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“You’re embarrassing me, Sy,” she finally says when we get to the top of the stairs. Sliding her down my body, I bring her to a standing position and hold her in front of me.

“No, Holly. You’re embarrassing me,” I explain to her. “You want me to mark you to let every fucker in this club know you are mine?” I ask, feeling my temper rise.

“You know me, Sy. I like to dance. It doesn’t mean anything.” She tries to pass it off as nothing.

“I don’t give a fuck what you think is nothing. You fuckin' dance like that again, we are go

“There is nothing wrong with my dancing,” she fights back, but I know she fucking knows that’s a lie.

“You want me to tell you what the fuck is wrong with your moves?” I ask, watching her.

“Oh, please. Enlighten me,” she starts throwing her attitude around. Taking her hand, I yank her to me, making her feel the hardness of my cock.

“Every fucker down there watching that little fucking show is hiding one of these,” I say, grabbing my cock for added effect. “The only time you dance like that is for me, in our bedroom, naked,” I threaten, waiting for her to mentally picture it.

“Whatever, Sy, you’re not the dancing police.” She pulls her hand back. Fuck me, she is a fucking pain in my ass.

“No, but I’m your fucking man and if I tell you to quit dancing or I'll spank you, you should listen.” She holds my gaze, anger dancing behind her beautiful blue eyes, but I can’t let her see me cave. I can’t let her know that I fucking love it when she argues, when she pushes me to the point of this reaction.

“Can I go back and get Jesse now?” she queries, ignoring my command, and I fucking love it.

“Not until you tell me you love me.” I pull her close to me.

“I don’t love you, you big bully,” she lies, but I can see the truth behind her lies.

“You want to try that answer again?” I pinch her tight ass, nudging her further into me.

“Fine. I love you, but hate your bossy, sexy ass.”

“You love my ass,” I tell her, knowing that for a fact.

“I do not love your ass. It’s too tight,” she says, turning and leaving me standing there with an a

“Not as tight as yours, baby,” I call back and watch as a mortified expression fills her features. “If you don’t be careful, your ass will be mine,” I call out, watching her race down the stairs to retrieve Jesse.

“You’re so pussy whipped,” Beau accuses behind me.

“Fuck off. I am not.” I sit down, trying to hide my semi-hard cock.

“I don’t know. I think he might be worse than Nix,” Brooks chimes in, sliding into the booth across from me. I don’t reply. Ignoring them is the best way to go in these situations.

“Everyone, he’s coming,” Kadence a

After waiting another few minutes for him to make it upstairs, he finally makes his grand entrance, acting shocked when they all yell surprise. Fucker played it good, too. His family approach him first, so I hang back waiting for them to have their time together.

“You still pissy?” Holly asks, coming straight to me and sitting on my lap.

“I don’t know. You go

“You wish.” She wiggles her ass into my cock.

“Quit it,” I tell her, trying to control the urge to leave and fuck her senseless.

“You’re no fun,” she pouts, acting all fucking cute again.

“When we get home I’m go

“I’m going to get a drink,” she says when Beau and Brooks start talking about some new bike. “Do you want anything?” She turns to face me.

“Bourbon, baby,” I order and then watch her walk her ass down the stairs.

“You know there’s a bar up here?” Brooks laughs, watching her descend down the stairs.

“She’s probably going to dance.” I shake my head, letting her be. Who am I to stop her from fucking dancing?

“Boys.” Jackson walks up, sliding into the seat across from me.

“Jackson.” I nod.

“You guys been staying out of trouble?” he asks, looking at us. If he's talking about any of the recoveries or pickups, we haven't had any since Mackenzie. The club decided that until we know for sure Chad has given up, then we keep our hands clean, let it all blow over.

“You heard any more from the Morres?” I ask, wanting to know if we’ve got the all clear.

“I haven’t personally. He stopped coming in riding my ass about finding Mackenzie. I've seen him around, heard some talk. Looks like someone had a go at him a few weeks back, messed him up.” He continues to watch me carefully.

“Really? Looks like Mr. Morre pissed off the wrong person then,” Beau says, not giving a fuck if anyone knows it was us who messed him up.

“Either way he seems to have backed off. Though last I heard he lost his job, and his father is losing his pull. Chad has gone off the rails. Seems like losing his wife pushed him over the edge,” he adds when Holly comes back with our drinks.

“Well, maybe he should have treated her right,” I say, letting Holly sit on my lap.

“Now that is something I agree with.” Jackson raises his glass. “Great party, Holly. Sorry about my parents.” He changes the Chad subject. Thank fuck, too. Just thinking about him gets me worked up.

“Thanks,” she smiles, looking over at Jesse and his dad in a heated conversation by the far wall.

“What’s that about?” I nod over at them. I know Jesse has a close family, but something isn’t right there.

“Long fucking story.” Jackson shakes his head at his father and younger brother. Jesse’s eyes narrow at something his father says before he replies and stalks off.

“Maybe I should go and intervene.” Holly goes to stand but I hold her in my lap.

“Leave it,” I warn, not wanting my woman going off to console anyone.

“No, I’ll go. They always get like this.” Jackson stands and follows Jesse to the bar.

“I wonder what their problem is.” Holly turns to look at me. “They refused to come to the party if it was at the clubhouse and now they’re on his back.”

“That’s why we’re not having it there?” I ask, finally understanding why this party is here.

“Yeah, they were adamant,” she shrugs.

“I think his dad has issues with Jesse’s way of life,” Brooks observes, putting two and two together.

“Well, don’t we all? I think the only one who doesn’t have an issue with Jesse's way of life is his cock,” Holly claims, silencing everyone for a moment before the boys erupt into laughter.

“Fuck, you’re fu

“That was a good one, wasn’t it?” She smiles at the table, but it lights up the whole room. I fucking love her like this, happy and free.

“I love you,” I whisper so the boys don’t hear me, but I don’t give a fuck if they do anyway. They already give me shit like I used to give to Nix.

“I love you, too.” She leans in, kissing me softly.

“Get a room,” Beau groans from next to me. I ignore him, groaning into her mouth louder just to piss him off.

“Want to go dance?” Kadence comes up with Kelly, looking like they’re up to no good.

“Hell, yeah.” She stands, turning back to give me a wink. I give her my warning look but she just smirks, sashaying her ass down the stairs.

“You need to put a ring on that one,” Brooks chuckles, watching the girls walk down the stairs.

“I’m going to,” I admit, not checking for his or Beau’s reaction. Wouldn’t give a fuck what they thought anyway; this woman is it for me. The sooner she wears my ring, the better.