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“That’s just the point,” Fi

“Maybe it’s about the animals, not the locations,” Maybeck suggested. “Something to do with monkeys, tigers, and dinosaurs. What do they have in common?”

“Nothing,” Fi

“The server!” Maybeck said excitedly. “The second server. Didn’t Wayne tell you the plan was to—”

“Make animals into DHIs!” Fi

Maybeck wrote to Amanda on the DS.

mybest: amanda. how many tigers u c?

panda: 3

mybest: fi



mybest: maleficent ca

panda: she wants control of the parks, it makes more sense she would use the dhis 2 scare the guests, or 2 put us into sbs. she doesn’t want us around, that’s 4 sure.


panda: that would explain why maleficent wants 2 control her.


panda: no. it’s more than that, her dreams involve her. have u ever had a dream that you’re not in? never! the diary is about her dreams, her life.

The screen flickered. She wasn’t through typing.

panda:…there’s a truck being unloaded behind the bat enclosure. 2 cages…both wrapped with tarps.

mybest: doesn’t mean anything.

panda: listen to me! the truck driver has a monkey on his arm. a live monkey, the park would never allow a monkey to be ru

mybest: how big r the cages?

panda: big! big enough for a large dog or…a wild cat or…

Maybeck interrupted by typing quickly:

mybest: philby and willa!



FINN AND MAYBECK made their way toward the bat enclosure, just down from the tiger yard along the winding, dark trail of the Maharajah Jungle Trek. Bugs buzzed past their heads as the heat enveloped them, making their chests tight and their breath short. Birds cried out and fluttered past, wi

panda: the backstage camera @ the bat enclosure just stopped working.

“That ca

angelface13: hey, guys, right behind u.


angelface13:2 your left.



“I’ve been keeping an eye on the enclosure as Maybeck asked,” she said. “There’s been a lot of activity, a lot of coming and going through those doors at the rear. The workers have paid particular attention to that big bat near the red flag on the far left. Twice they’ve carried him through to the back and then returned him out front. I don’t know if that’s the one that was in the pillowcase, but…it might be.”



“No way!” Maybeck protested.

Charlene asked, “Still no sign of Willa and Philby?”

“No,” Fi

“I think I have an idea,” Charlene said. “A way to find out what’s going on back there.”


“What are you thinking?” Fi

“I’m going to need a diversion,” Charlene whispered. “Something big. Something everyone will watch. And by everyone, I mean every last bird and caterpillar, and especially the people and bats


INGENIOUS, FINN THOUGHT as he moved through the swinging doors and into the forward viewing booth. There were three levels of viewing offered at the bat enclosure, three open-air rooms constructed of dark wood that led the Park guest closer to the risk of contact with the flying rodents. The first viewing room offered glass windows; the middle room, screens; and the final room—more of a long booth—nothing but well-spaced vertical wooden bars to keep the large bats at bay. The bars were clearly wide enough for Fi



“My case!” he shouted. He jumped up onto the sill and began to squeeze himself through the bars.


“GET OUT OF THERE!!” the girl screamed at the top of her lungs, pulling on him. “YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE!!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?”

The effect was exactly what Charlene had hoped for: every human eye was drawn to Fi

“My case!” he hollered.


