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“You know she doesn’t mean anything to me. She was just a fuck.” Sy pulls me back onto his lap.

“Oh, I know. I just don’t want it thrown in my face. Fucking bitch just caught me off guard.” I tell him, forcing myself to calm down. I'm not one to get jealous. I know what women like Tina are around for; just the mental picture she gave me was enough.

“And for the record, not even a good fuck.”

“Sy, I don’t want to know about it,” I protest, growing pissed off again.

“Your pussy is all I ever wanted.” He kisses my neck. “Sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” he continues, not even caring who can hear.

“Shut up and drink.” I shove his beer in his hands, ignoring the laughter aimed at us. I honestly don’t even give a shit who he’s fucked, but I don’t want to hear about it either. I certainly don’t want to look at the bitch knowing she’s had what’s mine.

“You owe me, Holly. Now I don’t get a threesome,” Hunter slurs, already off his face.

“Hunter, I doubt you could even get it up tonight. Plus, I'm sure I just saved your dick,” I smirk and hear Sy growl behind me.

“What? I'm only warning the young rookie. If my man couldn’t be saved, someone's should be.” I smirk back at Sy.

“Excuse me?” This comes from whiney whore number two, her voice sounding offended. She shouldn't be. It’s the truth.

“Careful,” Sy warns, making me laugh, but I don’t push it. The last thing we need tonight is more drama. Instead, I sit back on my man’s lap and enjoy my first patch-in party. I’ve already sent a whore packing; I wonder what else will happen.


“Let’s play a game,” I say a few hours later. The party has quietened down, and the rest of us are sitting around drinking and laughing. Hunter passed out an hour ago; his whore laying drunk next to him, the party too much for the young rookie. The night has progressed uneventfully. No catfights, fistfights, no orgy—nothing.

“What sort of game?” Jesse smiles, his mind no doubt ru

“Pool,” I say, nodding over to the table. “But let's make it interesting,” I tease, thinking about how far I can push this. Kadence looks at me, a small smile dancing on her features. She knows I play a mean game of pool, something my dad and brother taught me growing up.

“I’m game,” Jesse stands, rubbing his hands together. He has no idea what he is getting himself into right now.

“Okay, how about men versus women. For every sunken ball, the opposite team takes a shot,” I stand and walk over to the table, my mind ticking over about how we can play this and win. I watch Sy grin; he must be thinking that the men have this.

“I’m in,” Kadence agrees.

“Me too,” Kelly adds.

“It’s hardly a fair game.” Sy stands, coming to join us.

“What’s the matter, Sy; you don’t think we can win?”

“Fuck no. Jesse is the master of the pool table.”

“Well, looks like you have nothing to worry about then,” I say, keeping my face neutral. “Okay, let's do this.”

“Do you want us to break?” Nix chimes in, smirking like they have this in the bag.

“Do you girls know how to break?” I turn to face them.

“No,” they say in unison.

“It’s not my strong point so you guys can,” I say, watching Jesse snigger while he sets up the table. “Oh, is that how you do it?” I continue to play up to it. I might be laying it on thick, but if these men think they have us figured out, they have another thing coming.

Jesse hits first, breaking the balls and sinking the seven ball first.

“Drink up, ladies,” he smirks as we pour our first shot. Kadence is on the water, Kelly and me on the tequila.

“Wow, begi

“No, sweetheart. You’re playing with a pro,” he smoothly replies. It takes everything in me not to laugh out loud. “Get ready to throw back another one.” He bounces his brows, taunting us. He follows through with his prediction, sinking another one before missing the next.

“Your turn. Need any tips?” he grins before handing me the cue.

“No, I think I understand it,” I reply, setting up my shot. I let their taunts wash over me. I don’t react, just carry on, seeming like I’m disappointed.

Sy takes the next shot, sinking another ball making us three down. After two more turns, I’m ready to take it to the next level.

“How about we mix things up.” I look up at them. “For every shot I sink, a piece of clothing comes off?” I tempt them, knowing I have this shit covered.

“As long as turnabout is fair,” Jesse counters and I agree, knowing I won’t be the one removing my clothes.

“Game on.”

“Wait, we didn’t agree to this,” Nix comes into the conversation after almost nodding off in the corner.

“Sit down, honey. We did,” Kadence soothes him. Nix is so far gone he believes her.

“You better be wearing panties, Holly, ‘cause that dress is coming off,” Sy threatens but I don’t let him shake me. I have my heels to take off first.

I line up my shot, sinking it into the top left corner.

“Oh, my God, did it go in?” I ask, acting it up.

“Fuck,” Jesse curses, dropping his cut to the chair. Sy and Nix, with the help of Kadence, follow suit. Lining up my second shot, I sink it in the middle left pocket. The girls cheer and this time Sy curses.

“She knows how to play,” Jesse accuses, pulling his shirt off.

“She’s playing us,” Sy adds, taking his off. Fuck me, he’s gorgeous.

“Brooks, take yours off, too, baby,” Kelly calls out to a sleeping Brooks on the sofa.

“Hot damn, Jesse. I didn’t know you were walking around hiding all that,” Kadence a

“I’m not liking this game anymore,” Sy remarks, crossing his arms over his chest. I swear the man is the sexiest male specimen I’ve ever seen. His full body tattoos are the biggest turn-on.

“What’s the matter, baby? Scared we’re going to beat you?” I stop checking him out and start with the taunts.

“You’re not going to beat us,” Jesse cuts me off. “If you stop drooling over your man here and take your shot, I’ll be able to take the next one and beat your ass.” His cocky attitude reappears. Jesse, it seems, doesn’t like to lose.

“Okay, Jesse,” I placate him, holding in my i

“Come on, Holly. You can do it!” Kadence claps to cheer me on.

Assessing my choices, I decide to sink my ball in the top right corner.

“Two ball, top right,” I call out letting them know I mean business. I take the shot and watch Jesse’s face fall went it rolls in the pocket.

“Ha! Drop ‘em, boys.” I can’t help the smile as it spreads across my face.

“What’s happening?” Nix stirs, causing us girls to laugh.

“Drop the pants, Sy,” I repeat, watching him. Carefully and slowly, he releases his belt and unbuttons himself, but not looking happy about it.

“You should strip it all off, sexy,” I tease. “Give us a taste of what you stopped us from having at Kadence’s bachelorette party,” I cheekily suggest, but playful Sy doesn’t join us. No, he just drops his denims to the floor and steps out of them. Jesus, the man is a sex god, standing there in his dark boxer briefs, fully inked body and looking every bit pissed.

“Pay attention, Holly,” Kadence demands, throwing Nix’s pants at his face when he grabs for her, thinking he’s getting some.

“We want them naked,” Kelly cheers, clapping her hands while her husband snores on the sofa.

“Too late,” Jesse says, dropping his pants, revealing no underwear, his naked ass on display for all.

“What the fuck, Jesse!” Sy stalks straight to me when he gets a look at Jesse’s cock. “Game fucking over. You win,” he says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

“But I’m not done,” I laugh, watching Jesse smile down at his cock.

“Oh, my God, Jesse. Stop that,” Kadence squeals, turning around. I can’t get a proper look, but I can see his hands behind his head and him swinging his body around. I can’t stop the laughter from erupting; it’s easy to imagine what the man-slut is doing.