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“Okay,” she nods. I don’t know why she decided she would stop arguing with me, but I fucking love it.

“Okay,” I repeat back to her then lean in further and lightly touch my lips to hers. She hesitates for a moment before she gives in, and softens to my kiss.

“Be back,” I promise, ignoring what’s sure to be a shocked table, hell, a shocked clubhouse. But I don’t give a fuck. It’s her smile which has all my attention.

“Hurry,” she whispers. If I don’t step away now, I’m not going to be able to leave.

“Let's go,” Beau demands, so I stand and walk out, leaving my woman in my club. Fuck, that sounds good.

“Be safe,” Nix warns, and from his tone, I already know this shit is going to cause a fucking long night, but I can't help the grin on my face knowing that my woman will be waiting for me.



“Sunshine?” I ask as I hear Sy’s bedroom door open then close.

“Yeah baby, it’s me,” he replies, coming forward.

“Are you okay?” I watch him drop his stuff on the bedside table and strip off.

“Yeah. It went longer than we thought it would,” he says, climbing into bed with me and taking me in his arms. We were enjoying Kadence and Nix’s wedding until he and Beau were called off with club business. “Did I miss anything?” he asks, kissing the side of my neck.

“No, Nix and Kadence left not that long after you,” I tell him, remembering the look Kadence threw me before she left. I know I have some explaining to do, but tonight was not the night to talk about it.

“You get any shit after I left?” He smiles when I turn and face him.

“You mean after you kissed me in front of half the club?” I cock my brow.

“Yeah.” He laughs when he sees my expression.

“What do you think? I had Kadence and Kelly on me like a bad smell and I couldn’t get them to leave me alone,” I say, only half-a

“Well, I’m glad they all know. Now I don’t have to worry about sneaking you out of here tomorrow.” He runs his nose along my jaw.

“Are you going to tell me what happens on these pickups?” I ask, wondering what the urgency was.

“It’s not what you’d expect,” he shrugs, pulling back.

“It’s not drugs?” I joke, knowing it would never be that.

“Beau is working with this group of people who help women out of abusive relationships.”

“Really?” I ask, shocked for a moment. Okay, not what I was expecting.

“Yeah, it’s a big organization, spa

“Where do they go?” I ask, still getting my head around the fact the Knights Rebels are a part of this.

“Anywhere, everywhere. Tonight was only my second one. It wasn’t a recovery, but a drop off. She’s settling here in town and we’ll keep an eye on her.”

“So what’s the difference?”

“Well, this one was easy. She's going to be staying here in town. We’ll help her find a place, somewhere to work and we will keep her under our protection and make sure her asshole ex doesn't find her. The other one I’ve helped with was a transport. She was a young woman. We didn't pick her up from a shelter, or set her up in town. We took her from one pickup point and onto the next. We keep moving them along so the trail gets lost.”

“Do you know where she is now, or if her husband has found her?” I ask all at once. I’ve never heard of any of this before, and it blows my mind that things like this happen.

“No questions, no information is given. The person who sets up the move is the only one who knows full name and details. Everyone else just does their part. Makes it easier if anyone comes looking.”

“You’re amazing, do you know that?” I smile, loving that they are a part of something like this.

“It’s all Beau, baby. It’s his gig. We just help out when we can.”

“Well, you all are amazing,” I tell him before kissing him softly. “The Knights Rebels are amazing.”

“Yeah, yeah. Give your man some loving then if you think I’m so amazing.” He rolls me over so I’m covering his body.

“My man?” I tease, whispering in his ear.

“Yes, your man wants to fuck his old lady.” His hands dig into my flesh as I pull back at his comment.

“Umm, old lady?” I almost choke on the words. Old lady? Jesus, how did we get there?

“What do you think is happening here, Holly? You’re with me and I want you there by my side,” he says, pulling me back down into his space.

“I knew we were moving things along, Sy, but old lady? That shit is serious.” I fight the panic clawing at me. I’m not ready for that.

“I want serious, baby. You’re it for me.” He looks so sure that I feel bad that I’m questioning it, questioning us.

“I just, I thought we were going to go slowly, with everything happening,” I say, remembering his promise not to label it.

“Babe, I know we both have our own issues that might just make us a little fucked up, but sometimes I look at you and I think maybe being fucked up doesn’t have to be so bad.”

I don’t respond, unsure of how we came this far without my untold confession coming to light. I know I should tell him about our baby, but it’s like the secret is a virus, a disease spreading through me, taking control of my body from the inside. Now I’m stuck, it holds me hostage and no medication can cure my guilt.

“What are you thinking?” he asks, taking my chin and forcing me to look at him.

“Nothing, just trying to work through it, Sy.” I don’t want to ruin our moment, so I continue to keep my secret. He looks at me, assessing me in his own way, but I hold his stare, waiting to see where this goes.

“Well, work it out quick. I want to fuck my old lady,” he says, rolling us so now he covers my body.

“So everyone thinks I’m your old lady?”

“Yeah,” he mumbles, kissing down my neck.

“All of them?” I breathe out.

“Holly, half of them already knew we’ve been seeing each other,” he informs me before latching onto my nipple.

“What? Oh, God, they’ve known about us,” I rush out, getting my words caught as he rolls my nipple between his teeth.

“Don’t care,” he growls, moving onto the next one.

“Well, I care,” I moan, letting my concerns get lost in the sensation of his bite.

“You shouldn’t. You never used to.” He pulls back, watching me. “You never used to and maybe that’s a good thing, maybe it isn’t, but this here, Holly, is all that matters with us. Not anyone else. Just us, okay?”

I feel his words and believe them. I need to tell him.

“Sy,” I say, trying to find the words.

“Shhhh,” he whispers, moving down my naked body. “I just want to taste you,” he says before ru

“Sy,” I try again, but know this isn’t the time when his fingers spread me open and he runs the tip of his nose along my center. I know I have to tell him and I will, just maybe not this second.

“I’m so fucking hungry, Holly. I could eat you all fucking night,” he groans like a starved man, before lightly skimming my clit.

“Don’t tease,” I complain, waiting for his touch.

“But I love watching you squirm, baby,” he purrs and blows a warm breath over my heat.

“Sy, quit it,” I demand when he lightly touches me again. It’s nowhere near enough to give me what I’m aching for.

“I’m not going to quit it, Holly. I’m going to slowly bring you apart with my mouth and then fuck you so hard you won’t be walking easily tomorrow.” He looks up, his eyes dancing with fire at his threat.

“Yes,” I eagerly plead, waiting for what he is offering.