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“Bed,” she pants, sounding just as crazy as I feel.

Pulling back, I drag her the rest of the way up to my bedroom, our bodies fumbling in the frantic need to get to the top. Flicking the light on, I walk her backwards into the room, stopping when her legs meet the side of my California King. I push her back in one fast movement and watch her fall as I pull my shirt up over my head. She comes up onto her elbows; her long hair hangs behind her. Her pert tits, still exposed from the top of her shirt, make my dick throb harder. Fuck, I need to see her. I follow her eyes as they scan over my chest, then my arms as she takes in the ink.

“Like what you see?” I smirk, knowing she does. I sure as fuck like what I’m seeing.

“You look okay.” She smiles and I know she’s playing, but the i

“Can you get the light?” she requests as I continue to get my fill of her on my bed.

“What?” I look down, admiring her laying there, her lips swollen from my kiss, her glazed eyes filled with appreciation. It’s a sight I plan to burn into my memory and call on constantly.

“The light, can you get it?” she repeats, now looking unsure.

Planting my knee to the bed, I move up, my body covering hers. “Woman, if I’m getting a taste of this,” I run my finger between her tits, down her stomach and between her legs, “I wa

“Take this off.” I show her what I want, ru

I pull back waiting for her to tell me she changed her mind or that I’ve blown it. Instead, she sits up and reaches down to grab the hem of her shirt. Lifting it above her head, she tosses it to the side. Following her movements, I watch her release her pert tits from her bra, exposing her sweetly curved mounds. My hands find them immediately, the creamy flesh fitting just right in my hold. Capturing a rose-tipped nipple with my finger and thumb, I look back up at her. “Lose the pants, Kadence.”

She pushes me back. My hold is lost as she stands in front of me. Our positions switched, I sit back and get ready for the show. Her movements are slow; her body turned slightly as I watch her pull them straight down her legs leaving her panties in place. Turning somewhat back to me, she cocks her eyebrow, waiting for me to get my fill.

“Jesus.” I hold back a sigh. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight. I knew she was beautiful, but standing there in front of me? Fuck. Her soft porcelain skin shines against the glow of the ceiling light and her long, dark hair hangs over her breasts. There’s this air of i

Her black lace panties hold all of my attention, the lace showing a little of the milky skin underneath. I’m anxious to see what’s under there, to taste her on my tongue.

“Come here,” I demand, ready for more. She turns her body face on, and then takes one slow step to me, my eyes fixed on hers. Taking another step toward me, I reach forward, putting my hands to her waist, ready to pull her the rest of the way when I feel something under my fingers.

Moving my hand away, I take a closer look. She stops frozen as I run my eyes over the damaged skin. “Turn.” My tone surprises me, the demand not meant to come out harsh as my eyes follow the path of the nasty scar. She does as she’s told, turning to her side without argument, revealing her marred left side. Her flawless porcelain skin is scarred red and raw from the side of her waist to the high thigh. “Kadence?” My eyes search hers, waiting for an answer to my unasked question. I now know that Jesse was talking about this.

Looking back down, I can’t take my gaze away from the angry, rigid skin. Her waist bears the worst. She pulls her leg away, turning her body to hide herself from me. My eyes look up and lock onto hers again not sure how to proceed. Pain, anger and determination stare back at me, waiting for my reaction. I feel tightness pull in my stomach as I look at her standing there vulnerable, but I don’t react. The recognition that she survived something violent bothers me; I want to protect her from whatever nightmare she lived.

“What happened?” I ask, keeping my voice leveled so she doesn’t pull back.

“I was in a fire,” she answers with no emotion, no explanation. Her hands go to cover herself, but I reach forward to stop her. I want her to tell me every fucking detail, how it happened, why it happened, but I know she wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to share, the look in her eyes telling me it’s a no-go zone.

I stand, let her hands go, and move into her space. Leaning down, I kiss her soft lips, letting her know she doesn't have to talk about it with me. She stands rigid, our brief moment still hanging between us. We’re both quiet for a moment, staring back at each other. Unasked questions stir between us, both of us fighting our own battles. My hand goes to her heat, impatient to continue past the strange feelings flowing through me. Moving the lace material aside, I slide a finger down her bare center, and find her wet and hot.

She closes her eyes, becoming lost in the feeling. When she reopens them, desire replaces her apprehension. Lust replaces the anger. Spreading her open, I insert one finger into her tightness and lose myself in her snug heat. I pull out slowly, and then enter her again with a second finger.

“I can’t wait to taste this sweet pussy, Kadence,” I tease her. Her breathing labors as I work her over. Her hips come forward, rolling in a desperate effort seeking pleasure.

“Get on the bed,” I order, removing my fingers and stepping back. Mumbling her a

“Quit teasing me,” she breathes out. I ignore her request even though the sound of her bossy, sexed-up voice goes straight to my cock. Instead, I run my tongue along all the places that won’t take her over the edge, teasing and savoring her taste. If I only have one night, I’m go

“Hands above your head,” I demand. As much as I would love to watch her play with herself, I just don’t think I’ll be able to keep myself in check right now.

“Fuck off, Nix. Just give me your mouth,” she spits out, her impatience coming through. I have to admit, I’m begi

“Kadence, I’m not going to tell you again, put your fuckin’ hands over your head, or you ain’t getting my tongue.” She huffs out her frustration as I blow my warm breath to her center.

“Fucking asshole,” she hisses between clenched teeth, but I only smile at her frustration. She’s just where I want her.