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“Of course.” I nodded, unable to say a thing more, the lump still choking my throat. I didn’t have a choice. Here I sat in the backyard of John Ellis fucking Walker, and Hunter was asking if I trusted him? I’d tell him whatever he needed to hear as long as I thought it kept me safe.

Hunter squeezed my hand in the soft moonlight. I nodded, reassuring him.

“I swear to you, Erin, I’d move the fucking Earth if it meant keeping you out of danger. You know that, right?” His thumb and finger tightened on my chin and he ducked his head to catch my gaze.

I swallowed the softball in my esophagus when I realized his probing eyes were waiting on my answer. “Yes,” I said, not at all sure what I believed anymore.

“You’ve got my word.” His tongue darted across my lips and urged them apart, before he pressed my nape as he kissed me, slow and perfect, passionate and possessive. I kissed him back, as passionately as I always did, with extra knots of fear tying my stomach.


I twisted my hands together in the back seat of the Lexus that rolled through the hurried Chicago streets. Golden lights splashed by the window as happy couples filtered in and out of restaurants and bars.

“I’ve just got to drop something off with a guy at a bar. He usually has a lady friend with him. We’ll have a drink, and you’ll be your normal charming self.” He tapped my chin. “Then we’ll be off to di

What was Hunter thinking introducing me to John Ellis Walker?

My mother’s warnings burned in my ears. No good. He’s no good.

Why had I foolishly ignored every red flag and allowed myself to fall for his devilish smile and the captivating click-click of his camera?

“Smile,” Hunter’s deep voice ordered and my eyes fluttered open just as Hunter stepped from the Lexus onto a crowded street, pulling me behind him.

“Sir.” The doorman nodded to Hunter when we approached. “Follow me.” He whisked ahead of us, up a flight of stairs and down a dark red carpeted hallway before showing us into a private room that overlooked the bar below.

“Hunter!” A voice boomed from a dark corner and I saw a well-dressed man in a tux, a glittering blonde at his side, easily twenty years his junior with plumped lips and a faux tan greet us.

“Have a seat.” The man patted Hunter on the shoulder.

“Great seeing you again, we can’t stay long.” Hunter’s hand pressed firmly at my waist. Confusion coiled my stomach. He was being possessive. I shouldn’t have liked it. I still didn’t know why I was teetering in these too-tall heels at his side, but I more than liked it. I loved it.

“Lovely to meet you.” I shook the imposing man’s hand when I was introduced. He was tall and had the look of a starved tiger in his eye, his gaze hungry for prey. It made the hairs on the back of my neck raise just as they had earlier tonight when I’d met John Ellis Walker.

“If you ladies talk for a minute, this guy and I have some business to take care of.” The man wrapped an arm around Hunter’s shoulders and hauled him out of the room.

“Been with Hunter long?” the bimbo purred as she sipped her fruity drink and looked out over the balcony.

“We’re not really together. I’m his PA actually.” I nodded to the waiter that stepped into the room. “Martini dry,” I requested and then turned back to the bustling crowd below. A line had wrapped around the block, and yet Hunter had skipped it and we’d been lead to the VIP lounge on the top floor. This was shady. All of it. Hunter had co

“What would Hunter need a PA for?” the woman pressed.

“Excuse me, how do you know Hunter?” I asked, my nerves already on edge.

“Who doesn’t know Hunter?” the chick huffed and then downed her drink. “Where’s that waiter? VIP is open bar, and I know they try to drag their feet so I get fewer drinks.” She rambled on and I tuned out, my thoughts turning to Hunter and the man he’d left with. What could he have to drop off with this guy? And where had they gone—the bathroom for a drug deal? Or maybe I was over-reacting and it was something simpler, like a contract or check.

“Martini dry.” The waiter nodded to me before blondie cut in and rattled off her order. I sighed and took my drink just as Hunter returned, his eyes seeking me out almost immediately. Like a homing missile, he took confident strides directly to me before wrapping me around his torso. “Ready to go?” he whispered into my hair sending shivers burning through my body.

I only nodded, unable to form any words.

“You’re leaving; I’ll take that.” She swiped the drink from my hand and was taking a sip before I could even protest.

“Nice meeting you, Erin.” The oversized man took my hand in his own again.

“It was nice to meet you too…what did you say your name was again?”

“I didn’t,” he smiled a slick grin that had fear raising the hairs on the back of my neck. “Best to keep it that way, for your safety and mine.” He winked then, as if his last statement should impress me. I glanced to the blonde that had shimmied up to his side and was looking up at him with moony eyes.

“Of course.” I smiled with polite naiveté I was struggling to possess. “Have a good night.” I felt Hunter’s hand wrap in mine as he escorted me from the room.

“Now, to di

“Sir.” The driver nodded when we approached, a slight wry grin on his face as he held the door for us. Crawling in, I felt Hunter’s rough hands whispering behind my bare thighs and I suddenly didn’t care where we were going, as long as it was just us, him and I, together. I didn’t know if I would get answers tonight, I didn’t even know if I knew the right questions to ask, I only knew that with his strong fingers twisted in mine, I felt safe and nothing else beyond that mattered.

Hunter ushered me out of the car with a firm palm at my back ten minutes later. “I hate this thing.” He worked his tie between his fingers and whipped it behind him across the leather of the car, then ran a hand through his formally styled hair. I smiled as I watched him transform into the comfortable Hunter I was used to seeing. The one that I knew, that I loved.

That I loved. The thought made my chest burn and my eyes tighten with tears.

It took my breath away, I thought I knew love, I thought I’d had love, but I’d been wrong, so wrong.


“I’m…” I paused. “Okay.” I sighed, feeling like it might actually be true at this very moment and pressed up on my toes to place a soft kiss on his beautifully sculpted lips. I pulled away and watched as Hunter’s eyes fell closed, and right on that evening-lit street, his forehead fell to mine as he exhaled.

“Good. I promise I’ll tell you everything when I can, but I’d never let anyone hurt you, Erin,” he said softly, in a register lower than normal, that had love undoing my heart one beat at a time until it felt like it might burst. “I’m so glad you’re still here.”