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She nods.

“No, my leather chaps got messed up when I tried washing them. All the fringe started coming off.”

She purses her lips. “Hey, are you making fun of me?”

“Maybe just a little bit.”

She play pouts, pulling the sheet up to cover herself, and folds her arms over her chest.

“I don’t like it when you make fun of me . . . especially when I’m so excited about something.”

I lift up on my elbow and gaze down at her. “Aww, don’t be mad at me, Elle. The chaps thing just took me by surprise.”

All of this reminds me of when she wanted me to dress up as a construction worker. “Hey, have you read any cowboy erotica?”

She nods. “Montana Bound is one of my favorite BDSM series.”

I purse my lips together. “I see. And the cowboy . . .”

“Rusty,” she fills in.

“Rusty wore chaps?”

“He wore them a lot, although it was only in the bedroom where he wore them without jeans underneath.”

“Right, right. That’s where the crotchless part comes in.” I purse my lips together and try to imagine how such a scene would play out. “I have cowboy boots,” I offer.

She smiles. “Well, that’s a start.”

I run my hand over her shoulder and down her arm. “I’m not really a dress- up kind of guy. Other than appreciating a woman in beautiful lingerie, I really prefer naked sex without a lot of gadgets.”

“You don’t think that’s boring?”

I push back from her, my eyes wide with surprise. “Boring? Were you bored earlier?”

“You know I wasn’t. I’ve never been more excited.”

“Me neither. Just remembering it is getting me excited again.”

She takes her hand and slides it down until I feel her fingers wrap around me. My cock pulses in response and she moans.

I press my lips against her cheek. “You turn me on so much.” I ease her sheet down to her waist, kissing her across her shoulder and up her neck as my hand cups her breast.

She runs her fingers up and down my cock. “You have no idea what hearing that does to me.”

“And we don’t need a swing, baby.” “Yeah?”

“All I need is you.”

As we lie together we touch each other slowly in the quiet light of dawn. I gently brush her hair to the side so I can caress her cheek. When our lips meet and we kiss it feels different, like we’re even more co

It’s time. I’ve got to tell her.

Taking a deep breath, I pull back so we’re lying side-by-side facing each other. I look into her eyes and take her hand.

“What?” she asks, squeezing my hand gently.

I take a second, hoping to calm my nerves. “I just thought you should know . . . I mean, I’ve wanted to tell you . . . but I guess I was worried you’d freak out . . . so please don’t freak out . . .”

She claps her hand over her mouth and there’s panic in her eyes. “Oh God, what is it? Are you moving away?”

“What? No!”

“Do you have some rare incurable disease?”

“Hey, hey, hey . . .” I say gripping her arm. “It’s nothing bad. Why did you assume it was?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you’re stuttering and you look like you’re either going to throw up or cry.”

I laugh, and then laugh harder until I roll over and hold my stomach. I’m so fucking smooth. For the first time I’m going to tell a girl that I love her and she thinks I’m going to throw up instead.

“Why are you laughing at me?” she asks with a frown. “Now I’m getting a

“No, don’t get a

“So what’s going on?”

“It’s just that—”

“Stop,” she says placing her hands on either side of my face. “It’s me. Elle. Just tell me.”

“I love you,” I blurt out.

She looks at me kind-of stu

I shake my head in frustration. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you—that kind of love. You know, the deep kind of love that people write songs about.” I place my hand on my chest.

She gets quiet and glances down. “Oh, I see. You’re in love with me.”

My stomach twists up as I wait for her to look back up. “Is that a bad thing?”

She narrows her eyes as she studies me. “Is this a new thing? I mean, did you just figure it out and now think it will mess everything up or something?”

I swallow hard. I have to be honest. “No, I’ve known for a pretty long time.”

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?”

“Well, I was going to tell you, but when we found out you were pregnant it wasn’t the right time. I guess after that we had to find our footing again with so much changing. I was waiting for the right moment.”

“I see.”

“I’m starting to realize that maybe this wasn’t the right moment.”

She gives me a little smile and inches closer to me. “Maybe it was exactly the right moment.”

She silently stares at me for a long time, or at least it feels that way. Then I notice there are tears starting to stream down her face.

I reach over to brush one away. “What is it, Elle?”

“I’m in love with you, too,” she whispers.

“Are you crying because that’s a bad thing?”

She sniffles. “No, it’s because I never thought that someone would love me again, especially the way you do.”

“Oh, baby,” I whisper as I pull her into my arms. “You’re amazing. How could I not fall in love with you?”

She answers with a kiss that shows me she loves me even if she hadn’t said the words.

I answer back by easing on top of her so I can feel her underneath me when I return the kiss, and I make sure it’s one she’ll remember.

“So this is a good thing,” I say when our lips part.


“And is this a good thing?” I kiss her again and adjust my body between her legs as she slowly eases them apart. My cock seems to slide into her of its own free will, like it knows where it should be. Maybe I gave it a little help, and she did too, but still it was cool it felt so natural.

“Such a good thing,” she whispers. She has a vulnerable look in her eyes and I see that the tears haven’t stopped. I kiss them away and then move to her lips where the kisses continue as I slowly make love to my Elle.

I think this kind of lovemaking is new for both of us—there’s nothing hard about it yet the passion is even more intense without being wild. It’s as if our bodies are confirming the thoughts we shared. I’m acutely aware of the way she’s touching me, like I’m a treasure she’s unwrapped.

All of it is such a turn-on, and I’m stu

“Oh, Paul, I’m so close,” she says with wide eyes.

I swallow thickly. “Me too, baby, but we don’t have a condom on.”

She shakes her head. “Don’t worry. My doctor put me on the pill.”

“So we’re okay?”

She nods and continues to stroke herself. The flush is ru

She nods and bites her lip as the intensity builds, drawing each other to our edge. I’m so deep inside of her.

“Oh my God, Paul,” she cries.

I can feel everything; it’s powerful, not just her starting to come but how this is more. This is love.

I don’t speed up, so as I come inside of her every sensation is amplified. It’s crazy intense, and for a second I wonder if my heart has stopped, but then I realize that it’s wildly beating.

When our gazes meet, I sense that she realizes everything between us has shifted. I understand now why this love thing is such a big deal. It’s an opening of your heart, and you have to be brave because it’s magnificent but terrifying, too.