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“Don’t move,” he shot a gravelly warning at the model when she’d squirmed against his binds. He was so dominant, so feral when he flipped to work mode, I couldn’t help but wonder the tone he took when he fucked.

I bit down on my lip as he took the camera from me. His eyes flashed to mine as our hands co

“Excited?” His voice fell on my ears in a delicious whisper.

“Yes.” I shuddered with arousal. His eyes flicked down to my lips, and the cocky smile softened to something sweeter that I couldn’t quite place.

“Let’s get started then,” he said quietly. And then his finger released mine and we were apart again. The world around us snapped back into place, and in the next instant I was holding his reflector at just the right angle to capture the light.

“She’s beautiful,” I murmured as I stood to the side, admiring while he shot. Her nipples puckered as her eyes fluttered closed for half a beat.

“You like that?” His voice lowered as he looked up at the model’s face from his camera-in-hand crouch. “Say it again,” Hunter whispered to me. My mouth fell into a soft O as Hunter’s eyes urged me on silently.


“Tell her.” Hunter ordered. Jesus, with the instructions…and the instructions had my clit throbbing and a slow ache burning incessantly in my stomach.

I licked my lips and started over. “You have beautiful breasts,” I said softly and watched as her nipples beaded and her eyes fell closed for a slow second, before fluttering open again.

“Perfect.” He inched closer, zooming in to capture the goose bumps standing in contrast to the smooth slicks of leather. “That’s it, beautiful baby,” Hunter murmured to the model, almost on reflex. I could see he was in his own world now. I did my best to follow him and anticipate his needs, but he was lost to me. “You like thinking of her looking at your beautiful body?” he asked again, enraptured by the different angles of her form and constantly checking the pictures he took as he went.

“One more thing, Erin. Come here.” He was back to bossing me around again and my insides twisted with desire every time he did. “Hand.” He held a hand out, and confused, I placed mine in his. Our palms co

“Touch her.”

His hand fell away and my fingertips smoothed just up the curve of her waist. Goose bumps erupted across flesh as her thighs shifted anxiously. I leaned in close, my lips within inches of hers, and blew warm breath across her cool skin. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she writhed, riding the straps of leather between her legs.

My heart thudded and my palms burned with something I couldn’t quite place. Shallow breaths fell from my lungs as Hunter’s hand locked with mine and pressed against her narrow waist. His other hand slid up her curves, brushing across the edge of one breast and wrapping into the dark strands of her hair.

“I’d love to fuck you both.” He hummed in her ear while his other hand guided mine to her breast and squeezed the round flesh.

“Hunter, I—” I stumbled for words as disbelief clogged my brain. I knew without a second thought that I was only touching her because he was with me, encouraging me, fucking me with his words and his eyes and that delicious click-clicking of his camera.

“Let go. Feel the heat on her skin, the blush of her nipples; she’s turned on, right where we want her.” He replied and the model’s eyes fell closed, a soft moan escaping her lips. “Would you like that? Do you want to be fucked tied against this tree?” His palm pressed against her neck in primal domination. A small groan fell from her lips before she nodded, her warm yes fluttering open to meet his own intense ones.

“Good girl.” His hand fell away. “Keep touching her.” His deep eyes cut to mine and had my stomach churning with anxiety and lust. I would do it. I would do anything if he continued to look at me like that.

“That’s it.” Hunter sang as he fell back on his ass and the camera click click clicked away. I inhaled the sweet scent of the model’s damp skin. Her breath shuddered and breaths grew rapid. My head swam and my thighs shifted, my panties growing more damp with every moan and click. “Beautiful,” Hunter encouraged. “You’re both so fucking beautiful.” Whimpers filled the silence as her legs began to tighten and quake. I’d never done this before, nothing like it in my life, but with Hunter, I saw sex from a different perspective. It was a beautiful expression of his art and capturing her aroused with lust burning in her eyes was what made Hunter’s photos different. Stopped people in their tracks and forced them to see the heart of physical love.

“Pinch,” Hunter instructed, and despite all the thoughts flooding my brain, I did as I was told on reflex. I pinched her nipple between my fingers, gently first and then harder, until soft grunts fell from her lips along with her crashing orgasm.

“Perfect,” Hunter said as he zoomed and clicked, leaned and stretched and clicked again before he finally paused to review the last handful of shots he’d taken. He’d turned sex into art. Made the taboo elegant, exposed the heart of lust and translated it into something of raw beauty and love.

“I think we got it.” And just like that he shot up and his eyes found mine, passing me an almost gleeful grin. “Can you untie her? I’ve got an idea for the next shot.” And he was gone, and I was left untying the model who had just come against the tree. A smile quirked my lips that suddenly this had become my life. Through some strange turn of events, I’d run into a beautiful edgy artist at a coffee shop, and now I was across the ocean with him living a life wilder than my dreams. Fate had a fu

I sighed when I finally flopped in bed that afternoon, exhausted even though it was hardly four P.M. The jetlag plus the early morning work schedule was taking a toll.

“Oh no.” Hunter launched himself onto the bed next to me, hands stretched over his head, wide smile on his face. “We’ve got di

“Making sure you weren’t taking any pictures of me for your spank bank,” he answered, his eyes on fire with mischief.

“Do you think I would just have them on there for anyone to see?” I turned away. “They’re hidden.” I smiled politely and his laugh died, his eyes wide and focused on mine.

“No shit?”

“That reminds me, I need to lock this.” I went to the settings in my phone and glanced over the screen at him, my eyes now doing the twinkling. I could feel the butterflies in my gut, the zaps between my thighs, the happiness, the smile. Hunter made me smile from the tips of my toes to my exhausted cheekbones.

“If you wanted photos of me, you could have just asked. I guarantee I have a few that give quite an eyeful.”

“Okay, okay! Stop!” I erupted into laughter.

“You’re a bad liar,” Hunter chastised.

“Never claimed to be a good one. And what do you mean di

“Fat chance, Princess. Told you, always one nice dress. You brought one, right?” His eyebrows rose expectantly.

I groaned. “Yes.” How did he have endless stores of uncontrollable energy?

“You’ve got twenty minutes.” He launched from the bed and out the door.

“Twenty?” I screamed, desperate at least for a shower. “Hunter!” I growled as I swiped a fresh pair of underwear from my suitcase and headed down the hallway. I heard him humming in the shower from the master suite and groaned, thinking of every hard inch of him hot and wet, and then immediately hoped I’d find myself twisting a few rounds on the dance floor in his arms tonight. Talk about one hell of a silver lining.