made sure I knew where the SOB lived. “I have my ways.”

Kat blanched. “Wait. Oh no, you can’t go after him. That’s insane and dangerous!”

I arched a brow. “As if you care what happens to me, Kitten.”

Her mouth dropped open. “I do care, jerk-face! Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

Did she really care? Who knew? “I won’t make promises I know I’ll break.”

“Argh! You’re so freaking frustrating. I didn’t tell you so you’d go off and do something stupid.”

“I’m not going to do anything stupid. And even if what I plan is risky and insane, it’s a well-thought-out level of stupidity.”

She rolled my eyes. “That’s reassuring. Anyway, how do you know where he lives?”

“Since we’re surrounded by people who potentially want to do my family harm, I tend to keep tabs on them like they keep tabs on me.” I leaned back, stretched my arms until my back bowed. When I caught her staring at me, I resisted pointing it out to her. “He’s been staying at a rental in Moorefield, but I’m not sure which one it is.”

She shifted on the couch, yawning. “What are you going to do? Stake out his block?”


“What? Do you have a James Bond fetish?”

“Possibly,” I replied. “I just need a car not easily recognizable. Does your mom work tomorrow?”

Her brows rose. “No, she’s off in the evening and will probably be sleeping, but—”

“Her car would be perfect.” I shifted closer to her. “Even if Vaughn has seen her car, he won’t suspect it belongs to her.”

“I’m not letting you take my mom’s car.”

“Why not?” I smiled at her. “I’m a good driver.”

“That’s not the point.” She leaned back against the arm of the couch. “I can’t just let you take her car without me.”

I frowned. “You’re not getting involved in this.”

Her body stiffened. “You want my mom’s car, then you get me along with it. It’s a two-for-one special.”

Dipping my chin, I peered up at her. “Get you? Now that sounds way more interesting of a deal.”

Her cheeks flushed. “As in a partnership, Daemon.”

“Hmm…” Rising, I walked away from the couch, stopping in the doorway. “Be ready after school tomorrow. Ditch Bartholomew by any means necessary. And do not speak a word of this to him. You and I will be playing spy alone.”

The moment darkness fell the following evening, I headed outside and waited by Kat’s mom’s car. I didn’t have much of a plan for the night. Sort of playing it by ear, but if I saw Vaughn, I was going to have a little chat with him. There was going to be no way to stop myself from doing that.

A little after five thirty, Kat came out, quietly closing the door behind her. I reached for the keys.

“Nope. My mom’s car means I’m driving.”

I shot her a dark look, but didn’t want to waste time arguing. I walked around the car and got in on the passenger side. Immediately, I realized this was not going to be a comfortable ride. This car was built for members of the Lollipop Guild.

Kat looked over at me as she hit the ignition button and laughed.

Legs cramped, I scowled at her even though it was good, really good, to hear her laugh again. As she turned the car around, she flipped the radio to the rock station, and just to be a

Kat’s chin jutted out, and I hid my grin by looking out the window. “So how did you drop Butter-face?”

“I told him I have plans with my mom. It’s not like I spend every waking minute with Blake.”

I snorted.

“What?” There was a pause and then she said, “What? You know what I’m doing with him. It’s not like we’re hanging out and watching movies.”