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“Where’s Beau?” Nix growls when he walks into the room, taking his seat at the head of the table.

“Careful, Nix. You’re begi

“We’re all here. Let’s get this shit sorted,” he says, ignoring Beau’s dig. “First up, we have fucking issues with Liquid.” We don’t normally run church like this, but the club is under pressure with shit going down around us. I don’t blame Nix for his anger.

“What issues?” Jesse calls out, the name of his baby grabbing his attention. The man lives and breathes the place, while it only gives Nix a headache.

“I swear to fuckin’ Christ, Jesse, the place is more trouble than it’s worth.”

“Nah, come on, boss man. You don’t mean that.”

“I fuckin’ do. Especially when you’re sleepin’ your way through the fuckin’ waitresses. Keep your dick in your pants from now on,” he warns, and I can’t help but smirk. Jesse keeping his dick in his pants? Yeah, right.

“Who’s bitching now?” He shakes his head, not looking at all surprised.

“Fuckin’ Tammy. You need to sort that shit out, brother. She has a daughter who needs feeding. Don’t be a cockhead. She needs this job,” he warns. Jesse might be a player, but he knows when he needs to step up.

“Right,” Jesse agrees, ending it there and moving on.

“We still have no word on Gu

“So, we’re still on babysitting duty?” Beau grumbles, saying what I’m thinking. I don’t have a problem with Kadence, but I need to stay away from Holly. The woman is too dangerous for me.

“You have a problem with it?” Nix asks.

“No problem. Just want to know where we stand here? We’ve worked so hard to keep out of T’s shit. Now some pussy comes along and we’re on meet-ups, taking phone calls with the Warriors. Don’t have to remind you what you’ve lost to get the club to where it is,” he states, and he’s right; we have worked hard to get the club to where it is today, but Nix has claimed Kadence as his, therefore, he will do anything to protect her. Beau knows this.

“You got your feelings hurt ‘cause your boyfriend went and found a woman, Beau?” Jesse calls out.

“Fuck you, Jesse.”

“What is wrong with everyone today?” Jesse asks, looking around the table, but everyone ignores him.

“You call Kadence pussy again, we’re go

“I’m just telling it how it is,” Beau says, not ready to step down.

“I don’t give a fuck how it is to you. It is what it is. End of story,” Nix warns and Beau nods, leaving it be, but I know the asshole won’t be easily swayed. He keeps his cards close to his chest and doesn’t trust easily.

“Where are you with the shop?” he asks me, moving on from Beau.

“First day back was busy; closing for a week has put us behind, but we’ve had a few inquiries for the job ad we put out.”

“Any good ones?”

“Yeah, couple came in with some good portfolios. Go

“Let me know how you go.” I nod, knowing whoever I choose, the boys will trust my decision.  “Anyone have anything else?” Nix moves on, asking the table.

“Received a call from Tiny yesterday.” Beau taps the table as he speaks. Last month, the club owed a marker to an old friend of Red’s. We transported a mother and child to a safe house, kept her guarded until they could arrange her documents, and then escorted her on to the next point. Seeing her so severely beaten and her kid so fucking scared messed with most of us. Fucker got away with it, but at least we were able to get the woman and her son out.

“What’s he want?” Nix asks, his attention grabbed.

“Wants us on board to help out with this underground gig.”

“You know we’re juggling a full plate right now?” Brooks asks, always the voice of reason.

“I know what we have on our plate right now, but when shit calms down, I want in,” Beau says, his voice absolute.

“What we looking at?” I ask, wondering how we could work it.

“We start off small; pickups, drop offs, and if there are any recoveries. Tiny wants to hang his hat up so if we vote on it, I want to do it with the intention of taking over.”

“Jesus, Beau. You go from not wanting to do this shit, to wanting to run it?” Jesse asks, shaking his head.

“I want it if I can have the control, run it the way I see it. We help these women where we can. We got Jackson helping us where he can, and then we have a smooth run.” Jackson is Jesse’s brother who works for the county sheriff’s department in the next town over. In the past, he’s helped us out on a few things; walking the fine line of the law by turning the other way, but I didn’t know he was in on this shit.

“Okay, you can have it, but only after this shit with Gu

“We’re voting on this then?” Beau replies, shocked at his answer.

“You all want in?” Nix asks the table, making it legit. I know this is something Beau wants, and coming from a family whose father beat his mother, I’d vote anyway. The table echoes with “yeahs” as Nix calls it as agreed.

“This is on you, Beau. We’ll help where we can, but we go in clean and come out clean, got it?” Nix warns.

“Only way to do it,” Beau replies, a small smile on his face.

“Right, well that’s about it. Anyone else?” Nix asks one last time, but just like me, everyone seems ready to call it and be done. “Remember, keep our eyes open and any news of fuckin’ Gu

“Sy, I’m heading to the gym, ten minutes. You in?” Jesse asks, walking past me to his room.

“Not today,” I say, not in the mood for his fucking chirpy mood.

“Your loss,” he shrugs, turning and leaving.

“You all right, Sy?’ Nix asks, coming up once everyone has cleared out.

“Perfect,” I tell him and regret the choice of word. He smirks, shaking his head.

“Brace, brother, it’s only go

I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, and I don’t want to know how he knows about the shit I’m dealing with. All I need to do is get this fucking woman out of my head and all will be back to normal. Right?

I fucking hope so.



“Who is that man?” Sarah asks from behind me as I turn to lock up for the day.

“What man?” I ask, looking over my shoulder.

“That one.” She points over the parking lot to a man waiting on his bike. Shit, Sy. His head comes up at our voices, but his eyes are hidden behind his glasses so I can’t see his reaction. I scan his body and zone in on his tattooed arms. They’re crossed at his chest. Anyone walking past would double take at the dark, and broody man sitting there, but not me. No, I’m forcing myself to not look back.

“Not sure,” I reply, checking the lock one last time before turning away. I don’t need to see him tonight—not after working all day.

“Damn, he is fine,” she continues, checking him out. “I wonder what he looks like under all that leather.” She runs her eyes down his covered body. Yeah, if only I knew. I’ve had the man inside of me and I have no idea what’s under that. How depressing. Especially when the man is on my shit list. I don’t even know what he is doing here. Last time I saw him was when I was threatening him with bodily harm and stormed out of his shop.