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“Yo,” I say, signaling Hunter for another drink.

“Prez” Sy’s voice rings down the phone.

“What’s up?”

“You might wa

Shaking my head at his jab, I put my phone in my back pocket. The boys have been giving me shit all week about my bad mood. Those fuckers have got no idea. After taking a sip of my new beer, I walk out to my bike, ready to come face to face with a teacher who's been on my mind for the last few weeks. I know this is a sign I need to prove that the woman is meant to be in my life. I’m hoping the lesson I taught her last week has gotten through, and she’s willing to give us a go. ‘Cause there is no fuckin’ way I’m taking no for an answer this time.

Chapter Eleven


“I can’t believe I’m about to do this,” I breathe out. A swarm of butterflies fill my stomach at the anticipation of it.

“Have you picked yet?” Holly comes up beside me, leaning over and looking into the glass cabinet.

“Yeah, I’m going to go with a plain gold one,” I say, pointing to the eighteen-karat-gold belly ring I’m about to have pierced through my skin.

“Great,” the scary-looking guy who's standing in front of me mutters in a not too impressed voice. His dark hair is shaved short, and what I can see of his body is covered in tattoos. He looks familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve met him before.

“Geez, what a ball of fucking sunshine,” Holly snaps, leaning into my ear.

“Shhh,” I tell her, hoping scary-tattoo guy didn’t hear. Too late, the scowl he has been rocking deepens, if that’s even possible. She’s right. I have to wonder who stole his candy? Holly just shrugs and I roll my eyes at the crazy bitch. She started giving him lip the moment we walked through the doors.

Don’t ask me how I ended up here. We began the day at the mall. Holly found me the hottest outfit, then ten more that I didn’t need, and let's not forget the couple of pairs of shoes. Shopping with that woman is an art, and one I still can’t perfect.

We spent the rest of the afternoon getting pampered. Holly and I fought over my hair. She thought it would be a great idea for something short and funky. I flat out refused, only allowing a few low lights and a slight trim. I decided I love my dark locks, and no one will ever convince me on the big chop. I was ready to collapse by the end of the day, but I couldn’t let Holly down. When we finished di

Halfway through the night I could have sworn I saw my ex-fiancé Zane hanging back in the corner near the bar, but I brushed it off as a coincidence. I wasn’t prepared to let my mind wander off to what I would say or how I would react if I came face to face with the asshole again.

As the night wore on, and the alcohol wore off, the more I began to think what if it was him? I contemplated why he would be back. He left town in a hurry after the fire. Zane never came to bed that night, leaving me alone in the house. The police found him sleeping off his hangover at his brother’s house. He wasn’t at all concerned about the fire destroying our home or even me in surgery. He told the police that we had a fight and that we were over.

I was destroyed.

By the time I was paid a visit by one of the members of the Warriors of Mayhem MC, letting me know that Zane owed them some serious money, he had cleaned out my bank account and left town. For a long time, I thought he would come back or eventually feel safe enough to get a message to me, but three years later, I’ve still not heard anything.

After a few or more cocktails, some dancing and continually brushing off guys who wouldn’t take the hint, I was restless to go home for the night. Convincing Holly was another story. She had met up with some guy she hadn’t seen for months and begged me to hang around with her for a little while longer. I finally persuaded her to leave, letting her know I was walking home with or without her. She agreed to come, not at all okay with me walking on my own. She exchanged numbers with the guy and left on a high. I, however, was sober and ready for bed.

Walking the several blocks to our home, we passed the front of Ink Me, one of the few tattoo and piercing shops in town. Holly got an ingenious idea to get a tattoo, and after looking in and seeing the hot tattoo artist, she decided it was the perfect time. Fortunately, the cranky tattoo artist denied her request, telling her she was too drunk to get the ink, so now she is sporting a new belly ring. How I ended up choosing a ring and agreeing to have it pushed through my skin, I’m still not sure.

Before the fire, back in my college days, I used to have my belly pierced, but with the surgeries and prolonged recovery, it closed over. I never thought at twenty-nine I would be re-piercing it but the idea that I can take back my body after letting it control who I’ve become has me wanting to reclaim that confidence.

My night with Nix reminded me about living in the moment. After the fire, hell, even before the fire with asshole Zane, I found myself lost, shying away from taking risks and letting go. Sure, I’m still quick to snap back and I can hold my own in a confrontation. I'm strong and resilient, but letting go, letting people in to see that hurt, has been the hardest.

Nix gave me permission to relax, made me feel alive again. Even if sleeping with him was a bad idea, I’m glad that I could open up to someone. It was pretty deep for one night with a guy, sure, but one night with Nix was more than just amazing sex. I was fooling myself thinking it wouldn’t mean anything. Seeing his response to my scar, I knew I was in trouble and now, after our moment on the desk, him calling me out on my indifference, I have no idea where my head is at.

I opened up to him more than anyone in the last three years. He didn’t judge me but made me feel adequate in my own scarred skin. No one has managed to push past my insecurities but him. No one else has looked at me, seen past the repulsive skin and instead of showing me pity, made me feel beautiful. I've tried to discount our one night together, but no matter how hard I fight it, he's inspired this awareness in me, something that I lost long ago and I can’t let that go.

The scary tattoo guy clears his throat, obviously pissed off he now has to deal with another girly request.

“I’ll take that one, thanks.” I smile up at him while pointing to the chosen ring. He gives me a form without a sound, and I move to the chair to fill it out. Holly hangs back and tries to engage with the man who isn’t big on small talk. He is a real ball of laughs, that's for sure, but something in his expression, the way his eyes follow Holly, taking her in and silently looking pissed off about it, makes me wonder if my crazy friend might be hitting a nerve.

Standing back up, I hand my form back over as the bell above the door signals another customer. Cranky tattoo guy nods his head and I casually look back at the person behind me.

“Where the fuck are the rest of your clothes?” Nix barks out behind me. My head gets lost in the question, my body grounded in his presence. I hear Holly giggle to the side but I don’t have a second to react before he inquires again, “Kadence, where the fuck are the rest of your clothes?” The greens of his eyes shine dangerously, letting me know he’s pissed.