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Or probably this submission appeared in Stalin’s dreams? Then Joseph Stieglitz, the Nobel Prize in economics wi

The question of submission of the state to monopolies proves that it is no use to read Stalin’s works with only one’s left-brain in action, without referring to the real historic circumstances of the age. Commenting them on the basis of such «reading» is making a fool of oneself or a scoundrel and a swindler in front of all somewhat thoughtful people.

[398] It would be stupid to refuse the mistakes made and the abuse of power, but those were not numerous; as a consequence the first bolshevist state in the history of the global civilization did not collapse.

[399] When the matter concerns comparing quality of products, it is better to correlate with certain consumer standards of different social groups.

[400] It is so if we consider the reality of that time and the life of the working people, not libelous myths composed by loony Trotskyite politicians, i.e. Khrushchev’s followers and «democratisers», and the intellectuals. Nowadays they are supposed to have created «unexcelled spiritual values» and to have claimed the prior right for material comforts that were created mostly by others without any assistance of the intellectuals-abstractionists of science and culture.

[401] Which were «awfully far from people…» if we put it in V.I. Lenin’s words.

[402] Yu. Mukhin avoids speaking about the problem of conceptual authorities in the aforementioned book «Murder of Stalin and Beria». He concentrates readers’ attention only on mafia bureaucratic degeneration the Party machine alone, which corrupted and in the end brought up managers in the rest of industries. In spite of the fact that the author of the book shields specialists, production managers, it is management in general and leading specialists that showed their nonentity and anti-national nature during the years of Khrushchev’s rule and in the following age, especially during the perestroika and other reforms.

Therefore everybody who has read or just intends to read this book should not only know but also understand the following. The measures, J.V. Stalin took to change the status of the party and the state system, which Yu. Mukhin writes about were only the consequence of Stalin’s conceptual authority. Any original conception of administration finds expression in broad function of administration, the function in its turn expresses itself in the architecture of administration structures. See the USSR IP’s work «The Dead Water» part II, the chapter «Representation of the broad function of state and non-governmental structures of the social self -administration system».

[403] A daily all-union newspaper, the gazette of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), later on of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

[404] This work is not about linguistics as many people think, but about miserable tendencies in science in the USSR, demonstrated by J.V. Stalin by the example of linguistics.

[405] At that time it was called «bourgeois regeneration».

[406] Though one should not delude oneself. If Trotsky’s wing of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party won, bureaucracy headed by L. Bronstein would come to power. In his «Letter to the Party Congress» V. Lenin accused him of «excessive enthusiasm for purely administrative aspect». It was accusation against L. Bronstein (Trotsky) of the “elite” bureaucracy: representatives of the upper stratum of bureaucracy misuse their right to express more or less good wishes. Without having mastered practical knowledge and skills they entrust their subordinate «specialists» who are to have these skills and knowledge, with all the work to realize these wishes (which may really be good). Actually the «specialists» may not have any knowledge and skills due to the bureaucratic management style. They are rejected the right to participate in the activity of the upper layer of the hierarchy, as well as the right to criticize the upper bureaucrats personally, let alone drawing conclusions or inferences for future.

Many pressmen and mass media in general claim for their sole right to express their more or less good wishes. They claim for the right to call to account by means of public denunciation for a real or imaginary abuse of power owing to pressmen’s ignorance in matters they express their opinion about. Accordingly these claims are one of the gravest and most dangerous types of bureaucracy, for it is informal bureaucracy.

[407] This way K. Marx explained in good time who created the cult of personality of J.V. Stalin in the Soviet society for what reasons and purposes.

[408] As if adding to Marx’s words V. Belinsky gave the definition of a crowd that we have already mentioned: it is a «gathering of people living by tradition and judging by authority». Accordingly bureaucracy is not elite, though it rules, but a crowd, «a senseless people». Belinsky is precise in his definition: he criticized «judging by authority», but did not touch upon the personal aspect of every single bureaucrat. Many people reproach the USSR IP for recognizing no authority. His is not true. The USSR IP acknowledges certain personalities impact on the history and recognizes their authority in this sense. But the USSR IP is against «judging by authority» on the ground that every person has to act according to particular features of the age. That is why the USSR IP suggests substituting the culture of thinking for «judging by authority». It would give everyone an opportunity to get rid of intellectual dependence.

[409] In 1970 — 1980 it was the most widely used edition. It became the last one published in the USSR.

[410] This word is that of «intellectuals» and does not describe the point precisely unlike a coarse vulgar word. The point is that whatever name we give to this person a toady ca

However in civilized society of crowd-“elitism” this unconditioned instinctive subjection of men to women and subjection of women to children is restrained by cultural factors. This problem is analyzed thoroughly in the USSR IP’s works such as “From Human Likeness Towards Being a Human”, “Principles of Perso

[411] As mafia makes a hierarchy in real life of crowd-“elitism” society and biblical teaching dominates over society, bureaucracy inevitably falls into admiration of zids. In the end it serves «world biblical backstage» to the detriment of their own people and their development potential.

[412] Referring to Lenin’s definition of a social class well known in the Soviet period, it was clear even at that time that bureaucracy in the USSR was becoming a social class, an exploiter parasite antisocialist and anticommunist class.

«Social Classes. “Classes are groups of people, which differ in their place in a certain historic system of social production, in their relation to means of production (stated in laws), in their role in the social labor organization, therefore they differ in the ways they get their share of public welfare and its proportions. Classes are groups of people one of which can misappropriate the other group’s labor due to the difference in their positions in a certain structure of national economy”. (V. Lenin. The Complete Works, edition 5, volume 39, page 15.)» (Cited from the “Big Soviet Encyclopedia”, edition 3, volume 12, page 280; reference to “The Collected Works” of V. Lenin, to “The Great Start”).