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V.V. Pchelovod

The Last Gambit

Mystical-philosophical political

detective story

(Second edition)

Saint Petersburg


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© These materials represent the heritage of the Russian culture. Therefore no private individuals or companies possess copyright with regards to these materials. In case someone ventures to privatize copyright in accordance with the applicable law, he will face the retaliation for theft, manifesting itself in the unpleasant “mystical” developments, reaching far beyond the legal limits. With all that, everyone whose wishes are based on personal understanding of public good has full power and authority to copy and circulate these materials by the whole or by part, also with commercial purposes. Those who use these materials in their activities, bear full personal responsibility if fragmentary citing or reference brings about the meanings, different to the true contents of these materials as a whole, and thus he has a chance to face the “mystical” retaliation, overpassing the legal punishments. [1]

© Victor Vladimirovich Pchelovod


Internal Predictor of the USSR:

explanation of the terminology used

The term “predictor-corrector” originates from calculus mathematics, where it names the whole group of methods. In them the solution is found with successive approximations. The algorithm represents a cycle with two consequent operations executed: the first one is the solution prediction and the second is checking if the predicted solution satisfies the problem accuracy requirement. The algorithm comes to its end when the prediction satisfies the accuracy requirement.

Moreover, the scheme of ruling, in which the ruling signal is formed using the prognosis of the future system behaviour as well as the information of its present state, is also sometimes called “predictor-corrector” (though it is possibly more right to call it “predirector-corrector” – it directs the way in advance). With the scheme of “predictor-corrector” the highest quality of ruling is provided since the part of information circuits is completed through the predicted future but not through the accomplished past. This fact allows to reduce the lateness of ruling relative to the perturbation action to zero; and to use the forestalling ruling, (where the ruling action forestalls the cause that forces ruling), if it is needed. Considering different conflicts, from the view of the theory of ruling the scheme of predictor corrector often excludes even a possibility to strive with the system using it in advance.

So, the term “predictor-corrector” is widely known among mathematicians and technicians in the West.

As it follows from the history, the predictor-corrector scheme was used for ruling the social systems even in the ancient times. The superior zhrechestvo[2] of the ancient Egypt was called “hierophants”, which meant their ability to read the fate (i.e. the matrix of possible states), to foresee the future. The last one is the basis of any ruling, since to rule a system (here: a society) is to lead it to the chosen certain variant from many possible ones on the basis of knowing these possible states. It’s naturally that choosing the variant depends on the real morality and will of those, who have achieved the foresight and ruling on its base.

The Russian word “жрец” (“zhrets”) is a composed word as many other ancient Russian words. The letter Ж (Zh – is read as French ‘j’) means the word ЖИЗНЬ (Life); and the word РЕЦ means “the one who speaks”. “Жречество” (“zhrechestvo”) means something like a community of zhretses; the suffix ‘-stvo’ refers to the English suffix ‘-hood’ like in “brotherhood”, or to ‘-ship’ as in “friendship”; and the stem variation is widely used in Russian, so ‘ts’ (is read as German ‘z’) in zhrets turns to ‘ch’ in zhrechestvo with adding a suffix. Thus zhrets can be understood as he who speaks about the Life (the Life in its whole sense, about the Life of men, of the mankind and the Humanity, of Cosmos the whole Universe, and of God), and zhrechestvo speaks about the Life for the Good of the society.

In English there is a word “a priest” which is usually translated into Russian as “zhrets”, but it is not right, since “a priest” is an adherent of a certain confession, church or pagan beliefs, a pope, a clergyman etc. We will use it in such sense. The nearest analogue to the word “zhrets” in English is the word “soothsayer”, but understood not as “a foreteller” or “a fortune-teller”, but as “he who tells (and speaks) the sooth (the truth) <about the Life>”. We will use the word zhrets using this Latin transliteration.

Жречество занято жизнеречением[3] во благо общества.

Zhrechestvo speaks about the Life for the Good of the society.

The phonetics, the lexical and conceptual systems of Russian language are rather special. This phrase ca

It is useful for an English speaking reader to learn Russian language to understand many particular features of its root, lexical, conceptual systems. We translate many works into English today, but it is sometimes impossible to translate all meanings of the word and all its relatives! Moreover, “to translate” means “to find a word in another language for the same thing, for the same image”. But how can one translate the concept, if there are no images in another language, no such things at all! Thus one should do not “a trans-lation” but “intro-lation” (introduction, intromission). So we “introlate” the word zhrets. And also we introlate another word: знахарь znakhar”.

Znakhar” (‘kh’ is a single consonant as Scottish ‘ch’ in “loch”) originates from the verb “знать” (“to know”), which is very close to the word “значить” (“to mean”, “to sign”); the suffix ‘-арь’ (‘-ar’) refers to the Latin suffix (‘-ist’), so znakhar is “he who knows”, who has some knowledge <about the Life> but doesn’t share it with people.

Today in Russian all the words with such meaning: “ведун”, “ведьма” (from “ведать”=“to know”[4]), “знахарь” means something like “a witch”, “a quack doctor”. But it doesn’t mean that one ca

Zhretses with their foresight, knowledge, words in advance lead the course of life of society to an absence of poverty and to the well-structured and comfortable state, with all this keeping the society in harmony with the Earth biosphere, the Cosmos and the God.

Znakhars are self-interested while exploiting the society on the basis of their knowledge, and they wittingly cultivate the ignorance and perverted knowledge in the society exploited.

And this is the difference between zhrechestvo and znakharstvo.