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“Jesus, Jackson. What a fucking mess,” Nix says, shaking his head.

“Well, this is what you're up against. This guy is fucking dirty as fuck. He has his eye set on you. I'd watch your steps for the next few weeks. He's not giving up.” Well, fuck, this guy is a loose ca

“We’ve got it,” Nix nods, heeding the warning.

“And make sure you turn up next week, Jesse,” Jackson adds, turning back to his brother. “I’ll let him know you’re coming.” He smirks before nodding and turning back to the truck.

“No, I’ll let you know,” Jesse argues.

“Be there, little brother, or we will be having words, words you won’t want to have.” There’s no room for negotiation in his threat.

“Fucker,” Jesse mumbles, watching his brother get back into his truck.

“What a clusterfuck,” I say, watching them all drive out of the compound knowing it’s not the last time we’ll probably deal with this shit.

“Tell me about it. I fucking hate games night; always happens on Saturday night, the best night for pussy,” Jesse sulks next to me.

“Not that, you dickhead,” I say, turning and hitting him over the head. “Jesus, Jesse. Stop thinking about your fucking dick for one second.” Following everyone else, I head back inside.

“So, we lay low until this blows over,” Nix says when we get back inside.

“You got a contact for Mackenzie?” I ask, wondering if we’ll know if she needs help.

“None. That's not how this works. We recovered her. She won't come back now. She's been trying to get out for the last two years. This was her only chance at getting free. She’s scared of the fucker.”


“Well, let's hope this blows over. Maybe he'll get a new lead and leave us alone,” Nix says, getting his shit together to head out.

“We done here?” I ask, needing to head over to Ink Me. After taking the last couple of days off, I need to check in.

“Where you going?” Jesse asks, being a nosey fucker.

“I was pla

“Ha ha ha, fucker. Will you be back for the club meet tonight?” he asks.

“I’ll be back with Holly later, don’t worry,” I tell him. As much as I want to stay in bed with my woman, I need to make sure she’s included in the club life.

“I think I preferred it when you weren’t getting laid,” he calls out, needing to have the last say.

“That’s because you’re a jealous fucker.” I laugh my ass off down the hall.

“Fuck me, he’s a goner, Brooks. Look, he’s even fucking laughing these days.” I hear him having a go, but I don’t respond because he’s right. I am a goner and there isn’t anything I can do about it. The woman has me by my fucking balls and she knows it, too.

God, help me.


“Holly?” I call out, walking through her apartment. I know she’s here ‘cause her car sits in the same place it was when I left earlier this morning. “Holly?” I call again, setting down the grocery bags on the counter top and going in search of her. I messaged her to let her know I was coming back and knocked when I got here, but when she didn’t answer, I tried the door realizing she hadn’t locked it. We’ll be talking about that later.

Walking through the apartment, I hear the shower going and I get excited that I’ve turned up just in time. Turning the corner, I’m more shocked than I thought I ever would be.

“What are you doing?” I ask, but instantly regret it. I should have kept my mouth shut and stood there watching her.

“Ahhh,” she screams, my voice freaking her out. “What are you doing here?” she frantically rushes out, realizing she’s been caught in the act.

“Holly—” I drag out her name, smirking at the guilty look on her face.

“Sy, get out of here,” she punches out her demand.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I admire her body relaxing under the flow of the water. Resting back against the wall, my cock grows against my fly. “What were you doing with the shower head?” I ask again and watch a slight blush grow over her cheeks in embarrassment, but I’m not going to let her off so easy. “Don’t stop ‘cause I’m here.”

“You want to watch me get off?”

“Sweetheart, that’s a fucking dumb question.”

“Shut up, Sy. Go away.”

“No, I’m not going anywhere. Continue what you were doing ‘cause it’s sure as fuck hot.”

She looks hesitant but only for a second as she moves the showerhead down between her thighs. She parts her pussy lips, the soft, pink flesh begging for me to come and take over, but I don't move. I stay rooted in my spot as the hard flow of the water hits her right where she needs it. “Wait…” she pauses and looks up. “If I do this, I want to see you do it, too,” she challenges, but she doesn’t have to tell me twice. I pop the buttons on my jeans and reach in and grab my throbbing cock. Her eyes go to my hand while I watch her bring herself to an orgasm. “Oh, God, this is so fucking hot,” she breathes out, her face flushed and her hair stuck to her forehead. Fuck, she is beautiful. Her lips part, her head falls back, and her hand comes to the glass that separates us, holding her stance as the begi

“Look at me,” I growl, wanting to admire her face as the pleasure consumes her. I walk forward as her eyes come to mine, and for once, I don’t see the pain, don’t see panic. I see lust, pure fucking ecstasy.

“Come, now, Holly,” I tell her and listen as her release echoes around the room, the sound switching something in me. I pull the glass door open just as my release takes me over. My cum hits her naked, wet body, but her eyes never leave mine. I step into the shower, still fully clothed and take her mouth, catching the last soft moans as her orgasm slows. The taste of her on my lips brings me back to the happiness I crave from her. I bite down on them, reminding her this is how I like it, hard and soft, always hard and soft, but for this woman I’d have it any way.

“That’s the last time a shower head is ever that close to your pussy. Do you understand me?”

“Whatever, Sy,” she says, stepping back and resting her shoulders against the glass wall, a small smile playing on her lips.

“I’m serious. You only come apart like that again by me,” I tell her, stripping my wet clothes from my body and throwing them out onto the bathroom floor. She doesn’t look up, still in her post-orgasm state. I take the shower head from her hands and switch the flow to wash away the cum from her stomach. Seeing it stirs my cock again. Leaning down, I take her nipple in my mouth, the temptation too great to ignore.

“You can’t order me to not masturbate again,” she sasses, but her argument is invalid when she moans as I roll her sweet nipple between my teeth.

“Yeah, I can, sweetheart. You touch your sweet pussy again when I’m not here and you won't be able to sit for a week,” I answer back, meaning every word. “What the fuck you doing in here anyway? I only ate your pussy this morning,” I wonder while lathering up some soap to wash her back.

“I was horny because I was thinking about this morning,” she explains, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. “You told me you wouldn’t be back till tonight,” she says, tilting her neck back as I lay kisses on her body.

“You should have called me, baby. I would have dropped anything to feast on your pussy,” I tease, my mouth watering wanting to taste her.

“Yeah, like that’s going to happen…um…Hi, Sy, I know I’ve just had you in my lair for the last few days, but my vagina is throbbing for your tongue. Please drop what you are doing and come and eat me out,” she jokes, but there’s no telling my cock that. Her words bring him to attention. Even after just emptying myself on her, the need to bury my cock deep inside her is strong.