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She nods briefly, barely giving me her attention, looking around the room before taking a seat.

“My husband will be here in a moment,” she states only to remind me of my mistake again. Oh, God, did she just say what I think she did? I try not to let the panic that’s building on the inside show at hearing her call him her husband. What if they’re not even divorced? How could I be so stupid? I can’t even think about that right now. I need to keep myself composed and ready to see him again. Shaking it off, so I don’t have a meltdown, I nod and walk back around my desk, wanting to have some space between myself and the soon-to-be-present Mr. Knight. I knew he was coming tonight. When I sent home a note for the meeting, Z returned it saying both his parents would be attending. I’ve had the whole day to process the situation and how I got myself into it. Asking myself over a thousand times why I would do such a foolish thing, for the life of me I can’t give myself a perfectly honest answer. Except that I wanted him. I still do. Shit.

The sound of his motorcycle boots on the vinyl floor again warns me of his presence, the tap on the door verifying he’s here

“Hey, baby,” Ms. Knight calls to him as he walks straight past her and sits down in front of my desk. He flat out ignores her and only has eyes for me. Bright green eyes, full of anger and questions. Oh, shit, he’s pissed that I left.

“Hello, Mr. Knight.” I smile at him like the professional I am.

I can do this; just don’t think about his head between your legs, Kadence.

His eyes narrow more and his tongue comes out to swipe his lower lip, reminding me how well he knows how to use it. Fuck, how am I not supposed to think about how many times that tongue made me come? I swallow past the uneasiness I feel having him in front of me.

“Miss Turner,” he drawls, and if I didn’t know he was angry, I would now with the way he speaks my name.

Steeling myself to talk, I focus my attention to Zayden’s mom. She’s oblivious of the tension between Nix and me, too busy looking at her phone. “Thank you both for seeing me tonight.” I smile, wishing it to be over with already. “I called you both here to discuss my concern regarding Z’s behavior.”

“Zayden.” Ms. Knight’s head snaps up, her voice lashing out like a pissed-off momma.

“Sorry?” I look at her confused, wondering why she just barked his name back at me.

“His name is Zayden, not Z,” she spits out. I didn’t even realize I called him Z. Most of the kids in class call him Z, and after spending the night with Nix, I can’t help but call him that.

“Don’t fuckin' start, Addison,” Nix speaks, his voice tightly controlled with anger. Still not looking her way, his eyes are firmly on me, silently claiming whatever it is he has to say. No doubt I’ll be hearing it soon.

“His name is Zayden, Nix. Only his family calls him Z,” she states, and I have to give it to her. She is a bitch, and I don’t say that lightly. Jesus Christ.

“No, that’s fine,” I reply, dismissing her drama. Nix’s brows furrow more, and for a brief moment, I think he must have a headache. No, forget it. You know he’s pissed at you, Kadence..

I’m not going to lie; our night together was intense, more than intense. It was fierce and passionate, and most alarming of all, it felt right. I’ve had lovers who I would say were great, but Nix? He consumed me and exceeded my expectations, and then ruined me.

After the first time, Nix made sure he looked after me repeatedly. We both cut the bullshit bickering. Even though that part of our attraction is fun, it was as if we had finally found a level ground. I finally started to relax and we opened up to each other more. Since my accident, I have always kept myself covered, especially when being intimate. The one other person I’ve been with since the accident never argued with my request to turn the lights out or keep my clothes on. Even alone in the safety of my own bed, I’ve kept myself shielded. Until Nix. I knew he would push the issue. I saw it in his eyes when I asked him to turn the light off. He’s not the type of man to back down. So instead of pushing him away and hiding myself, I sucked it up and exposed the one piece of myself I don't like people to see.

For one night, I allowed him to see my scarred body. I laid bare the ugliness that I keep hidden, the disfigured part of me that no matter what I say, no matter what I do, will always stare back at me, reminding me that I’ll never be the same woman I was.

Creeping my way out in the early hours of the morning was low; I’m not going to deny it, but the whole night was a whirlwind of contradictions. After our second round, I was becoming too comfortable in his home, laying naked in his bed. I knew I was in way over my head and Nix was showing no signs of brushing me off. We co

Remembering I’m sitting in front of the very person I tried to avoid, I force my mind to forget Nix and our night together, and focus on the reasons why we are here.

“Zayden’s —” I say, looking directly at Ms. Knight, making sure I use his full name. I watch her roll her eyes but I continue, “— recent behavior in class concerns me. This last week alone, I’ve had to pull him out of class every day for his rude behavior to not only the other students but also to me. He’s not concentrating. I’ve found it hard to engage with him and now he’s just completely withdrawn. In the span of few weeks, I’ve seen him go from easygoing to downright angry.” I take a breath hoping I don’t mess this up. I’m trying to keep it together, but the way Nix keeps looking at me, I'm about to fall into a mess on the floor.

Nix’s gaze softens. He nods his head, agreeing with my assessment, while Z’s mom just stares straight at me, no emotion to the facts of what I’m telling them. “I’m not sure if something has happened that you know of, something that could be making him lash out, or if it’s something in the playground or the classroom, but I’m concerned. I have tried to talk with him, pulled him aside to see if I could help, but I don’t feel like I’m getting through. At this stage, I would suggest the school counselor, someone neutral he can speak with, without any judgment. I can schedule that for him but I thought it was best to bring it to your attention first, offer you a chance to see if you want to address the issue yourselves,” I say, treading carefully. I’d hate to think that something at home could be causing it, but nine times out of ten, these sorts of things are.

“Well, I can assure you it’s nothing at home. Isn’t that right, babe?” Addison looks over at Nix.

“Jesus, woman, will you cut the fuckin’ act?” Nix bellows out. I’m startled for a moment. The intensity of his voice after being so quiet echoes in the empty classroom. His fist comes down on the desk in front of him, frightening me at the loud bang.

“Addi.” He turns to face her, his large frame in a smaller chair looking every bit uncomfortable. His nickname for her does something to me that I have no idea how to process. “You and I both know something is going on with Z. I told you last week to talk to him. You failed to do it. Now, for once in his goddamn life, will you be the fucking mother I know you can be.” He runs his hands over his face in frustration.

“Nix, he is fine,” she responds, shaking her head like this whole thing is a waste of her time. “This is ridiculous. You know our son; it’s just hormones. Let him be a boy.”

I suddenly feel like I shouldn't be in this conversation. For one, I do not agree with her. Yes, Z is a boy, probably about to hit puberty, but he has gone from top of my class to detention every day; something is not adding up.