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He hooked his fingers under the waistband of the sheer white lace panties I was wearing and pulled them off. He tucked them into his pocket and I gasped as his head disappeared under my skirt. I bit my bottom lip as I arched off the seat, his tongue licking and probing every inch of me until I was writhing against his mouth.

A year ago, I would've denied I could ever make the mewling, whimpering sounds that were coming from me, but my time with Ash had taught me that he could make me do a lot of things I'd never dreamed of.

Case in point, having my new husband going down on me in the back of a limo while we were on our way to our reception. Not exactly something I would've expected of myself before Ash.

I was panting, on the brink of orgasm, when he raised his head. I made a noise of protest, my body a humming, needy mess. I reached towards him and heard his zipper even as he leaned into me. His mouth came down on mine, and he thrust into me. He swallowed my cry, his tongue sliding into my mouth even as he rocked against me. I could feel his tension as he fought for control, and I intentionally tightened around him.

“Fuck, Toni,” he groaned as he pulled his mouth from mine. His eyes were dark as he looked at me. “I'm going to punish you for that.”

I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Make me come, and you can punish me all you want.”

He started to pull back and, for a moment, I was afraid I'd gone too far, that my punishment was going to be to spend the entire reception with my body throbbing in need. Then he snapped his hips forward and I nearly screamed. Nearly only because he clapped a hand across my mouth in time to stifle the sound.

“Don't want Lewis to get the wrong impression of what's going on back here.”

One hand over my mouth, the other slid behind my back to hold me in place as he drove into me with hard, rough strokes that had me trembling after two, and coming after two more. His hips jerked as my muscles convulsed around him, his fingers flexing against my face. Three more hard thrusts sent sparks of painful pleasure through me, drawing out my orgasm, and then he buried himself deep, coming with a primal moan that made my stomach flutter.

His hand dropped away from my mouth as he kissed me gently. We stayed together for a moment longer, letting our bodies calm and cool. I hissed as he pulled out of me and a look of concern crossed his face.

“Did I hurt you, baby?” He brushed his fingers across my cheek.

I smiled as I shook my head. “Only in a good way.” I reached up and wrapped my fingers around his. “I'll be feeling you inside me through the whole reception.” I drew his hand to my mouth and kissed his fingertips. “I guess that'll have to be enough to get me through until we make our escape.”

He sucked in a breath as I scraped my teeth across the top of his middle finger. “You really want me to punish you, don't you?”

I gave him a mischievous smile and darted out my tongue, touching it against the pad of his finger.

He rocked back on his heels, watching me for a few seconds before he moved up to the seat next to me. He turned our hands so that our fingers laced between each other, but he didn't speak.

Based on the thoughtful expression on his face, I had a feeling he was trying to decide on my punishment. My stomach twisted in a good way. In the time we'd been together, Ash had shown me that, even if uncomfortable at first, in the end, I would enjoy being punished. He never hurt me, never made it so that it was something I dreaded, no matter how it started.

He slid his hand into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out my panties. I started to reach for them, but when his fingers curled more tightly around them, I dropped my hand and waited.

“I don't think you deserve to have these back.” One corner of his mouth tipped up in a partial smile. “That's your punishment.” He put my panties back into his pocket. “You're going to spend the rest of the night without them. Every time we dance, every hug, every greeting. When I take off that garter.” His eyes flicked down to my leg. “You'll know that I could slide my fingers inside you, right there in front of everyone.” He leaned over and brushed his lips against my cheek. “And if you're good, maybe I'll do just that.”



Ashford Lang was pure evil.

We'd been at our reception for nearly two hours, and the entire time, he'd been tormenting me. Whether it was his hand sliding down my back just enough that his fingers were brushing the top of my ass while we shared our first dance, or trying to eat while he kept leaning over to whisper all of the wicked things he wanted to do to me, he appeared to be thoroughly enjoying my discomfort.

Now, the meal was done. We'd cut the cake and stuck to our promises not to shove anything into each others' faces. We'd had our first dance, and then I'd danced with my father and each of my brothers while Ash took turns dancing with my mother and Isadora. I'd thrown my bouquet, and intentionally aimed it at Isadora, earning a good-natured glare from Ash.

He'd been true to his promise when he'd taken off my garter. Keeping my dress discreetly at my knee, he'd reached higher, ignoring the whistles and cat-calls, as well as not-so-subtle threats from my brothers. He'd used one hand to work down the garter, while his other went higher between my legs, lightly brushing his fingertips across my sensitive skin. It had been all I could do not to moan right there.

Much to my brother's embarrassment, Vic caught the garter, and I was pretty sure that Ash had thrown it at him intentionally. When I'd seen the sideways look Vic had thrown Rachelle's way, though, I made a mental note to thank Ash for it.

Now, we were at the part of the night where we were supposed to go around and greet people. We hit my extended family first, aunts and uncles, cousins and second cousins. Both of my parents had come from relatively large families, so there were a lot of them.

Because Ash and Isadora didn't really have any family, we'd forgone the traditional sides of the church, encouraging people to sit wherever they wanted. Most of Ash's invites had gone to the staff, Phenicie-Lang employees and other business contacts. There were a few exceptions, such as Agent Marcum and Jefferson Sinclair, who we'd both wanted to invite.

Standing with Isadora and Colton right now were another pair Ash and I had invited for our personal co

Dominic Snow was CEO of Winter Enterprises, the company that had been responsible for sending me to Isadora. Specifically, it had been Robson Findlay who'd done it, and he was here too, but Dominic and his gorgeous wife, Aleena, were co

Over a year ago, Dominic had started a charity called In From the Cold that worked on finding and rescuing victims of human trafficking. At first, he'd specifically focused on babies who'd been sold on the black market – like he'd been – but the charity had expanded to include other aspects of human trafficking as well. Aleena worked with him as his personal assistant, which is how they'd met, and it had been she who'd come to see Isadora after the kidnapping had gone public.

Isadora had already decided she wanted to become a victim's advocate, but Aleena's visit had solidified things for her. Now, in addition to her college courses, she volunteered at In From the Cold.

But it hadn't only been my new sister-in-law Aleena had spoken to.

Ash threw Phenicie-Lang behind the charity while I'd taken a job as an on-staff therapist. It wasn't the easiest job in the world, and there were days I came home from work devastated by the horrors people had recounted. But Ash was always there, ready to give me whatever I needed.