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“You have no idea.” He turns back around, catching me checking him out.

“Sorry?” I ask, trying to hide my embarrassment at being caught. Damn it.

“I said, you have no idea,” he smirks, knowing he’s got me fumbling.

“Well, maybe you should work on that. Women don’t like it when men don’t listen,” I recover and smile at him.

“Is that what you need? A man who listens, Miss Turner?” He takes a step toward me but I hold my ground.

“I don’t need anything, Mr. Knight, especially a man.” I close the trunk, lock the car and start walking to the local diner to meet Missy and Sam for di

“Where you ru


“Well, have fun.” He smirks as I nod and walk to where Sam is waiting for me at the front of Happy Chef. I don’t look back. More than anything I need to get away from him before I do something stupid.

“Hey, who is that?” Sam asks as we walk in to find Missy.

“A student’s parent.” I brush it off as nothing. I don’t need the girls knowing I’m lusting after him. I need to stop thinking about him and the words he said to me before I get myself into trouble.

My reprieve of Nix is short-lived when he walks in thirty minutes later, with two guys wearing the same cut as him. How convenient. He waves over as they sit opposite from us across the diner.

“Wow, you know the Knights Rebels?” Missy’s grin spreads across her face and I can see the wheels ticking in her head from across the table. Great.

“No, one of them is a student’s parent,” I explain, a

“They keep looking over here,” Sam giggles.

“Just ignore them,” I tell them, trying not to make eye contact. Where’s the check? I need to get out of here fast.

“Mind if we join you?” Nix’s rough voice asks, now standing at the table, his two friends on either side.

“Sure.” Missy smiles, looking like all her Christmases came at once. The guys pull up chairs as Nix sits down next to me.

“Real smooth,” I whisper to him, a

“So, Miss Turner, have you got a first name?” He leans in, trapping us in our own invisible bubble. His green eyes sparkle playfully, waiting for a reaction.

“Nope, it’s just Miss Turner to you.” I pull back, breaking his spell.

“That’s okay, baby. I don’t need to know your name, just need to know how hard you like it.” His words go straight to my stomach, the sensation awakening a part of me that I thought was lost.

“You won’t ever know how hard I like it, Mr. Knight,” I snap, afraid he can see how much he affects me. He just smiles and shakes his head. The man is crass, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to hate him for it. I try to engage in conversation with the rest of the table, but with Nix next me, it’s making it hard to concentrate.

“How’s Z?” I finally cave to him, but try to steer the conversation away from anything he could turn sexual or make me want to rip my clothes off and demand he take me with his dirty mouth.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He’s going through some stuff.”

I nod in agreement. Z’s behavior has been way off the last couple of weeks. The fight in class is the worst of it, but since detention started, his attitude hasn’t changed. I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying anything; it’s clearly time to call a meeting with both parents to discuss my concerns.

“Hey, Kadence, did you sign up for the charity ride?” Missy asks me from across the table, pulling me away from thinking how fun that meeting would go. I shake my head, remembering Nix asking me the same question earlier. The thought of sitting close to him, our bodies touching, is too much of a temptation.

“Kadence, huh? I like it even better than Miss Turner.” He leans in close, too close for comfort, and I know if I turn my head, our noses would touch. He says my name again, trying it out on his lips, and as much as I hate myself for it, the sound coming from his mouth sends a jolt through my system.

“And Nix is your full name?” I ask, wondering if his mother called him that.

“No, Nix is short for Phoenix. Nix is just what everyone calls me.”

As much as I like it, Nix suits him more, but being the smartass I am I decide to call him Phoenix from then on. I smile and nod, trying my hardest to keep myself in check. The thought of pushing him for a reaction gets me excited. We continue to play nice, until Nix decides to push again.

“So Kadence, what’s the rule with teachers and parents dating?”

I have to laugh at that one. He’s so sure of himself. I’m sure I wouldn’t lose my job, but I don’t want him to know that. Yes, he is attractive, and sparring with him is fun, more fun than I’ve had in a while, but I’m not sure crossing that line is wise.

“Not going to happen, Phoenix,” I reply, loving that I get to call him by his name.

“So you’re stubborn and sassy. I love a good chase,” he responds, not one bit deterred.

“It would be a pretty boring chase, like a dog chasing his tail.” I smile sweetly at him. The thrill of going back at him sends a swarm of butterflies through my stomach.

“Jesus, you’re like my dream woman. Smart mouth, sexy clothes, perfect body,” he laughs, shaking his head. “I’m not giving up on you, Kadence,” he quietly promises before his cell rings from his pocket. Standing from the table, he takes the call over near the restrooms.

I’d be lying if I said those words did nothing to me, but I have to remember it would be a huge mistake to get involved with him. Okay, not huge, but a mistake nonetheless.

I have to give him credit though. He is persistent and it’s working. Each one of his jabs tears at my resolve to keep my distance. My resolve that I don’t find him utterly drool-worthy is being tested. The truth is he is hot as sin. One night with him would make any woman happy I have no doubt, but could I possibly do one night with a man who reminds me of something that was taken from me?

I have to leave. The tension between us is too much. My choice is leave immediately or crack under the pressure of his bad-boy charm. I say my goodbyes to the table while Nix is on the phone, and quickly leave out the front, a

“You ru

“Oh, God, Nix.” I spin around and smack at his chest, a

The light taste of beer on his lips and the warmth of his tongue demanding entry have me losing myself. Sliding his hands into my hair, he tugs back hard for better access, the sensation pulling me further into his assault. My stomach drops as our tongues collide, the throbbing between my legs beating to its own rhythm.

The kiss isn’t sweet or sensual. It’s hard and fast, just like him, and before I know it, my hands have taken over. Fisting his leather cut I pull his body to mine. His denim-covered cock presses into my stomach, making my knees weak. My brain stops functioning, my body controlling its need. I know what we’re doing is wrong, but the taste of his lips and the hardness of his arousal are telling me different. I want this man. Want everything he is doing to me and then more. His hips push further, his thickness growing against me as I lean back against the car. Knowing I caused this reaction in him sets me on fire.

“Prez,” someone calls out into the dark parking lot, breaking our co

“Fuck,” he whispers, bringing his forehead to mine; his breathing is as erratic as mine. “Give me five,” he yells back.