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● on the other pole are those, who more or less consciously strive to bring everything into harmony with God’s Providence and live within the course of God’s guidance.

The first are carriers of animal type of psyche structure, and are in essence talking human-like monkeys, trained by the cultural environment of the civilization. The second are at different stages on the path to irreversibly become human beings — carriers of humane psyche type.

Between these two poles are distributed (in the mathematical sense of statistical distribution) all others: various biorobots-zombies, who deny both the freedom of their intellect in defining and solving problems, and intuition, subordinating their will to external influences.

From the zombies one can distinguish a specific group — demonic personalities, who do not reject their intellect and intuition, but reject the guidance from Above and are in a state of intoxication from willfulness — both their own, and that of other materialised and non materialized beings.

With more careful consideration, zombies, including demonic personalities, are all equally carriers of animal psyche type, whose instincts are bound into chains of societal norms or manifest (either directly, or somehow pervertedly) through various masks and veneers in the culture of hedonism[10], subordinating all components of the psyche to extracting pleasure from everything.

Instincts of a biological species are programs of certain aim-oriented behavior of its representatives, not some undetermined instincts “in general”. In the life of any species a dominant role is played by sexual instincts, under the influence of which the population is regenerated in the succession of generations. Algorithms of regenerating the population in all dual-gender species, which humanity is, by their different and functionally specialized fragments are distributed over the representatives of each gender.

Instincts of the “Homo Sapiens” are such, that men with an animal psyche type are psychologically subordinated to women. To regenerate the population of the species, the man is instinctively programmed to service the woman and the children she gives birth to. But this psychological subordination — the dependence of a man with animal psyche type on the “favorability” of the woman towards him — takes place independent of whether or not the two have had sexual relations or not. This allows to understand the direct meaning of the drawing shown earlier: the woman controls the man remotely by means of psychological dependence, based on sexual instincts, of the man on her, which is visually depicted in the drawing as a long co

But the fate of a woman with an animal psyche type is not one to envy. Not one life has been broken by the subordination of women to their instincts, related to well-known attributes of the female body: lust for sexual gratification, which in the biosphere is naturally followed by conception; and maternal instincts, abusing which, children “weave ropes” out of their parents, especially mothers[11].

The fact that such behavior has been well-masked by perverted cultural shells created by civilization, which have covered in the behavior of people that, which is unmistakably manifested in the behavior of March cats, does not change the essence of the problem.

No one can accuse the American cinema of being delicate in questions of publicly displaying the naked human body and various manipulations with sexual organs. The fact that the the “co

Even though the film does not show the “co

Morpheus and Anderson walk along the street of a city, simulated by the training program. In the monotonous crowd a woman in red walks by them, with her appearance sharply standing out. Anderson, having passed the woman in red, under the guidance of his unconscious automatisms, follows her with his eyes, as his instincts tell him to. But the “woman in red” turns into an “agent” of the “Matrix” and nearly opens fire. The attentive, thinking spectator will understand, that a human — to be free from bad matrices — should have such a structure of unconscious automatism algorithmics, as to not be hostage of instincts, as well as their cultural shells.

6. Freedom is in the Transformation of contents, and not in the change of appearances

From all other kinds of animals in the Earth’s biosphere, humans differ, besides having articulate speech, by the following:

● humans have a mind, which is free in the sense, that it defines the limits of what is possible (including morally and ethically acceptable) for itself[12];

● humans have will, which always acts from the conscious level, and which can control behaviour to satisfy certain requirements and limits, produced by the mind (intellect) or intuition.

But will is not entirely free, since a human is compelled in some situations to use willpower in order to overcome obstacles in behaviour, imposed by instincts, habits, cultural norms, and so on. If the willpower is not strong enough in some situations, then people are not capable of realising their intentions, as their behaviour is subdued by factors, that their will ca

In the film, however, a “normal” human being from the authors’ point of view, born free in the “real world” outside of the bad “Matrix”, is characterised by other qualities: “To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human”. Declarations of this sort are either a stupidity said thoughtlessly, or a malicious attempt to embed a false understanding of human psyche into the subconscious of the audience (primarily youth audience) under the cover of a thriller plot. Basic software, embedded into microchips (like BIOS of contemporary computers), is in essence like “inherited instincts” of machines, regardless of the complexity of machines or their software.

In fact, the human — God’s creation — differs and will always differ from the most complex machines by:

● firstly, the freedom of the mind in setting aims and defining limits of possible, morally and ethically acceptable for itself;

● secondly, the willpower, with which he can overcome many obstacles, limiting his freedom of will.

In the entire technosphere, in all machines, their software, and in everything else created by people, manifests the true morality and ethics of people, as well as their psyche type. Therefore, if artificial intelligence appears to be anti-human, like it is in the movie, then it is an expression of the anti-humaneness of the psyche of its creators and developers.

Strictly speaking, as a result of the freedom of mind in setting aims and conscious willpower, which overcomes various limits, the culture of contemporary civilization has been developed. However, as a consequence of the dominance of the animal psychetype, achievements of the culture are still under control of the instinctual behaviour programs, which create inter-species and intra-species competition for the better place under the sun in the natural conditions of the biosphere. Сorrelating with the psychetype of the vast majority, an animal armed with a mind that is free in setting aims and defining what is possible and morally-ethically acceptable, armed with technology and magic, is u


Hedonism (from greek hedone — pleasure) — a school of thought in ethics asserting pleasure and amusement as the highest aim and motive of human behavior (Ekipur). In the new time it is character to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a principle of judging all phenomena based on their usefulness. In contemporary lively language, hedonism is slavery in reckless, all-destroying, suicidal voluptuousness.


In accordance with this arrangement of instinctually-based behavior programs, under an animal psyche type:

● direct psychological pressure of a woman on her spouse is effective in the majority of cases, but she herself is defenceless against direct pressure on her by her children (a woman can generally protect herself from it only if she causes direct pressure on children by her spouse);

● direct psychological pressure of the woman’s spouse on her children is effective, if children do not protect themselves by causing pressure of their mother on her spouse.

In a family, where in one way or another the animal psyche type dominates, but in a soft form of relations, when direct pressure is rarely applied, the mother can explain to the father, what the children want; and children may explain to the mother, why she is having conflicts with the father (or a man who has taken on the duties of a father).

But this normal behaviour arrangement may be manipulated by the change to demonic psyche type, turning the life of a family into a silent (internal, spiritual) or loud nightmare: children demonstrate their maturity to their father, at the same time daughters strive to gain female psychological power over him. Husbands begin to treat their wives like they have treated their children. Mothers try to gain female psychological power over grown sons or ca

In a family, built upon the domination among its members of a humane psyche type, conflicts — including those resulting from change in family composition and age of its members — do not occur. Under non-humane psyche types, change in age of family members, change in family composition always results in conflicts, as a result of inadequacy of unchanging algorithms of instinctive programs to changing life circumstances.


Minds of all other highly developed animals ca