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“Just don’t give up.” Holly steps forward and wraps her arms around.

“I’m trying not to.” I admit, more to myself than anything.

“Okay, we’ve all established whatever is happening between Jesse and Bell is just going to have to wait. Now we have di

I blanket my mind from everything Jesse, and focus on getting through the night. Through this weekend.

“She’s right. We have a bachelorette party to have. Strippers to see, money to win. Are you ready to do Vegas, ladies?” Holly calls shifting gears into party mode.

“Hell yeah!” they all reply, hopefully forgetting their need to fix Jesse and me.

“Let’s do it then, ladies!” She hollers before throwing her drink back. Kadence turns her gaze back to me and gives me a wink.

“Thank you,” I whisper as we gather our bags and start to head out.

“Don’t worry, Bell, I have your back,” she assures me and I trust that she does. I know none of these ladies will let anything happen to me. They are part of my family now. Even after everything that’s happened, they have been there every step. Even when I tried to push them out they wouldn’t allow it. I’m stuck with them and I can’t fight it.

“I know you do, Kadence.” I smile and follow them out the door. I have to force myself to not think about Jesse and put away everything the ladies said. This weekend isn’t about Jesse and me. It’s about Holly and Sy, and I refuse to let him ruin it.

I’m going to stay strong and when I see him, act like it means nothing to me.

Easy. Right?

“Oh my, he sure is pretty.” Holly giggles next to me as we wait for our row of shots. It’s been a few hours since we headed out. After eating downstairs at Le Cirque, we moved the party on to The Bank, one of the many bars in the Bellagio.

“Yeah, he’s okay.” I shrug, watching the bartender give Holly a wink. He’s cute in a boy-next-door kind of way, but isn’t anything to make me stop and flirt.

“Girl, you still have it bad for Jesse. No other reason you would be saying that man is okay.” She nudges my shoulder, making me fall sideways.

“Whoa there.” Two hands grab me and stop my descent.

“Oh, sorry.” I look up at the man who saved me. His dark hair is cut short on the sides but sits messy in length on top. Locked in a brief moment, my eyes sweep his face. His nose is long but slightly crooked, like it had been broken and left to its imperfections. A boyish grin spreads across his face, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth. “That was an accident.” I shake my head out of his spell and awkwardly finish my sentence. “My friend slipped.” I turn to point at Holly and watch a cheeky grin split over her face.

“No, I changed my mind. He’s cute,” she whispers, tilting her head toward the man beside me.

I turn back to the handsome stranger, before Holly embarrasses me more.

“That’s okay, not every day I get to save a pretty girl.” He winks. His hands are still on me, his grip firm.

“Umm, yeah, well, thanks again.” I softy shrug out of his grasp. He lets go then instantly extends his hand.

“My name’s Grant.” His voice is deep and raspy, and makes me want to ask him a question just to hear it again.

“Bell.” I fit my hand into his. He shakes firmly, his thumb lightly stroking my hand before he releases me.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asks, nodding for another bartender’s attention.

“She’s having champagne and you can get the bottle.” Holly sticks her head into our little space interrupting.

“Oh, my God, Holly. Go to Kadence, now,” I say, pointing over to the leather sofa area where the rest of the ladies are sitting. Holly pouts but does as I say, giving Grant a wink then turning and walking to the girls.

“I’m so sorry, she’s a little drunk.”

“It’s fine.” He smiles again, handing me a glass of champagne. He pays the bartender, takes the bottle and holds it up. “Let’s get your girl her bottle.” He nods, before taking my hand and moving over to where Holly and the girls all sit, watching us. A new level of excitement starts to build inside of me as the warmth of our co

“Ladies,” Grant greets my friends when we reach the table. He places the bottle on the glass table in front of Holly then steps back.

“For us? Why thank you.” Holly acts shocked at his gesture then turns to me. “I approve.” She laughs and the others follow. Yep, just kill me now.

“Just ignore them. They’ve had a crazy night,” I rush out, excusing their boldness.

“I can see.” Grant’s grin grows wider as his eyes sweep over each woman.

“Take a seat.” Holly points to the space next to her but I don’t feel up to her pushing my buttons. “Wa

“Sure.” He nods, takes my glass and places it on the table before moving us to the dance floor. I start to second-guess my motives when we make it to the dance floor. I really suck at dancing. Keeping my back to the table, so I don’t see the girls watching us, I let Grant take the lead.

“I have to warn you, Bell. I’m really not that great at dancing.” Grant leans closer so I can hear him over the music.

“Well, I have to warn you too, Grant. Neither am I. I only asked you to dance to get away from Holly before she started on you,” I admit. He shakes his head with laughter before taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. With the alcohol rolling through me, I let my reservations go and relax closer into him. Thoughts of Jesse flash in my mind but I push them out immediately. This is what I need. Forcing myself not to read too much into anything, I close my eyes and let the music take over. Grant’s arms come around me, his hips swaying in time with mine.

“You lied.” I tilt my head back when he spins me to face away from him, his front flush with my back.

“How is that?” His breath grazes my ear as his hand moves to my hip, dragging me against his hardness.

“You said you couldn’t dance,” I breathe, getting lost in the feeling of him pressed up against me. He doesn’t reply but I feel the soft chuckle against my back. We stay on the dance floor locked against each over for two songs, before Grant takes my hand and moves us back to our table.

“Can I get you another drink?” Grant slows as we walk past the bar.

“Bell!” Lissy shouts for my attention before I can reply.

“Yeah?” I turn to see her eyes bugging out of her head. “What’s wrong?” Thinking something has happened, I step out of Grant’s hold and move toward her.

“Umm.” Her eyes dart from Grant then back to the table. Following her gaze, I slowly turn and see what has her in such a panic.

“Oh, God…” I shake my head watching Holly wrap herself around Sy, both locked in a passionate kiss while Kadence plants her ass on Nix’s lap.

“What are they doing here?” I start to move toward the group, pissed off our night has come to an end. Lissy follows close behind as I stalk my way over, ready to put an end to it. They said girls only, the traitors.

“Bell, look the boys decided to crash the party.” Kadence has the audacity to look i

“I can see,” I bite out, getting a wave from Nix, Beau and Hunter, before my gaze lands on Jesse. Shit. How did I miss him sitting there?

“Bell.” His voice is liquid to my ears; the smooth sound forces my knees to lock, and throws my head into a tailspin. Jesus, get it together, Bell. You’re okay. You’re stronger now. You’re not the weak girl you used to be.

“Hey, Jesse.” I return his smile, hoping I’m not showing my alarm. My stomach starts churning, and my hands sweat. I’m not sure if it’s from excitement or fear, but having him here is affecting me more than I thought it would. “So, looks like the fun is over?” I look back over at Holly and notice she and Sy have come up for air.