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“Just bring her home safely,” Beau says and I bob my head. It’s what I’ve been waiting for since I started down this road and now, thanks to this new family, I have; I’m going to be able to. I look around at these people who I’ve grown to love and I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s been a long journey but one I wouldn’t change for anything.

“Umm, boss, we have a big fucking issue.” Hunter’s voice carries across the club, breaking through my happy thoughts.

“What the fuck now?” Nix looks up, his stare not one to mess with.

Hunter turns back and nods. A few seconds later, a brunette walks around the corner. Hair disheveled, face messed up, her lip is bleeding, but she makes no attempt to stop it. My heart stops instantly as I take her in.

“Mackenzie?” Beau stands from his chair so fast it falls back with a bang.

“Oh, fuck,” Sy whispers next to Holly, which causes the hairs on my arms to stand to attention. What the hell is going on and who is Mackenzie?

“Beau, I’m so sorry I came, but I really need your help.” Her hands tremble at her side as she twitches before looking back to the exit.

“Fuck,” Beau curses, rushing forward to her. She trembles when he gets close but doesn’t back away.

“Jesus Christ. There goes any chance of having a few quiet weeks.” Nix stands and follows closely behind Beau.

“What’s happening?” I whisper, looking back and forth between my friends and the woman who just crashed into their lives.

“Shit just got a whole lot worse for Beau is what just happened.” Jesse shakes his head but doesn’t elaborate.

I don’t know what to think, or how to respond. All I know is looking at Jesse’s face, her being here isn’t good for anyone.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ll sort it out.” He releases my hands, kisses my temple and then stands with the rest of the guys.

I nod once, believing his words and watch them move forward toward the woman. These men aren’t the type of men to cower away from anything. They wouldn’t turn their back on family. I know this because they proved themselves with me.

I was lucky enough to have found them, and I knew from watching this woman she felt the same. In her eyes, these men needed to be her saviors, and I knew they would be. Their patch is what brought them together, but their love for the club and what they do is what makes them a family.

My family.

Also by River Savage


Infatuation Book 4 In the Knights Rebels Mc

Men of S.W.A.T. Book One. (October 2016)

Want to know more about Paige?

Fear not, Paige’s story will be told.





Desertion (July 2015)

Infatuation (coming soon)


Do you think you might have PTSD or know someone at risk? Take action for yourself or someone you care about.

One in three returning troops in the US are being diagnosed with serious Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms. Less that 40% will seek help. (*PTSD USA What is the Statistics.)

1.4 million Australians at any one time* have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (*Australian Bureau of Statistics – 6.4% of 21,530,081 Australians)

PTSD affects people from all walks of life. Families can be torn apart, drug and alcohol problems can occur, careers are destroyed, and in some cases, people are driven to suicide as a way of stopping the psychological and physical pain and anguish.

Some of the following links explain post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including possible causes and how you can access treatment and support. Includes tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.

Real Warriors- USA

Picking Up The Peaces - Aus.

Mind.org- UK

Acknowledgments These things never get easier…

Alissa Evanson-Smith: I say it in every book, and will continue to in more to come—until you get rid of me. I love you, thank you for everything you do for me.

Cassia Brightmore: Lady you are so amazing. What a year hey? I love you so much; you are so beautiful and thank you for all your help.

Gillian Grybas: Gilly Gilly Gilly. I SOLO love you so much! You make me smile. Thank you for being an amazing friend. For supporting me and still loving my work.

My Beta team: Ladies, you really went above and beyond on this one. I can't thank you enough for the amazing effort you all put in. It takes a village to produce a book, and I would be lost with you all. Brie, Gilly, Tania, JJ, Nadia and Nat. You all have a place in my heart.

Brie: DUDE… Gahh, I love you lady. You had sooo much input into Jesse, and I truly appreciate it. I’m so grateful to have you on my team.

Tania: Thank you for all your extra work. Reading, reading and then reading some more. You are amazing.

JJ: Woman, what can I say…? I love you. That is all.

Marci: My little daughter-in-law. I’m so grateful you took time to read over Jesse. I know it was such a hard task for you… Hahhhhahah Love you lady.

Max Henry: Dude… Formatting and blurb shout out to you. You are so talented and so amazing. I love you, lady, hard. I’m inspired by you, by your words and I love your loyalty. Never change.

Louisa from LM Creations: You continue to make me beautiful covers. You are amazing.

Becky Johnson: I love working with you. Your patience, your opinion and your encouragements mean a lot and will never be forgotten. You’ve made this journey so smooth and I can’t wait to continue working with you.

To my Rebels: My amazing REBELS. I do love you. You’re like an extended family. Thank you for letting me be crazy

To ALL the Bloggers: Thank you for your support. I wouldn’t have been able to get my name out without you guys pimping my work. Reviewing and loving the Knights Rebels boys just as much as I do has been so surreal to see. The whole journey has been crazy.

My Mr. Savage: I love you like you a love song baby.

About the Author

An avid reader of romance and erotic novels, River’s love for books and reading fueled her passion for writing. Reading no longer sated her addiction, so she started writing in secret. She never imagined her dream of publishing a novel would ever be achievable. With a soft spot for an alpha male and a snarky, sassy woman, Kadence and Nix were born.

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