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He laughs out loud, his eyes flashing with a

Knowing I’m not going to get anywhere with this infuriating man, I straighten out my hand to shake his, ready to be out of his presence. My behavior is irrational I know. I’ve gone from feeling a spark to wanting to slap him for arguing with me.

“My decision is final, Mr. Knight. The boys will start their detention tomorrow. I hope I don’t have to take this further next time,” I say, hoping I don’t have to see him again. Something about him gets me riled up. Sure he’s hot, but his arrogant attitude is starting to a

“Well, Mrs. —”

“Miss,” I snap at him this time and wince at my tone.

“Yes, of course.” He smiles, like he wanted to hear it again. I try to pull my hand back but he tightens, pulling me forward, my free hand going to my desk as his thumb strokes the inside of my palm. The intimate move is not lost on me. Oh, God, I’m bipolar, now I want to keep my hand here.

“Thank you for your time, Miss Turner.” He leans in close, the warmth of his breath just skimming the side of my ear before he lets go and moves back. I steady myself, unbalanced by the loss. What the hell was that?

Reaching out, he clicks his fingers to get Zayden’s attention. “Come on, Z,” he says, waiting for him to stand. He then follows him out the door without a backward glance.

Following Mr. Knight’s lead, Mr. Hill stands, his expression now somber. For a moment I forgot he was still here, lost in the impulse that was that man.

“Thank you for your time, Miss Turner. I’ll have a word with Tommy about what he thinks he heard.” He nods, not giving me his eyes. At least he has the good sense to look embarrassed.

Grabbing Tommy’s bag, he wishes me a good evening and then turns and leaves, Tommy following close behind.

Falling back into my chair, I let out a shaky breath, glad that it’s over. I can’t believe I let Zayden’s dad get to me like that. No man has ever instilled lust and anger just by looking at me. His presence screams confidence and testosterone, right down to the way he ran his eyes over me. I know he probably acts like that toward all women, yet the thought that he felt it too excites me.

It takes me a few minutes to calm my breathing and stop all lustful thoughts of Mr. Knight before I can even begin to pack up and gather my belongings. Shutting down the lights for the day, I lock up the room and walk down the hall to the teachers’ lounge. I’m stopped in my tracks when I look up ahead. Standing by the lockers, I observe Mr. Knight kneeling in front of Z. His hand outstretched, around his neck, their heads leaning into each other, talking quietly. Zayden nods and smiles before his dad leans in further and kisses the top of his hair. The sight of this man being fatherly stirs something in me, more than his touch did. He exudes this type of power over people with his presence, but watching him talk with his son makes him vulnerable. I have no right thinking of him like that. The man is off limits, not to mention a walking smartass, but standing there at a distance, I can see how much he loves his son. The affection in his eyes leaves me with a sense of longing. I want that.

Shaking off the thought I turn into the teachers’ lounge, impatient to get home to a glass of wine, thus cutting all thoughts of one Mr. Knight, aka arrogant ass, aka sexy hot biker.

Chapter Two


Pulling up to the town square, I cut the roar of my engine and wait for the rest of the boys to pull up. The yearly fair in Rushford is in full swing and I’m regretting signing us up to hold a stall. Brooks’ old lady, Kelly, is on the town’s organizing committee and suggested we get more involved in the community. I don’t know how much more involved we can be; the club’s by-laws allow us to do a few charity runs a year that we already use to give back to the town. This new idea they’ve come up with should pull in enough dough to help pay for the new town library opening in a few weeks.

Beau, the club’s VP, pulls up beside me, shutting down his bike. The women organizing this gig stand around checking us out. It always happens at these types of events, something about the leather and bikes have the women falling over themselves to get a ride.

Beau already has eyes for a pretty blonde standing to the right and I don’t doubt he’ll have her in his bed tonight. He always has women crawling all over him, carrying on about how much they love his long hair. Fucked if I know what they see in it, but who the hell knows when it comes to women. As President of Knights Rebels, my title alone has most of the women fighting with each other to get me off. I tend to stay away from easy. Easy pussy is just that. Easy. I love the chase. My thoughts go straight to last week when Z’s teacher had my cock twitching; now that woman ain’t like the ones lining up today.

Just thinking about her has the blood rushing to my cock. That smart little mouth on her, the way she stood up to me had me itching to hike up that pencil skirt she was wearing and bend her over the desk, bury myself deep in her and make her call out my name as I smacked her pert ass. Fuck, I’ve got to stop thinking about her.

Since I left the school, I haven’t been able to get her off my mind. Her long, dark hair pulled away from her face just begged me to tug on it and take her mouth. Her legs were surprisingly long for someone so short and those fuck-me shoes she wore, don’t even get me started. I had no idea that Z’s teacher was sexy as fuck. Even her fiery temper had me squirming in the small fucking chair I sat in. There’s nothing better than a woman who can give just as good as she gets, and pushing her last week proved she’s that type of woman. The fire in her eyes, the way she had held her own, my cock was practically begging me to fuck her. I know I shouldn’t have pushed her. Hell, I agreed with her to some point. Z's behavior lately is concerning me, but sitting in that room, with the little fucker and his dad throwing off his attitude just pissed me off. The MC has been through a lot the last few years getting the club clean, and while the majority of the town respect what we’ve accomplished, there are still a few who think we’re no better than the men who started the club.

Miss Turner was different. I saw a flash of something in her eyes when I caught her watching me come in but she hid it as soon as I started to push. I know thinking of her is a waste of my time; sweet pussy like hers doesn’t go for a man like me, and while I like a game of cat and mouse, a woman like her? That’s one game I’ll never win.

Getting off my bike, I watch as the rest of the Knights Rebels pull in next to us, backing their Harleys in a perfect straight line. Our club has been ru

For me growing up in the clubhouse, the brothers were more like fathers, everyone looking out for each other as their own. Over the years, my pops lost his way and the club’s beliefs changed. Power and greed became the driving force behind them turning outlaw.

These days, the club runs in a different direction, trying to keep our noses clean. Sometimes we find ourselves cleaning up other people’s messes, but the day-to-day ru