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“Who are you?” the old man questions, looking around us as all the brothers move in. His eyes zero in on me.

“Nix,” I tell him, holding my hand out to him. He looks at it, not sure if he should trust me.

“You with my daughter when her asshole ex hurt her?”

“No sir, but we sure as hell made sure the asshole paid." The burning rage builds back up again, thoughts of what Sy told me he witnessed fill my head. If Sy hadn’t been there, I don’t want to think about what would have happened to her. The old man holds my gaze, nodding slightly before taking my hand and shaking it tightly.

“How is she, Doc?” He turns his attention back to the Doctor.

“Well, Miss Turner suffered a broken rib which caused a traumatic pneumothorax.”

"What the hell does that mean?" I bark out, interrupting him and thinking the worst. I feel one of my brothers grab my shoulder, trying to calm me. I don’t want to be calm. I wa

"In layman's terms, a collapsed lung. We've had to drain some of the excess air and now we are just monitoring to make sure that she doesn’t need surgery.

"Surgery?" I snap again, fear now replacing my anger.

"Will she be okay?" her mom softly asks beside me, while reaching out for my hand. I don’t know what to do, so I just hold it in mine. The move nearly floors me, but at the same time comforts me.

"She will be, but she will need to stay in for a few nights for observation, just to make sure that lung doesn't collapse again.”

"Okay," Mr. Turner nods, taking in the news while I quietly shake in rage.

"She also suffered an injury with her larynx. It will cause some trouble swallowing for the next day or two and her voice will be hoarse, but I must warn you, the marks on her neck are somewhat confronting. She was very lucky. Things could have been a lot worse,” he adds, noting something down on his clipboard as his pager beeps from his pocket.

“Can we see her?” I ask, my body humming in need to see her with my own eyes, to touch her with my hands.

“She’s still in recovery, but will be up in her room shortly. A nurse will come down to get you,” he informs us before walking back through the same doors he came out of. Kadence’s mother squeezes my hand once, and then lets go, visibly relaxing next to her husband

Her father nods at me and directs his wife over to the waiting chairs.

“Pops, I’m go

“Dad, I wa

“I know you do, bud, but she is go

“Nix?” Mrs. Turner comes to sit next to me.

“Yeah?” I reply. I honestly don’t know what to do in these sorts of situations. The last time I did a ‘meet the parents,' I was eighteen and didn’t give a fuck if they liked me or not.

“Kadence was only telling me about you this afternoon,” she smiles a sad smile. “I’m sorry we had to meet like this.”

“Me too,” I agree, wishing Kadence was here for the first meet. I feel like this is some important shit and I’m go

“Nix?” a nurse calls from the double doors.

“Here.” I stand at my name being called.

“Kadence is asking for you.” The small blonde holds the door open, waiting for me to follow her. I smile back at Kadence’s mom. I feel like I should let them go in before me, let them see their daughter, but the urge isn’t strong enough. I just need to see her.

“I’ll let her know you’re here,” I tell them as Mr. Turner comes to stand by his wife's side.

“Fuck that, I’m goin’ in boy.” Mr. Turner booms, shaking his head.

“Frank,” his wife scolds him, slapping his arm. Jesus, you can see where Kadence gets her quirks.

“Oh, please, Jolene. If he’s any type of man, he’d understand my need to see my girl.” I nod, knowing he’s right. No fucking way would I not want to see my daughter after someone attacked her.

“Of course,” I agree, not wanting to piss her father off, but if the nurse says one at a time, I’m not go

The nurse stops us at the door, letting us walk past her into the darkened room.

“Oh, baby girl.” Frank's rough voice echoes around the room.

My eyes find hers as I walk through the door. A low guttural sound erupts from deep within, building each second my eyes run over her messed-up face.

“I wish I got to fuckin’ kill him,” I say, coming to stand on the opposite side to where her parents stand. Her eyes haven’t left mine since they locked on to me.

“He’s dead?” she asks. Her voice doesn't sound like hers. I nod and watch her body relax. I can’t speak. I can’t even touch her. I’m stuck, my body vibrating with an untapped rage.

“Oh, honey,” her mom leans down closer and lightly brushes some hair off her forehead. Her black eye is now fully visible. My pulse quickens in response.

“I’m okay, Mom,” she rasps. The tiny movement sends pain across her face. I follow my natural instinct to reach out and grasp her small hand in mine. Her hand responds, squeezing me back.

Standing closer to her, I can see the busted lip held together by a small stitch. Her delicate neck bruised from the asshole's hands. Seeing her lying in bed with her beautiful face battered and the thumbprint shaped bruises covering her neck, I realize I could have just as easily lost her.

“How’s Holly?” she asks.

“Still in surgery,” I answer. It doesn’t look good for Holly, but I don’t want to tell her that. She looks so lost, lying there, not the strong woman, I know.

“Whatever you got goin’ on in your head, get it out.” I squeeze her hand. I can see the guilt she holds playing out all over her face.

“It’s my fault, Nix,” she cries softly, a tear falling. I knew she would take it on her shoulders, knew she would feel guilty.

“It’s not your fault.” I pull the chair up beside the bed. “It was that asshole’s, so quit your bullshit blame game, or I’m go

“Oh, I like him,” her mom giggles.

Her dad growls

Obviously, I wasn’t so quiet.

“Geez, Nix, my parents are in the same room,” she states the obvious, shaking her head, wincing at the movement.

“I don’t give a shit. I'm not sittin’ here watchin’ you go inside your head over some seriously fucked-up shit your ex pulled. The fucker is lucky Sy put the bullet in him ‘cause I would have to kill him with my bare hands for layin’ a finger on you,” I tell her.

“Calm down, Nix,” she says.

“Kadence, I don’t think you get just how crazy I have been waitin’ to see you. Knowin’ that asshole had you for two hours, doing who knows what, who knows where... Jesus, Kadence, I can’t even comprehend the heaviness in my heart right now.”

“Well then, I’m glad he’s dead. You wouldn’t be any good to me if you were in jail,” she states, staring back at me. Even in a hospital bed, the woman wants to argue with me, test me. I hold her gaze, our eyes locked in a stare off, but she breaks it, looking over at her mom.

“You didn’t have to come, guys.”

“Like hell we didn’t,” her dad barks out beside her mom. I smile. I’m begi

“Of course we did, Kadence. Your father was racing to the car before I even hung up the call from the hospital. Can we get you anything while we’re here?” She begins fussing over her. My heart aches watching it, remembering my mom being the same.

“I’m good, Mom, but you should get some rest. It's the middle of the night.”