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“This is true.” He agrees, pulling me out of my thoughts. “But you’ve had a good day, you can’t deny it,” he pushes, still trying to get me to admit it.

“Hey, guys, they’re ready.” Kadence ducks her head out, breaking the moment and allowing me to get away without answering. Her grin is wide, knowing but I don’t let myself get caught up in it. I’m sure when we get back to Rushford I’ll be grilled for every detail.

“Great.” I smile and step back out of Jesse’s reach. “We were just heading in.” I go to move around him to follow, but don’t get very far when he reaches for me again and interlocks our hands.

“You said one day,” he reminds me with a wink. Rolling my eyes, I let Jesse take my hand and guide me inside the small chapel set up for Holly and Sy’s wedding.

The room is intimate, soft purple and cream colors set in a low light. When Holly told me she and Sy decided to make her bachelorette party a combined wedding, I had thoughts of Elvis and some tacky drive-through chapel, but am pleasantly surprised how absolutely breathtaking this place is. It’s perfect for them, elegant but casual.

Taking a seat next to Lissy, I ignore Jesse next to me and give her my attention.

“I see you haven’t been able to get rid of him yet?” Lissy leans into me, rolling her eyes at Jesse’s Neanderthal ways.

“No,” I reply and look back at Jesse. He bounces his brows but doesn’t say anything.

“You have a good day?” My eyes find Beau, sitting two rows up. Z sits to his left, Red to his right, and he’s bouncing Low on his lap, while Kadence continues to get everyone settled. Lissy only crawled out of his bed late this afternoon, but with Jesse on my heels all day, we haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened.

“The best,” she sighs, a small blush darkens her cheeks.

“Do I want to know?” I ask, not sure if anything will surprise me.

“Let’s just say, he’s very…commanding.” She finishes on a lustily sigh and I narrow my eyes.

Okay, I really don’t want to know. “Just be careful, Lissy. He’s not really the type for relationships.” I only know what I’ve seen of Beau around the clubhouse and the man is a mystery.

“Please, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I can tell you that now.” She vehemently states, and I believe her. As much as some of these men are players, so is Lissy. I shake my head at the thought just as soft music fills the chapel. Taking our cue, we all stand and watch as Holly, wearing a sleek cut, ivory gown, begins to walk down the small aisle. Her son, Xzavier, is cradled in her left arm wearing the cutest baby suit, made more adorable by the fact he’s fast asleep, missing his parents’ special moment. Her dad leans in and whispers something, stealing a soft smile from her. I keep my stare zoned in, watching her reply and I find myself wondering what he shared to fill her smile with love. Was it a simple I love you, or telling her how amazing she looks?

Moving my gaze from the bride to the groom, I’m thrown further off when I see Sy wipe a lone tear from his face. Lost in the romance of the moment of his love, I find myself leaning closer to Jesse. Somehow sensing a change in my stance, Jesse’s hand grazes mine, his touch sending electricity through my fingers and up my arm. My body tenses, but not because I don’t want him to touch me right now, because I do. If I’m being honest, I’ve wanted it since he showed up in the bar last night, flashed me with his ‘Jesse’ smile and scared off Grant with a simple stare.

“You okay?” Jesse leans down and whispers his question so only I can hear.

“Yeah.” I reply, watching Sy lean forward and kiss his bride.

“Good.” He squeezes my hand as we take our seats. After Holly kisses her dad, she turns and hands a sleeping X to her mom before facing back to Sy.

“Friends and family of Holly and Sylas, welcome, and thank you for being here on this important day,” the wedding celebrant begins. “We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between Holly and Sy, by joining them in marriage. In life, all of us need and desire to love and to be loved.” Jesse’s hand tightens in mine and my heart skips a beat. “And the highest form of love between two people is within a monogamous, committed relationship. Holly and Sy, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts. Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand in hand.” An awareness washes over me as I try to focus on the words, but I get lost knowing Jesse is watching me.

“What?” I twist my head and mouth, but he just shakes his head. Turning my gaze back to the front, I force myself to focus on Holly and Sy and not on what Jesse is doing.

“Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another. To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor.” Jesse’s hand tightens in mine again, the words speaking to us on a different level. I shift my gaze back to him once more and this time something holds me. It wasn’t that Jesse’s smiles hadn’t affected me before, but the one he was giving me right now held so much more understanding. More depth. Like we were the only two people in this chapel, and everything we had been through the last few months ceased to matter.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers, breaking the moment.

“Shhh.” I shake my head, not surprised he’s laying it on thick in the middle of his friend’s wedding ceremony. Ignoring my resistance, he continues to whisper small thoughts and steal glances, so that when Holly and Sy finally kiss, my body is alight and I have no defenses left against him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Dean.” The small chapel finally erupts into cheers as Sy and Holly step forward as husband and wife. We hang back as everyone rushes to them, showering them with kisses and well wishes. By the time Holly and Sy move to us, I’m a ball of emotion.

“Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day and for welcoming me into your family.” I smile, wiping at my eyes after hugging both of them.

“Bell, you will always be family to me now.” She hugs me one last time. Sy gives me a nod before taking his wife’s hand and dragging her toward the doors.

“We’ll meet you all at di

“Be back.” Holly winks, letting Sy drag her away.

After hanging around a few more minutes, saying our goodbyes to Holly and Kadence’s parents, who are on babysitting duty, everyone decides to move to the bar for a few drinks before di

“You and I both know that’s a bad idea.” I move toward the group.

“It’s the best idea I’ve had all day.” He catches up, locking my fingers with his. Kadence and Kelly steal a glance back at us both gri

“Just behave,” I say when we make it to the table. The group talks about the ceremony, while I fight the soft touches of Jesse under the table. Each time I pull back, the more daring his advances become.

“Bell?” someone calls, pulling me out of my lust induced fog.

“Sorry?” I look up, my cheeks warming when I see everyone’s eyes on me.

“Your dress, it’s so pretty.” Kelly’s lip twitches when her gaze travels down to my lap to see Jesse’s finger tracing small circles on my knee.

“Ahh, thanks. I picked it up today.” I push Jesse’s hand away only for him to find his way back. The table, now totally aware of the tension, watch with open amusement.